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Emperors of Rome - A (Chronological) Portrait Gallery


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Bronze Coin (AE Antoninianus) minted at Rome during the reign of QUINTILLUS in 270 A.D. Obv. IMP.C.M.AVR.CL.QVINTILLVS.AVG.: Rad., dr. & cuir. bust r. Rev. APOLLINI.CONS.: Apollo stg. l., holding branch and leaning on lyre set on rock. RCS #3242. RICV #9. DVM #3. RCSVIII #11434.


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My only Quintillus.

Quintillus, AD 270.
Roman billon antoninianus, 2.95 g, 20 mm.
Rome, 11th officina, issue 1, end AD 270.
Obv: IMP C M AVR CL QVINTILLVS AVG, bust right, radiate, cuirassed and draped with paludamentum, seen from the front.
Rev: SECVRIT AVG, Securitas standing left, legs crossed, holding short scepter in right hand, leaning on column with left elbow; officina mark XI in right field.
Refs: RIC 31; MER/RIC temp 1194; Cohen 63; RCV 11451; Normanby 1197; Hunter 17.

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3 hours ago, John Conduitt said:

Quintillus Antoninianus, 270
Mediolanum. Silver, 17mm, 2.62g. Radiate and cuirassed bust right; (IMP C M AVR CL) QVINTILLVS AVG. Apollo standing left, holding branch and lyre; (APOLLI)NI CONS (RIC V.1, 9). From the Pamphill Hoard 2011, Portable Antiquities Scheme IARCH-A0FF78 and IARCH-38ABF3.

Pretty sure this is Rome mint... in which case there's probably an H in the reverse exergue, mostly off the flan.

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5 hours ago, Shea19 said:

Finally made our way through the Gallic Empire…happy to be back in this thread! These are my two favorites of Claudius Gothicus:


Claudius II Gothicus, Antoninianus. Rome. (22mm, 2.92g), Obv: DIVO CLAVDIO, Radiate bust right/ Rev: CONSECRATIO, Altar. RIC V 1275


Claudius II Gothicus, (24 mm, 4.00 g), Rome, 268-269 A.D., Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius II to right, seen from behind/. Rev. VIRTVS AVG Virtus standing front, head to l., holding olive-branch in r. hand and scepter in l.; shield set on ground at feet. RIC 109.


And a flip-over double strike—with 2 portraits for the price of one:

Claudius II Gothicus, AE Antoninianus (24.95mm, 3.71 g), Siscia, 268-270 A.D, Radiate and cuirassed bust of Claudius II right/ Rev. Laetitia AVG, Laetitia left. RIC VI 181 Siscia

Great error coin!

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14 hours ago, Shea19 said:

Claudius II Gothicus, Antoninianus. Rome. (22mm, 2.92g), Obv: DIVO CLAVDIO, Radiate bust right/ Rev: CONSECRATIO, Altar. RIC V 1275


14 hours ago, Shea19 said:

Claudius II Gothicus, (24 mm, 4.00 g), Rome, 268-269 A.D., Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius II to right, seen from behind/. Rev. VIRTVS AVG Virtus standing front, head to l., holding olive-branch in r. hand and scepter in l.; shield set on ground at feet. RIC 109.


What fantastic interesting portraits! 

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12 hours ago, Severus Alexander said:

Pretty sure this is Rome mint... in which case there's probably an H in the reverse exergue, mostly off the flan.

Yes definitely Rome, thanks. The legend is only Rome. The dealer had it as Milan but then attributed it to RIC 9, which is Rome.

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Two more, ( 1 Claudius II and 1 Quintillus ) both from Rome and Ric V nr 13 :

IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG : radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind

ADVENTVS AVG : Claudius on horseback riding left, holding sceptre and raising hand

Antoninianus. Rome, AD 268, RIC V 13cla7.jpg.609006118b5c777aec952eeaa126363f.jpg

IMP C M AVR CL QVINTILLVS AVG : radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind

CONCORDIA AVG : Concordia standing facing, sacrificing over altar to left and holding double cornucopia

Antoninianus, Rome, AD 270, RIC V 13quin2.jpg.756a8350e61e3206768165320b9b3b9c.jpg

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I don't get here every day and am sorry I missed some people.  Those who like CIIG should watch for the one with obverse DIVO CLAVDIO GOTHICO but I hope the one you find has the right side clear unlike mine.  The T is there under that split, really it is. 



Aurelian straightened out some bad actors in the mint after he took over.  Coins of Quintillian often show that Aurelian was right in killing a few mint workers.  I looked at quite a few Q coins before finding one I liked and could afford. ex. Frank Robinson 2012



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It's after 3:00 pm eastern standard time

ALSO, in order to further streamline the schedule, I am introducing a set time - 3pm Eastern Standard - as the time when we switch from one Emperor to another. That way, I do not hold up the thread if I am unable to introduce the new Emperor for whatever reason. From now on, 3pm EST every 48 hours is the time we move on to the next Emperor's portraits!


Edited by Jims,Coins
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My first contribution in years!

Aurelian, silvered AE Antoninianus, 274-75 AD, Cyzicus Mint. Obv. Radiate cuirassed bust right, IMP C AVRELIANVS AVG/ Rev. Female personification (Victory) [wings very faint] standing right presents wreath to Aurelian standing left, RESTITVTOR ORBIS. In exergue: A C (Officina 1). RIC V-1 368, Cohen 210, Sear RCV III 11592.  24.15 mm., 3.68 g.


Severina (wife of Aurelian), billon Denarius, issue 11, early-Sep 275 AD, Rome Mint. Obv. Diademed, draped bust right, SEVERINA AVG / Rev. Venus Felix stdg. left holding apple(?) & sceptre, VENVS FELIX. In exergue: Γ [gamma] (Rome, Officina 3).  RIC V-1 6, Cohen 14, Sear RCV III 11709; MER/RIC [Monnaies de l’Empire Romain/Roman Imperial Coinage] 1857 (temp.) (see http://www.ric.mom.fr/en/coin/1857) .19 mm., 2.1 g.


Vabalathus with Aurelian, billon Antoninianus, 270-272 AD, Antioch Mint. Obv. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Vabalathus right, VABALATHVS V C R IM D R [Vir Clarissimus, Rex, Imperator, Dux Romanorum ] / Rev. Radiate and cuirassed bust of Aurelian right, Γ [gamma] (Antioch, Officina 3) below, IMP C AVRELIANVS AVG. RIC V-1 Aurelian 381, Sear RCV III 11718, Cohen 1.  21 mm., 3.43 g. [Rev. at left, Obv. at right in photo]




Edited by DonnaML
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This one has a lot of silvering left.

Aurelian AD 270-275.
Roman silvered billon Antoninianus, 3.60 gm, 21.7 mm, 6 h.
Rome mint, officina 9, issue 11, early – September AD 275.
Obv: IMP AVRELIANVS AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust, right.
Rev: ORIE-N-S AVG, Sol walking r., holding olive branch in r. hand and bow in l. hand, l. foot resting on a captive in oriental dress kneeling on the ground to r., head turned l., r. hand raised; * in left field, XXIR in exergue.
Refs: RIC 64; MER/RIC temp 1834; RCV 11569; Hunter 23; Cohen 159; La Venera 1321-32.

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There's lots of appealing variety in Aurelian portraits.  Hard to pick a favourite.  I suppose if forced at gunpoint I'd have to go with my Alexandrian tet:


I also like this Milan:


And this Siscia with find patina:


I just picked up this new Siscia, which I don't have in hand yet... it's from @Barnaba6's collection:


... and also this Serdica, with its nifty (and rare) half-length portrait:


We saw a Claudius II "two for the price of one."  Well here's a "three for the price of one" Cyzicus... TWO die clashes on the reverse!  (I've never seen this on another coin.)


Finally, here's my best Severina portrait, on a denarius like @DonnaML's nice example :


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Here are my favorite portraits from Aurelianus and Salonina :


IMP C AVRELIANVS AVG : radiate and cuirassed bust to right

CONCORDIA MILITVM : Emperor standing facing, head right, clasping hands with Concordia standing

facing, head left; XXIT in exergue

Antoninianus. Siscia, AD 270-275, RIC Va 244 p.292aur1.jpg.b003fe846fb6f6ba11cc9002e5eb4338.jpg

IMP CAES L DOM AURELIANUS AVG : bust radiate, draped, cuirassed right

CONCORDIA MILI// S : Two concordiae standing, looking at each other, each holding ensign; between them, a thirth ensign

Antoninianus, Siscia, A.D.270 – 275, RIC Va 201 p 287aur2.jpg.9e46ad82ac873ae88deacf95c865de12.jpg

VABALATHVS V C R IM D R : Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Vabalathus right, seen from behind

IMP C AVRELIANVS AVG// r : Radiate and cuirassed bust of Aurelian right; S below

Antoninianus, Antiochia, A.D.270 – 272, RIC Va 381


SEVERINA AVG : Diademed and draped bust of Severina to right, set on crescent

CONCORDIAE MILITVM // TXXT : Concordia standing left, holding two signa

Antoninianus, Ticinum, A.D.275, RIC 8


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My only Vabalathus and favorite,

IM C VHABALATHVS AVG : Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind

IOVI STATORI // S : Jupiter standing front, head left, holding globe in r. hand and long scepter in l.;  at his feet,

eagle standing left

Antoninianus, Antiochia, A.D. 272, RIC Va 3 p.585


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