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David Atherton

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I hope no one will take offence that in future I will be cross-posting a few of my threads in CT. Nvmis Forvms will be my go to place, but coins that I feel are worthy of a cross-post may make it over there as well. Many coin friends were left behind on CT and I do miss them.

It certainly may be a fool's errand since the amount of activity there has dramatically decreased!


Edited by David Atherton
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Crossposting can be marked. In addition, perhaps a link to the other thread? Maybe there are interesting questions and answers in the other thread - which you wouldn't hear about otherwise - but which would be interesting. A hint and link would be great - then you can see what has been written here and elsewhere.


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3 minutes ago, TheTrachyEnjoyer said:

Here is my Cross ✝️ post 

A very nice "cross-posting".

Only I don't like the hole at all. But not because of the coin. I've just come from the garage - I discovered some rust on my oldie. Then I put the grinder to work. And a hole came out, similar to the one on your coin. I thought I had just successfully suppressed it over coffee and cake. But now it's back in my thoughts... 


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I've never thought there was anything wrong with cross-posting. I think it can be good, since I've seen the same prompt take different directions in different places, and if you're hoping to encounter new info, that's the way to go. (Personally, I usually indicate something's been posted elsewhere, just as an instinctive overreaction against "self-plagiarism"...which I don't even really believe is a thing.)

Maybe I should finally be thankful for having been in a phase of "hermitude" whenever things really went wrong over there... (The record of it may have been expunged, though I see hints; not trying to dig it up, at least not publicly!)

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15 minutes ago, Curtis JJ said:

I've never thought there was anything wrong with cross-posting.

Maybe not on this issue. But in other forum areas it is very annoying. As I said - certainly not with coins, where it also depends on many opinions. Rather in technical forums - where people are looking for a solution.

Imagine asking a complex question in a programmers' forum. Many users take the time and try to help you. 

In another forum you asked the same question and got an answer / solution directly. The topic is done for you.

But in the first forum they know nothing about the other forum and the same thread. In the first forum, the users still assume that you are looking for a solution. They continue to use energy and (life) time to help you - even though this is no longer necessary.

That's why I find crossposting in such cases impolite. That is precisely why crossposting is so unpopular in netiquette.

But as I said. That applies in such cases - I don't think it applies here when collecting coins.




In web forums, crossposting refers to the posting of an identical contribution in different forums or sub-forums. Similar to Usenet, multiposting within web forums is not permitted by some users and administrators, as the resulting threads have no connection to each other and the discussion is thus conducted simultaneously and superfluously in different places. In forums where multiposting is allowed, it is usually required that the threads be linked to each other.


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Yes, the great coin forum schism. I actually completely missed it and it took me a while to catch up and discover that this forum even existed. It has made some things more complicated, such as the question posed by this very thread: "do I post on both sites?" I personally have no issue with people cross-posting in this context. The two sites have separated definitively at this point, they don't act as affiliates, nor do any feeds seem to exist between the two. They were meant to exist separately, perhaps to a degree of mutual exclusivity? Only the user base, past and present, really provides any link between the sites at this point - and even that feels more and more tentative as time progresses.

Similar questions have arisen for me as my activity here increases. With two Byzantine coins making their way directly to my physical being, the thought actually occurred to me whether I should post photos on both sites. Ultimately, it doesn't really matter, a single post will gradually scroll into digital oblivion (yes, I've been reading The Meditations again), but if I had to choose one site, I would post the Byzantine coins here, because deep knowledge on that topic appears to now reside on this site.

CT, as a whole, seems to have survived the exodus, but arguably the ancients forum there hasn't. The vanished, and once quite lively, cross-pollination between the ancients forum and the other forums has also, in my opinion, diminished the site's overall appeal. Likewise, the ancients discussions here more than continue the tradition of CT's ancient forums, but also without the same previous cross-pollination with moderns, paper, world, etc. To someone who feels a little caught between the controversy, both sites feel a little incomplete to me compared to "the old days." Time may change that, but that issue makes any questions around cross-posting between the two sites nothing to ever get pedantic about (I'm not arguing that anyone has, I just hope it never happens). Thankfully, if any seething rancor exists between the sites, it appears largely invisible - to me, at least.

So where will I post my Byzantine coins? I will definitely post them here. No doubt. Will I post them on CT? I don't know. I noticed when I posted about the Julian II coin that I recently purchased, I semi-consciously put more effort into the post here than the one I posted on CT. I have nothing against CT (again, I mostly missed the events that led to the break-up), but if my current ancients enthusiasm endures, I see myself coming here far more often. But, like others, I may decide to cross-post some things. I hope no one holds that against me if I do. It doesn't sound like it will cause any issues.

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4 hours ago, NewStyleKing said:

It's not the people at CT ( generally!), it's THE MANAGEMENT!   



Beyond doubt the fault overwhelmingly lies with the CT administration, and certainly most of the members there have done nothing wrong. A couple of the more prolific posters on CT Ancients however showed unmistakably what they're like in "real" life. I won't object if they participate here, but I'm quite pleased that for the most part, they haven't. They aren't people I would choose to associate with.

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7 hours ago, David Atherton said:

I hope no one will take offence...


I take deep offense, David. That does it! I don't know how I will survive here--anywhere--knowing that you are crossposting on CT!  😉

Seriously, I really don't think it matters.  Post wherever you like!  

For myself, though, I will only post here.  I was in a self-imposed exile from CT when the big brouhaha went down there, so I completely missed it.  I had actually more or less decided to stop posting anywhere, but when in the fulness of time--har har!--Severus Alexander suggested I come here, I did, and was glad of it.  It's fun to be posting again, although I'm trying to stay away from controversial political topics that seem to invariably cause misunderstanding and then ad hominem attacks.  That can be hard at times because there are political aspects to our hobby, and politics is built right into the coins themselves in many cases.  But overall, I think I'm succeeding.  And I have to say, it seems that the posters here also seem more pleasant and relaxed here to a greater degree now than then.  I like the atmosphere here at numisforums quite a lot.

What I don't miss about CT is watching the trolls just gratuitously and angrily insulting people left, right, and center and then engaging in prolonged flame wars of a very jejune nature.  I don't know if this is still going on, but I feel that where we are now is a much cleaner and more peaceable place to be.  

My only wish is that this site would be busier, with a greater variety of topics here being posted more often.  But I think that can come with time--it's doing great, and not only considering its age can still be conveniently measured in weeks!

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I cross-posted at CT a few times at the beginning to continue my series of write-ups of newly-acquired Roman Republican denarii. But almost nobody responded, so I stopped. What was the point? I certainly have no issue with anyone else cross-posting. And -- with a couple of exceptions for specific people who openly despised me and insulted me at every opportunity (notably the two who said things like "you won't be missed"; well, I don't miss you either!) -- I have nothing against those people who decided to stay exclusively at CT and never post here. Some of them, I do miss. I blame the whole episode that led to the mass migration here on the ridiculously dictatorial, hypocritical, and ban-happy management of CT, as well as on a small handful of posters (most of them not collectors of ancient coins at all) who repeatedly posted in the Ancients forum about politics and other things, for the obvious purpose of making trouble. 

It's obvious that there's less activity in the Ancients forum at CT now than there used to be. (I don't know about the World Coins forum there recently; it's never been all that active at either place.)  The most active thread over there was always the "Follow the Coin Theme Game" thread. Since June 14 -- a reasonable amount of time after this forum began, I think -- that thread has had 124 posts. In the exact same time-period, the equivalent "Post It and Pick It" thread here has had 992 posts.  I would feel sorry for Coin Talk, but the management there definitely brought all this upon itself. And maybe they don't care, because I imagine that the US coins forum and "general discussion" forum there are as active as ever.


Edited by DonnaML
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No objections here. I really liked the emojis and the mood choosers there but one non-political  'general' topic' really convinced me it was time for me to pack up. I haven't checked back since. 

We're not the thought police🥸.  You're free to cross-post anywhere, although that's very considerate to ask. :classic_smile:

Cross-posting can also educate more people and generate more interest in the hobby.

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People and friendships are my main reason for participating in this or any other forum to begin with. If I hadn’t made friends at CT early on I wouldn’t have continued to participate in online forums. I still have friends that post mostly over there and so I will too on occasion. Nothing wrong with that! 🙂

I will enjoy reading your threads no matter where you post them @David Atherton.

Edited by Curtisimo
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Not to move a bit off topic but I have a question I’ve been meaning to ask: What ever happened to Sallent and Pavlos on CT? I went MIA for a few months when I started grad school, and when I came back they hadn’t posted in some time. I haven’t seen either of them on this forum as well. 

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1 hour ago, Magnus Maximus said:

Not to move a bit off topic but I have a question I’ve been meaning to ask: What ever happened to Sallent and Pavlos on CT? I went MIA for a few months when I started grad school, and when I came back they hadn’t posted in some time. I haven’t seen either of them on this forum as well. 

Sallent decided to take a break from ancients and sold most of his ancients & focus more on using his telescope/space interests. He would still lurk on occasion though.

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For many years I have avoided various forums threads generating flames. If the forum overall quality was worth the time, I remained on the respective forum. But in the cases where a forum was flooded by flames (what a metaphor) I simply left those forums.

On CT the only subforum I have ever visited was Ancients. I know nothing about US coins and my specialty in modern coins/banknotes is not represented there - anyway, the only people who shared knowledge in that area would be people from my country (not many collectors here overall) so unfortunately after the big migration, since probably 95% of the regulars posters went here, I remained a regular here. For me, with the ancient section depopulated, this meant the overall quality of the forum decreased badly. Again, for me. For somebody who was visiting other areas, it probably made no difference.

I visit  CT once a week now, but I don't post anymore - I allocate a lot of time to ancient coins (reading, checking auctions) but my time is not unlimited.

Cross posting - I see nothing wrong with that. I once cross posted - but on CT and a different forum. It was a difficult question I asked and on CT I didn't receive an answer so I decided to post on a different board (some time ago). I was asked why do I post the same question on 2 places. Well, because I would like to get an answer? Anyway this would be the only situation where cross posting might be declared by the poster, when you want a response to a question and of course if somebody wants to buy or sell an item and advertises on multiple places.


There is only 1 distinguished member I miss on CT. The one who brought great joy and knowledge in our lives. The one who posts coins in bad condition and with pics made in a 30x20 resolution and with a simple, humanly, request - ID Help <insert random here> - ID Help Domitan, ID Help Germanicus, ID Help Maksymilian, ID Help cherry pie with mustard et caetera.

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11 minutes ago, ambr0zie said:

There is only 1 distinguished member I miss on CT. The one who brought great joy and knowledge in our lives. The one who posts coins in bad condition and with pics made in a 30x20 resolution and with a simple, humanly, request - ID Help <insert random here> - ID Help Domitan, ID Help Germanicus, ID Help Maksymilian, ID Help cherry pie with mustard et caetera.

A good reason or suggestion perhaps to add another category here in the forum "ID Help". 

Unfortunately, information often gets lost here because we - which is not a bad thing, on the contrary - post many pictures of our coins. Maybe we should create a category here in the forum - which is only about a coin to be identified and all the information about it. As a knowledge base for later. 

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I would be the number 1 fan of this idea but with some rules 1. decent pictures (I am not a skilled photographer, but I try to respect other people and take the best pic I can) 2. some at least minimal effort from the poster. Because in many occasions the owner of the coin can have an idea that can help others attribute the coin.

Sometimes I help people from FB groups but I stopped this as many just want to find out if some of the coins from their pile are somewhat rare and can be sold. So I started to receive messages from various people with groups of 10-12 coins, usually slugs and terrible photos,  to be identified. When I see this, my only attribution is "Julius Caesar, aureus, very rare".

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7 minutes ago, ambr0zie said:

I would be the number 1 fan of this idea but with some rules 1. decent pictures (I am not a skilled photographer, but I try to respect other people and take the best pic I can) 2. some at least minimal effort from the poster. Because in many occasions the owner of the coin can have an idea that can help others attribute the coin.

Sometimes I help people from FB groups but I stopped this as many just want to find out if some of the coins from their pile are somewhat rare and can be sold. So I started to receive messages from various people with groups of 10-12 coins, usually slugs and terrible photos,  to be identified. When I see this, my only attribution is "Julius Caesar, aureus, very rare".

I think I have one of those Caesar aureus coins! Could you help me identify? 😇


In all seriousness though... I do like the idea as well! As with any forum, the larger it grows and the more topics posted it becomes more difficult to find previous posts. For those looking for help identifying coins, creating a new sub-forum could definitely be useful. And, with how the site is structured if you don't wish to see those posts you can simply uncheck the box next to the sub-forum and poof, the posts are gone!

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@Restitutor- the coin is silver so it's a Dupondius. It's very very rare, only aureii are very rare. The most common Caesar coins, which are only rare, are made from platinum and they are called triple groats.

ON - I think an Identification section is an excellent idea, for various reasons. There could be cases where a poster doesn't know if a coin is for example Greek or Provincial (even if some investigation was already performed). Or it could even be a Roman republican bronze (for a new starter a RR bronze might look Greek...). So he/she wouldn't know where to post and then would choose General and there's a big change the thread will get lost after a few hours when it goes on 2nd page. A separate Identification section would be very good for many reasons.

Edited by ambr0zie
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28 minutes ago, Restitutor said:

In all seriousness though... I do like the idea as well!

Yes it would be a great addition. I actually like helping ID coins, while I know a lot of people hate it. All those medieval pennies... 🤣 It helps me learn and realise where I have knowledge gaps. And here, we wouldn't get any Coin Roll Hunters asking about errors.

17 minutes ago, ambr0zie said:

There could be cases where a poster doesn't know if a coin is for example Greek or Provincial (even if some investigation was already performed). Or it could even be a Roman republican bronze (for a new starter a RR bronze might look Greek...)

I just did exactly this 😂 Sorry. I know nothing about Greek, little about Provincial and the dividing like between Republican and the Greek colonies is very blurred for me.

I had a great result, too.

Edited by John Conduitt
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I also like helping in attributions and this activity increased my (weak) skills.

But only if I see the requestor performs some effort as well. I would love to see this new section having lots of activity. But if it will be used only as a free identification service with the purpose of seeing what coins from the pile are good to be sold, without any interest in numismatics and without a minimal effort (decent pics, size, weight, perhaps a small idea about what the requestor thinks it is) I will not help.

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Just now, ambr0zie said:

I also like helping in attributions and this activity increased my (weak) skills.

But only if I see the requestor performs some effort as well. I would love to see this new section having lots of activity. But if it will be used only as a free identification service with the purpose of seeing what coins from the pile are good to be sold, without any interest in numismatics and without a minimal effort (decent pics, size, weight, perhaps a small idea about what the requestor thinks it is) I will not help.

Yes this is hard to get around. To be fair, when I started I didn't understand how a Roman legend worked, so it wasn't obvious the emperor's name was staring me in the face. I also couldn't have provided a weight closer than the nearest gram. I always think that if they post a pile of coins and can't even pick out a fallen horseman, they truly have no idea what they're doing.

At least, we shouldn't give any idea of value. Or answer at all if the question is 'what's the value?'

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