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He has already described himself as a historian and an artist. But he is much more than that: we could say that he is the « David Hendin » of Numisforums, a specialist in Biblical and Judaean coins, a very talented graphic designer, a collector recognized for his exquisite taste, but above all a person with a beautiful soul. He answered our questions by creating for us a new series of jaw-dropping posters… let’s talk with our friend LONGINUS !











Many thanks Ray for so much generosity in your new creations. What a magnificent collection you have built over the years, and we will have a lot of fun admiring all the details. Please members, feel free to share your comments about this biography.


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Give a rhinoceros a pencil and ask it to create a Matisse print. That's the best way to describe my talent for graphics and design. I therefore always admire Longinu's collages with envy, respect and admiration. 
I am always happy to see his latest collages - even if they painfully remind me that I would love to create something as beautiful as this myself. But well - everyone has different talents.
On that note - thank you for this interview and I look forward to more posts, collages and threads from Longinus - they are simply beautiful to look at.

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Another outstanding & inspirational interview with Ocat. & Deacon Ray 🤩! I never would have guessed the first occupation of D. Ray, but I'm not surprised with the exquisite artwork he posted after seeing his many threads posted on this website & the CoinTalk website. His talented artwork is still prevalent in the numismatic threads that he posts 😉. I'm also impressed with the size of his collection & the variety of his collecting themes. Thanks for another great interview ☺️.

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1 hour ago, Ryro said:

Thanks for letting us get to know you better @LONGINUS. I have enjoyed your posts for years now and love your collecting focus areas as much as your artistic flair!

What software do you use to create your coin posters and designs?

Many thanks @Ryro

I’m using the Adobe Suite of software which includes Illustrator, PhotoShop, and InDesign. A few of the early science illustrations were done using Freehand which has since been discontinued. Most of my coin poster work is done in InDesign. I’ve recently started to experiment with A.I. Images by taking them into PhotoShop to modify them.



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18 minutes ago, kirispupis said:

Another great interview. I've always admired your posters and virtual trays @LONGINUS. Do you create them manually or is it automated?

I’m working on a Macintosh computer and using Adobe graphics and illustration software.

Thank you also, @kirispupis for your inspiring coin posts!


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Thanks to all responding to this thread. Your encouraging comments and reactions always motivate me and fuel my creative drive.


Thank you, @Ocatarinetabellatchitchix for including me in your excellent “Interview with a Member” series. Your work putting these posts together is no small task and is greatly appreciated.


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Thanks for the series @Ocatarinetabellatchitchix, and @LONGINUS for the bio and wonderfully framed/presented coins!  A pleasure to know a little better another of the very talented & diverse participants in this forum!



Judaea, Antonius Felix, Procurator, 52-59 CE, Æ Prutah in the names of Nero Claudius Caesar and Britannicus Caesar, Jerusalem mint, Dated RY 14? of Claudius (54 CE?).

Obv: ΝΕΡΩ – ΚΛΑAR ΚΑΙ–CΑΡ, two crossed shields over two crossed spears]

Rev: BPIT / K-AI, palm tree with hanging fruit, across field date [L - IΔ ]

Ref: Hendin 6377; RPC I 4971


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Thought I'd add two coins you might appreciate. 🙂


Indo-Skythians, Vonones
c. 85-60 BCE
AR Tetradrachm 25.5mm 9.58g 12h
Avers: Le roi à cheval passant à droite, tenant une lance dans sa main BASILEWS BASILEWN MEGALOU// ONWNOU (Roi des Rois très grand Vonones).
Revers: LÉGENDE KHAROSHTHI  Zeus nicéphore drapé debout à gauche, la tête de face, tenant un foudre de la main droite et un sceptre transversal de la main gauche, un monogramme de à droite. (Au frère du Roi, Spalahores le Juste).
Morgan- - HGCS. 12/609 (R2)



Aristoboulos, with Salome
Kings of Armenia. Aristoboulos
54-92 CE
Æ 21 mm, 5,38 g

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