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mc9 last won the day on February 24 2023

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  • Birthday 05/05/1959

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  1. Here are 3 more Crispus coins, but I start in AD 318, CRISPUS NOB CAES : bust laureate, draped and cuirassed right PRINCIPIA IV – VENTVTIS // PÝQ : Mars standing left in military dress, chlamys across left shoulder, leaning on shield en holding reversed spear RIC 7 ARLES nr 162; 2,41gr; 18,43 mm; 1,52 mm;AD 318 CRISPUS NOBIL CAES : bust laureate and cuirassed right CLARITAS – RE – IE PUBLICAE A|/RT: Sol radiated, advancing left, raising right hand whip in left, chlamys flying RIC 7 Rome nr 83 var; 3,49gr ; 20,50 mm; 1,71 mm; AD 317 CRISPUS NOB CAES : bust left, cuirassed with spear pointing forward, shield on left arm VIRTU – S AVGG R|P/RP: campgate with closed doors, 3 turrets, 7 stone layers, dot over top of door RIC 7 nr 180; 3,07gr; 16,56 mm; 1,96 mm; AD 318 - 319
  2. Here is another one: obverse : ϹΑΒΕΙΝΙΑ ΤΡΑΝΚΥΛΛΙΝΑ; diademed and draped bust of Tranquillina, right reverse: ΒΑΡΗΝΩΝ; Hermes seated left, on rock, holding purse and caduceus City: Baris ; 8,34 gr ; AE 25 mm RPC Volume: VII.2 №: 2401
  3. For my own collection i always measure weight, diameter and thickness of a coin, holding the coin in the same position when measuring the thickness.
  4. Here 4 more winged horses, two Romans and two Greek.
  5. Here is my worn and holed Zeno tremesis. I love it for the young portrait !
  6. A galley with a raised sail : Festival of Isis. Obv: DEO SARAPIDI, draped bust of Serapis right, wearing modius. Rev: VOTA PVBLICA, Isis standing right on galley, supporting sail. Alexandria, Ae (4th century AD), Alföldi 132, 2.78 gr, 19 mm.
  7. Some more campgate coins, Alexandria Antiochia A mule from Arles ( RIC VII 291 and 292 ) Constantinople Cyzicus Heraclea London Lyons Nicomedia Rome Sirmium Siscia Thessalonica Ticinum Trier
  8. Tomorrow, i post some coins ( and a Constantinus I caess ). I need to take new pictures first. It will be from 15 ateliers.
  9. Hi Bonshaw, Can you provide the diameter and weight of the coins in question please? These are also needed for identification. With thanks, MC9
  10. I have 3 different portrets from Valerianus : IMP P LIC VALERIANO P F AVG VICTORIA GERMANIC Bust seen from rear Victory standing left, holding wreath, right hand rests on shield, at foot ,captive RIC Va 264, Mediolanum IMP C LIC VALERIANUS P F AVG VICTORIA AVGG Victory standing left, resting on shield and holding palm RIC Va 128, Rome IMP C LIC VALERIANUS AVG FIDES MILITUM Fides standing left, holding two ensigns RIC Va 89, Rome
  11. @Phil Anthos You are right, I have take a random choice from the pictures. My mistake. Sorry.
  12. I started on last sunday taking foto's from my Greek coins, a side collection build over a period of 40 years . Here are some little ones. I have not attributed them yet.
  13. Here are 2 antoninianus and a very black sestertius from Traianus Decius. My favorite portrait is the first one. a heavy antoninianus : and the sestertius :
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