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  1. I'm sorry but I felt like I had a stroke reading your post. In any case, as a wise man once said, "The Holy Roman Empire was neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire," so I will have to disagree with your post lol
  2. Alas poor Yorick, I knew him well...
  3. How about looking away from each other lol
  4. Sheesh, that is something else! It's horrible that you didn't get your money back. Although online sales have gotten better over the years, it's still rife for fraud and theft, unfortunately. I am one of the lucky ones...
  5. Apparently Gordian did mint something called the "reduced dupondius," which might look similar. Howver, it's possible that this is heavily patinated as others have stated. Here is one with one side extremely bright silver with the other side entirely dull: Another option is this was plated or silvered and it simply wore off, similar to this Claudius example where the process was in progress:
  6. I am shocked right now. I went through the appeal process and amazingly, it was decided in my favor. I’m dumbstruck because eBay almost NEVER sides with the seller.
  7. This has happened a few times before and it's ALWAYS for low-value items. Somehow nobody claims non-receipt of multi-hundred dollar items but once things are in the $25-and-under realm it appears its free reign for theft. It's quite annoying and frustrating because I feel like a shopkeeper watching someone walk out of the store with stolen goods with nothing I can do about it!
  8. This is a fun one. Sold a provincial Philip II for $24, a good price for the coin. Buyer claims they did not receive it. I said sorry, tracking shows it was delivered. Buyer says no, I didn't get it. Further he then says that I relisted the same coin again and sends me a link to a DIFFERENT coin. I said no, that's NOT the same coin, it's clearly different. Buyer accuses me of fraud. I said tracking shows it's there, if it was in your mailbox and now is not, then contact postal authorities to report a theft. Radio silence for a few days and then buyer appeals to eBay, who naturally sides with them. Buyer gets a free coin.
  9. Youd be surprised how unintelligent the average person is...
  10. I have a canopic jar but can't find the picture! Here's another very Egyptian motif.
  11. This Leo I is pretty roached for but a buck I can't really complain. I do buy rough big coins as well. I probably shoudnt, though. This Valerian isn't great but I kinda like it.
  12. Lefties are definitely more scarce! Here's mine. I wish I had a Hercules but alas, I do not.
  13. Nice coin, OP! The details on the reverse are astounding to say the least. Here's my favorite. The obverse is extremely naturalistic and gives her a ton of character. The reverse is a lot more stylized with a rather dumpy figure; the retrograde Q is pretty neat too.
  14. Here's a big fat 34mm wolf twins. Hate the condition on this but it is big and impressive in hand!
  15. I can only hope that the fully silvered vrbs can sell for more then the $10 I paid for it lol
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