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El Cazador

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  1. Appropriate grading of 1 for smoothed coin. I never buy bronze out of slabs, extremely risky move and article emphasized just that
  2. We appreciate your feedback, but it has 0 use or application here… self-promotion or display of coins for sale shouldn’t be allowed on discussion boards… generalizing feedback accusations of trolling and some other rubbish, just because you don’t agree with our comments and views shouldn’t be allowed here.
  3. Why don’t u post your bronze sestertii / ae/dupondii here and we can judge?
  4. Good point, but as Donna indicated most sellers/ auction houses avoid indicating issues with coins, unless, of course, you are top 5 AHs… We can conduct an experiment here, try listing 10 random unslabbed good quality AE or Dupondii, Sestertii at least xf or better quality, how many of these you think will be smoothed?
  5. Please refer to coin archives Donna to support your statement, and yes, i was referring to Sester, Dup, Ae of 1-3 centuries
  6. Wow, amazing presentation, so detailed and very informative! Absolutely love it, learned a ton - thank you!
  7. The statement was actually true, vast majority are smoothed and tooled
  8. Nice set, my absolute favorite is the second from the bottom in the middle, solid quality
  9. Love the shots!
  10. Looking forward to seeing them, thank you!
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