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  1. It makes me wonder if it took two people to perform this, one with the master punching into the die while an apprentice held the magnifying loop next to the master's eye (If that was the case, I can easily picture many an apprentice getting scolded for not holding it properly). It seems almost impossible for someone to hold the loop in one hand and punch precise designs within millimeters of each other on the die with the other hand without really messing it up.
  2. I’m just an amateur dabbling in this art for fun without any formal training. I actually learned more about it just now from reading this article. For engravers who did this professionally for years, it would have been much easier because of all their muscle memory and experience. And your had right guesses, although I was going for Septimius Severus, I'll take Marcus Aurelius!
  3. Thank you for your post! It cleared up many of my questions about engraving. I've always been curious about the 'halo' around the letters and never realised that the letters were punched! I particularly like the slides that show the 'step punching' technique, only a skilled engraver could make such beautiful patterns! For the past few years, I've been experimenting with engraving my own coins, not on iron, but on wax using a simple toothpick and a set of tiny screwdrivers. Here's my first-ever attempt on wax along with its impression on clay. Another try at the Chola insignia copied form the tiny gold coin, I took an impression in clay and painted with silver acrylic. Here's my first attempt at a portrait that would make any barbarian engraver proud! Next, I spent more time and attempted to create a more detailed engraving. I made, or at least tried to replicate, realistic portraits. See if you can guess which emperors they are. First, I drew my design or portrait and then simply gouged it in. For portraits, I broke it down into three parts: the forehead, cheek, neck, and ear; the eyes, nose, and lips; and finally, the hair and other details. For lettering, I scribed them in retrograde with a toothpick. I never knew until now that old engravers used to stamp the letters, it makes sense, as it would be incredibly difficult to scratch such tiny letters that deeply into hard iron without having your fingers sore or burn. Here are a couple more attempts at Greek imagery. One features a front-facing Medusa/Gorgon head, and the other is a Cilician stater with a bunch of grapes. I broke my first die trying to make an impression because I gouged too deeply while carving the grapes, so I had to make a new one, though I think the original die was better rendered. More recently, I worked with lead, which, despite not being the safest metal, is the softest and easiest to manipulate with the tools I had. I engraved a simple design of twin fish and a scepter, the Pandyan symbol. Although I couldn't strike any metal on a lead die, I used it to stamp my letter for my Saturnalia giftee!
  4. I've wanted to create a map like this for a long time and finally got around to doing it now. As we know, the Silk Road was an ancient network of trade routes connecting the East and West, facilitating the exchange of goods like silk and precious metals, as well as the flow of ideas, culture, and technology. Originating in China and stretching across Asia to the Mediterranean, the Silk Road was instrumental in shaping civilisations. Another major trade network was the maritime spice route, which connected the Arabian, Indian, and Southeast Asian peninsulas. The Romans were avid consumers of spices, which they used for culinary, medicinal, and religious purposes. Roman merchants ventured as far as India, particularly the kingdoms of the Chera, Chola, and Pandyas, to obtain spices like pepper, cinnamon, and ginger, as well as goods like beryl, pearls, and ivory. Pliny the Elder, detailed the extensive spice trade in his work "Natural History." He expressed amazement at the wealth funneled to India due to the spice trade, noting that pepper sold for 15 denarii a pound. He lamented the high costs of these exotic goods and the wealth flowing out of the Roman Empire to procure them. The Greeks, acting as intermediaries, facilitated exchanges between the East and the West. The "Periplus of the Erythraean Sea," a Greek maritime guidebook, offers detailed descriptions of the trade routes and ports along the Red Sea, Arabian Sea, and the Indian Ocean, providing insights into the trade dynamics. Later on, Arab merchants played a crucial role in the spice trade, controlling much of the trade between the East and the Mediterranean. They traded spices from the Malabar Coast of India, the Arabian Peninsula, and Southeast Asia. Arab navigators and traders were known for their extensive knowledge of the monsoon winds, which facilitated their voyages across the Indian Ocean. Southeast Asia, particularly the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, and Java, was the primary source of valuable spices like cloves, nutmeg, and mace. Southeast Asian kingdoms, such as Srivijaya, controlled the spice trade routes and facilitated the distribution of spices to other parts of Asia and beyond. The Chinese were also active participants in the spice trade, both as consumers and traders. Chinese records from the Han Dynasty mention trade relations with India and Southeast Asia. Silk, porcelain, and other Chinese goods were traded for spices, creating a complex web of exchange that linked China with the rest of the ancient world. We can even see numismatic evidence of this trade other than plain imitations. While a Byzantine gold solidus typically weighs 4.4-4.5g, another version called the lightweight solidus around 4.2g was issued for circulation outside the empire. When the Arabic caliphates emerged, they issued gold dinars weighing 4.2g, modeled after the lightweight solidii available in their markets. Unsurprisingly, the Chola gold kahavanu also weighs around 4.2g, and the Sri Vijayan 1 massa weighs 2.4g, matching the weight of a Byzantine semissis. The ancient spice trade was a complex and multifaceted network that connected distant civilisations across continents. Merchants not only traded goods but also exchanged religion, culture, and architecture. Contrary to the common belief that ancient civilisations were isolated, they were in fact highly interconnected. Although, the coins shown in the map come from different time periods, the cities and regions that produced them were always major trading hubs. In fact, what I showed doesn't even scratch the surface, as numerous kingdoms and cities were involved in the spice trade over the last 2500 years!
  5. Acquiring an aureus is a big commitment, similar to buying a second-hand car or an expensive bike. It largely depends on one's budget. Based on your coin, I think the price you paid was appropriate. There are generally two types of aureus buyers: those who want to add an aureus, ANY aureus to their collection and those with deep pockets who collect and specialise in aurei like others do with denarii. I think your coin falls in the middle, while it's certainly expensive to be an entry-level aureus, it might not be the first option to collectors who regularly spend five figures on aurei. If you plan to keep the coin, there’s no issue. However, if you intend to sell it, then you may need to look into where to consign it, to a house that attracts the high-enders or one that attracts collectors from every budget. I've always wanted an aureus. My collection has evolved from adding multiple inexpensive coins to focusing on fewer, higher-quality pieces. A couple of years ago, I acquired my first ancient gold coin, a Justinian solidus, to check off Roman gold from my list. However, it never fully satisfied me, despite the solidus itself being fine. Every time I handle a denarius, I've always wondered how dense and 3D-like the portraits would look on an aureus, and not to mention the primal allure of gold. I considered various options for ancient gold coins, like a gold stater of Mithradates, which is much cheaper than a Nero aureus, but the artwork didn't appeal to me. The Koson stater is another option, but it lacks a portrait and has murky attributions. Bosporan Electrum staters are affordable, but their artwork and metal composition are issues for me. Greek fractions in gold are another inexpensive option, but I don't want to spend hundreds or thousands on a tiny, artless piece of incused gold, especially since I already have a Sri Vijayan gold Massa that looks like a Hekte. Ultimately, I wanted a coin I’d be happy to own, not just to check off a list, and decided on an aureus. Even for a budget aureus, I wanted a problem-free coin issued under any emperor or empress up to the Severan era. While aurei from the crisis period are interesting, they are scarce and expensive. In fact I'd love to own a severely underweight aureus (1-3g) of Gallienus! but the coin I wanted needed to weigh more than 7g, not be drastically off-centered, and have uniform wear without distracting scratches, preferably with an interesting reverse. Initially, I considered a Nero aureus, but none met all my criteria until I found a newly listed one on MA-Shops that I liked, despite it being slightly off-centered, and priced at 3k AUD, the cheapest I've seen for a problem-free coin on retail. I also saw the coin I eventually purchased listed for 4k AUD from the same seller. Although it was over my budget, I instantly fell in love with its reverse and also the well-centered obverse, meeting all my criteria. Additionally, it had recently been sold by HD Rauch and had multiple reverse die-matches, including a coin from the Boscoreale hoard, which convinced me to buy it. I could have bought many coins with that budget, like completing a 12 Caesars set, upgrading my Attica or Alexander tetradrachms, or adding other high-quality tetradrachms or denarii. However, I chose this aureus because it felt like the right time. I had enough interest, knowledge, and funds to make such a purchase. I thought, "If not now, when?" I was fine with this one large purchase to my collection rather than adding various other coins and still having a large gap for an aureus. Additionally, with the rising price of gold, I felt that now was as good a time as any. It's no surprise that numismatic gold carry premiums multiple times their face value, but it does increase with the spot price. Seeing posts from people who bought a solidus for $45 in the 60s/70s or $100-$200 in the 90s or 00s further justified my decision. Obv: T CAESAR IMP VESPASIAN. Head of Titus, laureate, right. Rev: COS IIII. Bull butting right, lashing his tail, left. AD 75, 7.09 g, 20 mm. RIC II.1 780 (Vespasian), Biaggi 361 (same rev die), Calicó 731. Ex H.D. Rauch E-Auction 43, Lot 423. 3-7 Apr 2024.
  6. I only saw this coin on CoinArchives after it had been sold, so I was pleasantly surprised to see it listed by PGNUM on Ma-Shops. However, I found it even cheaper on their own site. Despite paying more than the auction price, I’m satisfied with the purchase, as I’ve been waiting for this coin for a long time! Last year, I saw the same type on eBay, but it had slashes on both sides and looked significantly worn. Luckily, its steep price deterred me from making an impulse purchase.
  7. Have you ever spent a long time searching for an elusive coin, only to unexpectedly come across it while browsing randomly? Although this coin is not extremely rare, it is certainly not as readily available as its copper counterparts. Most auction houses that feature them are based in India and do not ship overseas, while Western auction houses offer them only rarely, unlike the more common anonymous Kahavanu. Raja Raja Chola AV Kahavanu Chola Empire 985-1014 AD 20 mm, 4.24 g Ceylon type, period of Chola invasion. Obverse: The depiction showcases a standing king facing right, adorned with a pointed crown. The king holds a lotus in his right hand and points at the Shrivatsa symbol with his left hand. A degenerate coconut palm tree is situated on the far left. The king is attired in a wavy Dhoti, characterised by two curved lines on either side and one line in between the legs, resembling tentacles and earning the moniker 'octopus man.' The king stands on a lotus plant stalk with a small circle in the center, concluding on the left in a conch shell and featuring a lotus bud on the right. Five pellets to the right, meaning 'Pala-Panca', Panca meaning 5, denoting 5 Pala coins weighing 1.10g each. While 5 of those coins weigh more than the Kahavanu itself, earlier types have only 4 dots, that would make 4 Palas equal 1 kahavanu (Probably a result of inflation). Reverse: Seated king facing right, with his left hand resting on his left leg and his right hand holding a conch shell. His right leg rests on a couch or bed-like throne known as asana. On the right side of the field, a Devanagari legend is inscribed in three lines, reading Sri RA JA RA JA. Codrington 104; Mitchiner 729; Biddulph 5. Ex Heritage Auctions Europe, Auction 82, Lot 7499 (May 2024). Ex Podlaski Gabinet Numizmatyczny Marek Melcer, June 2024. A bit of a history: Raja Raja Chola I's invasion of Sri Lanka around 993 CE was a significant military campaign aimed at expanding the Chola Empire's influence, another reason being, the Sinhalese were an ally of the Pandyas, the arch nemesis of Cholas. He launched the invasion by swiftly capturing and destroying Anuradhapura, the ancient capital of the Anuradhapura Kingdom, marking its end. The capital was then shifted to Polonnaruwa (renamed Jananathapuram) as the new administrative centre under Chola control. The Chola forces continued their campaign southwards, subjugating the entire northern and central regions of Sri Lanka and capturing the Sinhalese ruler, Mahinda V. The Cholas established a well-organised administration, integrating the newly conquered territories into their empire. This included issuing coinage that imitated the local anonymous Kahavanu, as shown in my example below. With the Chola Empire now encompassing most of South India and Sri Lanka, and benefiting from trade with the Arabs and Chinese, it became one of the wealthiest empires of its time. This wealth funded grand projects, most notably the Brihadeeswara Temple, dedicated to Shiva, which was built in 1010 AD. Thank you!
  8. Some of my late Roman silver, they definitely hit different from the earlier denarii. Argentii of Maximian and Diocletian, the silique include a Gratian, a broken Valens, and a Julian.
  9. I haven't purchased any coins from Facebook, but I used to buy from Reddit's r/coins4sale. Nowadays, I mainly stick with Vcoins, MA-Shops, private online dealers, and eBay.
  10. I bet Romans who happened to come across Alexandrian coins (despite the closed economy) were just as amused as we are for its weird imagery. As always my favourite is the man-headed snake riding a horse, although mine's a humble example that cost me 1% of the hammer price that you posted.
  11. I’d rather have the stamp than that cursed coin! 👹 But, I’d sell the stamp and will go on an ancient coin buying spree!
  12. A fake Bactrian coin under the name of Menander. I wouldn't even call it a fake but a fantasy piece, as there're no such bronze issued under him. I got it at a flea market when I was 13 along with my Chola coins and a few other coins, they're my first foray into coins! Next- More fakes
  13. Aside from directly gaining knowledge about coins and their history, and identifying fakes or having an 'feel' for such coins, have you learned anything from your years of coin collecting that you apply to other areas of life? Some aspects that come to mind are pattern recognition, perspectives, understanding the market for other collectibles, identifying bubbles/bursts, and more.
  14. People often accuse Diocletian of ending the Principate, which by then was merely a facade, much like how the Republic was just a facade by the time of Augustus. However, Diocletian was necessary to restore order and eliminate any opposition to the throne in order to maintain stability by not only being a military commander, but also a proper administrator, a role Rome had lacked for nearly a century. Aurelian came close to fulfilling this need, but his efforts were cut short by the treacherous Praetorians. Here're my recent additions,
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