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  1. Leu is the only auction house I engage with where my default MO is to approach auctions like shill bidding occurs. With that said, whenever I start feeling that way, I’ll win a coin significantly below my max bid and am left scratching my head. I do believe more transparency around bidder IDs would help. CNG gives you a paddle # so it’s easy to see who is winning each lot. But then I ask myself: if I knew that all lots where I thought shill bidding occurred were won by the same paddle, what does that prove? I just wonder if Leu attracts a certain clientele with deeper pockets and so the feeling of shill bidding occurring is the natural outcome. Unless hammered coins show up re-listed in subsequent auctions, I don’t see how shill bidding could be proven outright. Even if the person bidding you up was the same for each coin, you yourself are also bidding on all those coins, so maybe it’s just your doppelgänger? 🙂 So, all this head scratching does is guarantee that I’ll never place a bid in a Leu auction with more than 10-15 seconds left on the timer. That’s the best safety precaution I can think of. And it’s worked out pretty well; about half of my collection is from Leu at this point and nearly all of them I’d say I won for a fair price.
  2. @Roman Collector We are all highly indebted to you for your exceptional expertise and knowledge of these coins! Faustina Friday's have become a staple of my weekly reading and if even 1/10th of the knowledge stuck, I know I'm the better for it! Just tossing this out as an idea, but given the number of new members we have had over the years, resurrecting your original threads as new threads on this site would be an idea I'm sure many of us (myself included) would support 🙂
  3. Will update auction run time when available.
  4. Will update auction run time when available.
  5. Thanks for the reminder, and agreed! Will get their calendar added here.
  6. I'm shocked they are already attempting to monetize this when the returns are so bad. A mass public beta test is the smartest thing for them to do and only start charging once the returns are significantly more accurate. A 3 day free trial seems incredibly short-sighted but I guess time will tell. Also interested in where they are getting their data from. Did they purchase these images outright? I tried to get some auction results data from a few key houses for my own personal use, and got ghosted by all of them! Curious how he's able to sell this information.
  7. Hi Everyone, I've decided to go ahead and add auctions to the Numis Forums calendar to help us all keep track of what's coming up, and have added a widget on the main page to show 5 upcoming auctions at-a-glance. I've added and will continue to add little tidbits of what I think are helpful bits of information for each auction. To access the full auction line-up simply select Calendar from the header area of the forum (circled below): I've started with the auction houses that I believe get the most traffic from members here, but please let me know if you'd like to see any additional houses added and I'll see what I can do! -Res
  8. Auction ends at the specified time, it is not followed by live bidding.
  9. until
    Leu Numismatik Auction 16
  10. until
    Lots begin closing at the specified auction start time. Snipe bidding is possible in this auction, as individual lot times do not reset if a bid is placed in the last few seconds of the countdown.
  11. until
    Lots begin closing at the specified auction start time. Snipe bidding is possible in this auction, as individual lot times do not reset if a bid is placed in the last few seconds of the countdown.
  12. until
    This auction is held live, with pre-bidding ending at the specified auction start time.
  13. until
    Lots begin closing at the specified auction start time. Snipe bidding is not possible in this auction, as each lot countdown replenishes 3 seconds each time a bid is placed with 1-5 seconds remaining. Subsequent lots can close even if a preceding lot is still being bid on due to this timer reset feature.
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