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Lord Marcovan Top 10 for 2023 (Ancient, Medieval, & Early Modern)

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Here are my favorite ten of the Ancient, Medieval, and Early Modern coins I purchased in 2023.  (One or two might have been late-2022 purchases- I've been lax in my recordkeeping.)
Greece (Sicily, Syracuse): ca. 460-450 BC silver litra of the Second Democracy
(Currently at NGC: photographed, but still awaiting grading.)
Greece (Attica): ca. 440-404 BC silver "Owl" tetradrachm of Athens
Greece (Carian Islands, Rhodes): ca. 88-84 BC silver drachm
Roman Empire: ca. 41-54 AD bronze sestertius of Claudius
Roman Empire: 69 AD silver denarius of Otho
(Just graded by NGC: Fine; Strike 4/5, Surface 4/5)
Roman Empire: ca. 80-81 AD silver denarius of Domitian as Caesar under Titus
(Just graded by NGC: Ch XF; Strike 5/5, Surface 4/5)
Roman Empire: ca. 80 AD gold aureus of Titus, struck for the opening of the Colosseum
German States (Augsburg): ca. 1184-1202 silver bracteate of Bishop Udalschalk of Eschenlohe
German States (Frankfurt): 1495 goldgulden of Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor

German States (Saxony, Albertine): 1548 silver thaler of Maurice, Elector of Saxony


Edited by lordmarcovan
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Great haul! the octopus litra, Rhodes drachm, and the Claudius sestertius are my favourites, probably the most life-like portrait I've ever seen on a Roman coin, although there are many ideal busts, Claudius has that sympathetic look in his face.

Edited by JayAg47
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These are all my favs too! Each and every coin grabs your attention. Your 1495 Frankfurt is far better then mine and ones that appear in auctions. The Sachsen AR Thaler 1548 magnificent. However the Augsburg AR Bracteate is really supberb. The AV Aureus/ Titius/ Elephant first I have ever seen. Wonderfull TOP X!


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4 minutes ago, panzerman said:

far better then mine

That is something I will almost NEVER hear from you!  Usually I'm just happy just to have one of the same types as you (doesn't happen very often).  To hear you say one of mine is actually better than one of yours is something I consider high praise indeed.  It's probably the only time that will happen.

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Honorable mention:

This 1702 "Wildman" replaces another one of the same date which I purchased raw at the 2023 FUN show in January.  The raw coin later graded "UNC details/cleaned" at NGC, so I sold it and bought this one instead.  I'd rather have a straight-graded AU55 than a problem-notated UNC details coin.  But both were nice.  (That this second coin came in a pedigree holder is a small bonus.)

German States (Brunswick-Lüneberg-Calenberg-Hannover): 1702 silver 24-mariengroschen, "Wildman" type

coins world germany german states brunswick luneberg calenberg hannover 1702 silver 24 mariengroschen wildman type

Edited by lordmarcovan
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Congratulations, and those are wonderful photos indeed! My three favorites -- and it was a difficult choice -- are the Claudius sestertius, the Syracuse litra with octopus, and the Rhodian drachm. I also really like the "Wildman" type; I've been looking for one of those for a while.

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You have a great eye for attractive coins! It is really hard to pick a favorite from among this group. My top ones are Greece (Sicily, Syracuse): ca. 460-450 BC silver litra of the Second Democracy for the really cool octopus, the German States (Augsburg): ca. 1184-1202 silver bracteate of Bishop Udalschalk of Eschenlohe for the really unique (to me) design, and the German States (Frankfurt): 1495 goldgulden of Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor again for the design.

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Awesome coins and great variety. I really love those German States coins, not something I'd usually take the time to look at.  

But I think my favourite is the Titus aureus. Love the 🐘 on the reverse. I've wanted an ancient Greek coin with an elephant for my collection for some tine, but haven't managed one yet. Whilst I'm at it, wouldn't mind an octopus either!

Congratulations on a great year of collecting.

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