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  1. The best Gallienus coins I bought in the last period , they were not very expensive some are still uncleaned, I hope you will like them. Gallienus, AE antoninianus, Antioch mint. Sole reign. RIC 601 var GALLIENVS AVG, radiate head right / PM TR P XII, Lion walking left. C VI PP in exergue. Gallienus, AR antoninianus, Lyons, AD 258-259, joint reign , RIC 18 GALLIENVS PF AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust right, sometimes with slight drapery on left shoulder. / GERMANICVS MAX V, two German captives bound and seated at the foot of a trophy. Gallienus AE Antoninianus. RIC 164, H GALLIENVS AVG, radiate head right / APOLLINI CONS AVG, Centaur walking left, holding globe and trophy. Mintmark H. Gallienus Billon Antoninianus. Milan mint. RIC 494, Z GALLIENVS AVG, radiate head right / ORIENS AVG, Sol standing left, holding whip, right hand raised. Z in left field. Gallienus AR Antoninianus. Lyons mint, AD 258-259. RIC 49 [joint reign] GALLIENVS P F AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust right / VICT GERMANICA, Victory standing on globe between two captives. Gallienus, AE antoninianus. Antioch. Sole reign. RIC 654 rad.cuir GALLIENVS PF AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust right / ROMAE AETERNAE, Roma seated left on shield, holding Victory and spear, star in upper left field.
  2. My last Postumus coin , it's an upgrade for a type that I already have , as always, I will keep the old specimen. Postumus AR Antoninianus. Cologne mint. RIC 64 IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / HERC DEVSONIENSI, Hercules standing front, looking right, holding bow and leaning on club.
  3. My last two Claudius coins , the sestertius has a some kind of countermark not very legible. Claudius AE Sestertius, Rome. AD 41-54. RIC 115 TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP PP, Laureate head right / SPES AVGVSTA, Spes walking left, holding flower and raising hem of robe. 35 mm / 25.6 g Claudius Æ As. , RIC 97 TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP, bare head left / LIBERTAS AVGVSTA S-C, Libertas standing facing, with pileus and extending left hand. 29 mm / 10.43 g
  4. This is my last set of Probus coins from the large lot of coins I started to post in february, I'm a little late but I hope you will like them. Probus AE antoninianus, Ticinum mint.RIC 509, I star VIRTVS PROBI AVG, Radiate, helmeted, cuirassed bust left, holding spear over shoulder, and shield on left arm / MARTI PACIF, Mars walking left, holding branch, spear and shield. I in left field, star in right field. Mintmark QXXI. Probus Silvered AE Antoninianus. Rome mint.RIC 183 IMP PROBVS P F AVG, radiate consular bust left holding eagle-tipped sceptre / ROMAE AETER, Roma seated, facing, in temple of six columns, holding victory and sceptre, R(winged thunderbolt)A below. Probus AE Antoninianus. Lyons mint, 276 AD. RIC 28 IMP C M AVR PROBVS AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust right / FIDES MILITVM, Fides standing left, holding two standards, Mintmark III. Probus Silvered AE Antoninianus. Lyons mint, 281 AD.RIC 107 IMP C PROBVS P F AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust right / TEMPOR FELICIT, Felicitas standing right, holding caduceus and cornucopiae. Mintmark II. Probus, AE Antoninianus, Rome, AD 279. RIC 155 Wreath Z. IMP PROBVS P F AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust right. / ADVENTVS AVG, Probus on horseback left, holding sceptre and raising right hand, captive under the horse's hooves left. Mintmark R-wreath-Z. Probus Silvered AE Antoninianus. Rome Mint, 276 AD. RIC 151 IMP C M AVR PROBVS AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust right / FIDES MILIT, Fides standing, holding sceptre and transverse ensign. Mintmark XXIE.
  5. This is my last purchase, a Nero type that I have been searching it for a long time. It's from the Rome mint with the emperor portrait in high relief. Nero. Orichalcum sestertius, Rome mint, 64 AD. RIC 149 NERO CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG GERM P M TR P IMP P P, laureate head right wearing aegis / S C, triumphal arch surmounted by statue of Nero in quadriga, Victory on left holds wreath and palm, Pax on right holds caduceus and cornucopia, wreath in archway, statue of Mars, naked and helmeted, in niche. 35 mm / 26.2 g
  6. @CPK I love all three coins , well done !
  7. Some weeks ago I presented you a first set of six Probus's coins from a large lot of coins I bought recently , now I finished to indentify and photograhp all the Aurelian's coins from the lot , I hope you will like them. I will have to post a last set of six Probus's coins and some Gallienus and Gallic emperors coins. Aurelian with Vaballathus, Billon tetradrachm of Alexandria, Egypt. Dated Year 4. AD 272-274. AVT K Λ ΔOM AVPHΛIANOC CEB, laureate, draped bust of Aurelian right, L(A) before head. / IAC OVABAΛΛAΘOC ATHN V A C ? , laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Vabalathus right around, date L - Δ across fields Aurelian AE Antoninianus. Ticinum mint. RIC 154, T IMP C AVRELIANVS AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust right / SOLI INVICTO, Sol walking left between two captives, holding globe, right hand raised, star in left field, Mintmark TXXT. Aurelian , AE Antoninianus. Siscia mint. RIC 225 IMP AVRELIANVS AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust right / IOVI CONSER, Emperor standing right, usually with sceptre, accepting globe from Jupiter. Mintmark star P to Q Aurelian , Mediolanum ,AD 270 - AD 275 , RIC V Aurelian 147 IMP AVRELIANVS AVG Bust of Aurelian, radiate, draped, right or bust of Aurelian, radiate, cuirassed, right VIRTVS MILITVM Victory, winged, draped, walking left, holding wreath in right hand and palm in left hand MintMark:T Aurelian AE Antoninianus. Tripolis mint, ca AD 274-275. RIC 390, left IMP C AVRELIANVS AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust left / SOLI INVICTO, Sol standing left, captive at foot, holding globe and raising right hand. Star in left field. Mintmark KA. Aurelian , Mediolanum ,AD 270 - AD 275 , RIC V Aurelian 134 IMP AVRELIANVS AVG Bust of Aurelian, radiate, cuirassed, right ORIENS AVG Sol, radiate, standing left, raising right hand and holding globe in left hand; at his feet to the left, captive , MintMark:S Aurelian AE Antoninianus.Serdica mint, RIC 290, dot B dot AVRELIANVS AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust right / RESTITVT ORBIS, Woman standing right, presenting wreath to Aurelian. Star in lower centre, mintmark KA dot B dot.
  8. Herennius Etruscus, AE28 of Dacia. AMNG 46; Martin 3-63-1. Q H ETR MES DEC CAES, bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust righ, seen from the back / PROVIN-C-IA DACIA, Dacia in long robe and Phrygian cap standing facing, looking left, holding sceptre and a bundle of rice. Eagle with wreath in its beak and a lion at foot left and right. Date AN V below.
  9. These are two coins of Constantius II I bought recently , the Phoenix type from Alexandria I noticed after I bought it that it's an extremly rare coin , OCRE has only two examples from this mint and on Acsearch is the only one, it appears there because Themis Numismatics tried to sell it in 2019 without success. I like the contrast between the two difrent patinas , blue-green against black-brown. Constantius II , 348 - 350, RIC VIII Alexandria 69 D N CONSTAN-TIVS P F AVG Bust of Constantius II, pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed, right FEL TEMP REPARATIO , radiate phoenix standing right on globe, star in right field. MintMark: ALEA 17 mm / 2.28 g Constantius II, Antioch. 347-348 AD.RIC VIII 113, DI DN CONSTAN-TIVS PF AVG, pearl-diademed head right / VOT XX MVLT XXX within wreath. Mintmark SMANΔI.
  10. Thanks for sharing with us !
  11. To be honest, I didn't know which emperor I bought, I only suspected that it's from the period of Decius. It took me a while to identify it :) now I am happy to introduce you my latest provincial coin : Province: Galatia-Pontus , Region: Pontus , City: Neocaesarea Trebonianus Gallus (Augustus) , AD 251/2 , RPC IX, 1239 ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΓΑΛΛΟϹ ϹΕΒΑ (Imperator Caesar Gallus Augustus) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallus, right, seen from rear ΚΟΙ ΠΟΝΤ ΜΗΤ ΝΕΟΚΑΙϹΑΡΕΙΑϹ, ΕΤ/Ο, ΡΠ/Η (Year ΡΠΗ = 188)Tyche standing facing, head right, holding long rudder and cornucopia 30 mm/ 15 g
  12. singig


    I wish you an easy and quick recovery !
  13. In the last period I bought many Probus, Aurelian and Gallienus coins, I would say that these are my favorite coinages from that period. I will try to present them in the next weeks as I identify and photograph them, I will group them in several sets. Probus AE Antoninianus. Ticinum mint, 277 AD. RIC 388 VIRTVS PROBI AVG, radiate, helmeted, and cuirassed bust left holding spear and shield / IOVI CONSERVAT, emperor standing right holding eagle-tipped sceptre, receiving globe from Jupiter standing left, VXXT below. Probus AE Antoninianus. Rome. RIC 184,E IMP C PROBVS AVG, radiate, mantled bust left holding eagle-tipped sceptre / ROMAE AETER, hexastyle temple with Roma seated within, holding Victory and sceptre. Mintmark R thunderbolt epsilon. RIC V-2 Rome 184 var (unlisted officina). 21 mm / 4.5 g Probus. Antoninianus. Ticinum. RIC 489 IMP C PROBVS PF AVG, radiate bust left wearing imperial mantle and holding eagle-tipped sceptre / PROVIDENT AVG, Providentia standing left, holding globe and sceptre. Left field: Q. Mintmark SXXI. Probus Silvered AE Antoninianus. Rome mint.RIC 200 IMP PROBVS PF AVG, radiate mantled bust left holding eagle-tipped sceptre / SOLI INVICTO, Sol, radiate, in chariot riding left, raising right hand and holding globe and whip in left hand. Mintmark R(wreath)Γ. Probus AE Antoninianus. Siscia mint, 277-282 AD. RIC 818, S IMP C M AVR PROBVS P F AVG, radiate, mantled bust left, holding eagle-tipped sceptre / VIRTVS PROBI AVG, Probus on horseback galloping left riding down enemy. Mintmark XXIS. Cohen 931. Probus. AE Antoninianus. Cyzicus. RIC 913 var IMP CM AVR PROBVS PF AVG, radiate, helmeted and cuirassed bust left, holding spear over shoulder and shield, decorated with emperor spearing fallen enemy, on left arm / VIRTVS PROBI AVG, Emperor riding left, holding sceptre, right hand raised, captive before. Mintmark CXXIM. 24 mm / 3.7 g
  14. This is my newest fraction from Carthage, what makes it special is the high silver content , I think has more than 70% silver. I was unable to find a similar billon/silver fraction. Maximianus , Billon Silver Fraction , Carthage , 303 AD , RIC VI Carthage 37b IMP C MAXIMIANVS P F AVG , Bust of Maximian, radiate, draped, cuirassed, right / VOT X•X / FK within a wreath , MintMark: FK (Felix Karthago) , 3.34 g
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