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One year old and 500 members, just wanna congratulate and thank you Luke for a fantastic achievement in creating this brand new place for coins’ lovers.

PLEASE TELL US WHAT YOU LIKE ABOUT THIS PLACE. For myself, many generous collectors sharing their treasure, a lot of respect…and no trolls accepted here !

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I am grateful for the existence of this venue, and proud to be a member.  I appreciate the erudition and expertise displayed by the members, and I am grateful for the warm atmosphere, the irenic tone of discussion, and the generous sharing of knowledge which occurs daily.  From both random posts, and in response to particular questions, I have gained information which I would not have otherwise.  Plus, I have enjoyed viewing everyone’s curious and beautiful coins.   Multos annos! 

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I remember joining this website on May 29, 2022 shortly after it began & was hoping it would be successful & rewarding, I wasn't disappointed 😊. Accolades to Luke for maintaining this website on a professional level & keeping it growing 👏. Positive input from it's members is the key to keeping this website growing.

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Being a relatively early member, I have seen this forum grow from a fledgling site to one that only gets better with time.  I particularly like the clean, easy to navigate format. 

Another feature that I like, which might seem quite minor to some, is the forum's flexibility to allow longer file descriptions.  Because of my peculiar approach to creating photo files, I include a fair amount of information on a coin, not encyclopedic, but enough basic information that allows me to add it to the post.  This saves a lot of time that would otherwise be devoted to cross referencing  to files on my computer or elsewhere online.  

Finally, it is wonderful to have a forum that has so many knowledgeable, friendly and enthusiastic members ranging from newcomers to old time geezers like me. I strongly believe in the sharing of information and finding that common binding thread of interest, even passion, that runs through our hobby.  Long may it continue.  

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Happy Birthday Everyone!

This site has become a great place for ancient coin collectors filled with many amazing people. It has been an honor watching this forum grow into what it is today. I'm looking forward to many more years here.



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My anniversary is next week.  Not just by comparison, this forum is distinguished by its tolerance and civility, while maintaining a high degree of numismatic rigor.  The goals here seems to be sharing knowledge and having fun.  What a recipe for success.  I am grateful to visit here daily.  Thanks NumisForum.  

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Yes Happy Birthday and thank you @Restitutor I was amazed to see that I had joined last May. The time has flown and it has been a great experience. I still dabble in the "other place"  to keep in touch with other members but it has no comparison in respect of the friendliness and assistance on this site. I left the other site for several months because I did not want to get involved with some puerile comments that had been made about a post of mine. I'm too old to get engaged in stupid banter. Great site and a true joy to participate in.

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Happy Birthday Numis Forums!!! 


Thinking back on the last year I’m so amazed and grateful for how far we’ve come. We started out as a Discord chat where discussions with some of the original members @DonnaML @JeandAcre @Phil Davis @Roman Collector @Ryro @Severus Alexander @voulgaroktonou over whether to launch a new site began. For everyone getting their 1 year account anniversary notifications thru May 31, you’ll remember when we were just a 30 day free trial site, launched on May 22, with a URL consisting of random letters and numbers. We weren’t anywhere on the web (publicly), and could only grow by existing members sending the link to people who wanted to join. 100% word of mouth!! The first 10 days, all I could think about from dawn till dusk (and honestly even in my sleep) was our little site. Every new member, every post, every like, filled me with joy and hope that our site could be a real forum. We had so much success in just those 10 days that we pulled the trigger on becoming a “real” website and became Numis Forums on June 1! 🥳🥳🥳

If y’all would indulge me for a moment… For those of you versed in US history, you’ll know that the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 2, and publicly announced on July 4. Founding Father John Adams was of the belief that July 2 would be celebrated as our nations birthday, but unfortunately for him we went with the 4th! Here at Numis Forums though, I think John Adams would be very happy to see May 22 celebrated as the sites birthday. While we publicly became Numis Forums on June 1, I like to now think of May 22 as our “declaration” birthday. Having these two birthdays also means a week+ long of celebrations, which works out pretty nicely if you ask me 🙂 

I can never say enough how grateful and thankful I am to everyone here. You all have built this forum into something great, and I’m honored to be a part of it!

Looking forward to all the years to come 😃



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A million denarii thanks for your efforts Res! The need for a new, apolitical forum was truly pressing and I had high hopes that we could become that in time, but I never dreamed that numisforums could blossom in our first year into what we are now--without doubt the preeminent discussion site for ancient numismatics. All the members can take a well deserved bow while patting each other on the back (ouch!), but you most of all. A week long celebration sounds about right. I trust you'll send notification when it's time to renew financial support.

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Happy Birthday to Numisforums and all its members, with thanks and kudos to @Restitutor for accepting the CT moderator's dare, in substance, to "go start your own site if you don't like it here"! I was always optimistic given the knowledge level and intelligence of the people who migrated here at the outset, but never imagined that it would be this much of a success. As others have stated, the general quality of the posts is at least as high as it used to be at the other place, without any of the politics or gratuitous unpleasantness that kept cropping up over there, mostly (but not entirely) from people who didn't even collect ancient or world coins. As others have said, the friendliness, helpfulness, and level of respect are outstanding here. And speaking more personally, not one person here has made fun of me for my lengthy descriptions of Roman Republican coins, or for being a New Yorker or being Jewish or the fact that I used to be a lawyer, or tried to patronize or dismiss me by calling me "dear" or "sweetheart" when they disagree with me -- as happened not long ago on the Facebook ancient coins group. Talking about coins should be fun, not a stressful experience, and that's what it's been here.

So, many happy returns to Numisforums. May it live to be 120!

Edited by DonnaML
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Happy birthday NumisForums!

Though I wasn't involved in the initial drama which gave rise to this place, I think I can safely say that it has become my #1 discussion website for Ancient Coin collecting! I am proud and thankful to be a member. The level of knowledge and expertise freely shared here is far above my head, and it humbles me all the more when members go out of their way to help me out and answer questions.

Luke gave us a wonderful platform, but it's the members who make it the welcoming, patient, and extremely informative place it's become! So, thanks to @Restitutor and @Everyone for a great past year! I can't wait to see what the next will bring.

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I just got a one year in badge and thought. Wow! That went fast, I am so glad I was invited here. I learned so much from you all and this place is truly awesome. Such a nice helpful bunch and all have been polite and patient with me. Thank you and  . . . .



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It seems I'm late to everything. I'm late to this thread, just as I was late to join this forum after its rather thunderous beginnings. I logged into CT one day, approximately a year ago, to find the smoldering aftermath of some great conflagration. It felt like the forum equivalent of a bomb going off. The smoke was still clearing and I had to scavenge among the ruins to find my way here. I don't remember whether I found the link or if someone sent it to me in a PM. Regardless, I'm glad that I did find my way here. Though I do admittedly miss the "old days" of CT (or at least the non-contentious times), this forum has done an amazing job of maintaining its composure and style while retaining the great knowledge and community of the old ancient forum at CT. A year later, I now feel that, in many ways, it even surpasses it. My collecting pursuits have also turned more towards ancients, so this forum now aligns better with my interests. I come here often and I plan to keep doing so. It has been a great year.

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