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  1. For me 11/20… been told the average mark are 12/20 until now…😪
  2. A bronze coin usually weight about 9 gm/cc. So if the coin is 30mm, you calculate 6gm per millimeter thickness. Or 32mm = 7g per millimeter thickness…34mm = 8gm per thickness…
  3. Very hard test but fun. Answers sent !
  4. I bought from Svetolik store in the past many times, always good dealing with him.!
  5. And what about my auction reward ??? I did SILVER member there !
  6. As a accountant myself, i can say the numbers were profitable for the company in 2022, and many shares transactions during 2023. True also many nice staff members sadly leaving the boat, for what reason can not know.
  7. TY for giving interview, very impressive collection, a lot of fun looking at on tantalus 🤩
  8. What a loss for the numisforums. May he RIP😔
  9. I try to access site of Spinks for a week now with no result…
  10. Just want remember you it is a forum of DISCUSSION here. Meaning not everyone share always same opinion. If you dont want to be contredict, maybe become monk and go in monastery!😁
  11. And thank you for insulting a member here , calling his purchase a « piece of junk ». Just hoping for you simon w is not simon wieland. Respect
  12. My point is: maybe muller did not know the link with denarius, but he know what a tooled coin is for sure. He had coin in hand for years maybe. Please don’t be too fast to judge, let’s wait for other expert opinion. I know you flavian expert, but remember your Vespasiano Reusing Sestertio; even c.clay thought it was genuine.
  13. I think George muller left spink in 82, but anyway if him was the owner of the coin, I would put fee bucks the coin is legit !
  14. I’d say our Richard Corben !
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