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Phil Davis

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About Phil Davis

  • Birthday April 11

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  1. I'll just echo what Joe said. I'm also not going to discuss it out of school, but the intention is not what's been suggested.
  2. This is brilliant work, which absolutely deserves submission to the ANS journal or the NC. Thank you!
  3. I also have zero problem with Prieure showcasing an attractive and genuinely rare coin. I'd ask those objecting to this post to point out how NF is in any way harmed by it.
  4. You have to apply for membership and be approved by a moderator. It's a straightforward process, but it won't be instantaneous.
  5. Ebsen's ancient coins were sold by Superior a few days later, June 7, 1987.
  6. My newest puppy, Crawford 219/1b. Surely among the finest known of a legitimately scarce variety with the dog walking downwards.
  7. Great catch Aidan! It never seemed particularly likely that my coin is the only survivor of that die. I've always had my eyes open for another example, but I've been too lazy to really look for a worn example.
  8. This thread gives me a good excuse to post one of my favorite coins in my collection. As far as I'm aware, this is the only surviving example of the only instance of the depiction of an earlier Republican coin used as a control mark for a later type. The Janus head of an as is unmistakable; the reverse prow is there too, if you squint just right. DeRuyter doesn't know this control, at least not as such; he does list a "two shield" control, which may well be this mark, misunderstood from a worn example. Since his study lacks comprehensive plates, we can't really know that for sure.
  9. I suppose I have a few dozen second chance wins, so instead I'll show something I've been the underbidder on at least twice. Someday the tide will turn! It had better, because otherwise this type will never be in my collection. I can't settle for anything else, knowing this coin exists...
  10. Thanks for the shout-out Joe. I remember that episode very clearly; it's perfect that the Rhegium also found its way to you in the fullness of time. Sometimes we can indeed have our cake and eat it too.
  11. I was told some years ago, by a dealer who had it directly from Hubert Lanz himself, that he (Lanz) had very little to do with the Ebay operation beyond lending it his name (and of course, reaping the lion's share of the profits.) This was long enough ago that Lanz still had a reputation to protect. I never tried to verify that, and it's plenty bad enough of course, if it's even true, and in any case, the truly ugly Bowlin/IAPN episode is all Hubert.
  12. For the record, it's Bowlin, no g at the end.
  13. Very good people. You can bid with absolute confidence in their integrity. Prices are generally solid but not record breaking, but that's going to vary a lot from sale to sale. Shipping from any of the Spanish dealers is slow, because of the need to obtain export permits. At least that's true for ancients; I'm not sure if the same rules apply to more modern coins.
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