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Thought I'd start a thread to share coins that you've never shared before. Either you just purchased it or haven't gotten around to sharing it. Here's the opportunity!

This coin just struck me. I'd been after something for Tegea, and just felt this was a cute little owl.


Arkadia, Tegea
4th-3rd Century BCE
AE 15.91mm 3.73g
Obverse: Helmeted head of Athena right
Reverse: TEΓE, owl standing left, head facing, palm branch before
BCD Peloponnesos 1727
Ex BCD Collection Purchased April 1979
Ex Marc Breitsprecher

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I usually don't post these, but here you go:


Germany, Third Reich: Meissen Zinc Medal, 1940 Invasion of Norway (Scheuch-1867)

Obv: Eagle standing left on pedestal, which bears inscription UM ZEHN STUNDEN ZUVOR-GEKOMMEN; around, ZUR ERINNERUNG AN DEN FELDZUG IN NORWEGEN; 9.APRIL 1940 in field
Rev: Norse ship, sailing left, with swastika on the mainsail; around, DENN WIR FAHREN GEGEN ENGELLAND (Then we will sail against England)

Germany, Third Reich: Meissen Zinc Medal, 1940 Invasion of Norway (Scheuch-1867) Obv: Eagle standing left on pedestal, which bears inscription UM ZEHN STUNDEN ZUVOR-GEKOMMEN; around, ZUR ERINNERUNG AN DEN FELDZUG IN NORWEGEN; 9.APRIL 1940 in field Rev: Norse ship, sailing left, with swastika on the mainsail; around, DENN WIR FAHREN GEGEN ENGELLAND (Then we will sail against England)

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Apollo with some serious fighting gear, the caestus:


Ionia, Smyrna, AE, (Bronze, 3.05 g 15 mm), Circa 75-50 BC. Uncertain magistrate. Ionia, Smyrna, AE, (Bronze, 3.05 g 15 mm), Circa 75-50 BC. Uncertain magistrate.

Obv: Laureate head of Apollo right within dotted border.

Rev: ZΜΥΡΝΑΙΩΝ, ethnic and magistrate's name vertically downwards to right and left of hand in caestus, palm-branch to right.

Ref: Milne, Autonomous 405 var.(magistrate)

Not an upgrade to my fav:


But the second radest I've found and a third different magistrate. 

Edited by Ryro
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11 hours ago, arizonarobin said:

I just received this Faustina As today. So she has never been posted her before:

Faustina I, Crescent/Stars Faustina I Ae As; 26--27mm; 9.98g  DIVA AVGVSTA-FAVSTINA draped bust right  Crescent with seven stars SC below  RIC 1199; Cohen 275 Keywords: Faustina Stars Crescent

Are you sure it's an as? I am almost certain I see more yellowish metal on mine than red. Unfortunately I still haven't gotten around to filming it. 

Most of my coins are unposted, so I'll return momentarily with something.

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I don't think I posted this. I had a small Geta spree last year as he was almost absent from my collection. I won it in an auction when I was on vacation and the bidding was live when I was relaxing with a glass of lemonade after a day at the beach 😎


Geta, as Caesar AD 198-209. Rome Denarius AR 20 mm, 3,11 g. AD 200-202

P SEPT GETA CAES PONT, bare-headed and draped bust to right / FELICITAS PVBLICA, Felicitas standing to left, holding caduceus and cornucopia. RIC IV 9a; BMCRE 220; RSC 38a.

The coin is in an excellent condition and I really like Geta's portrait. But it is not one of my favorite Geta coins because of the dull reverse and the bad die, also on the reverse. 

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A Cherson issue for Theodosius II from Crimea:


AE2, 18x21mm, 4.16g, Maiorina, minted at Cherson, cca. 426 or 437 or more safely ca. 426-450.
DN [THEODO] - SIVS PF AVG; helmeted bust right holding spear in r. hand and shield in l. hand
[CONCOR] - DIA AG[V]; Valentinian and Theodosius, nimbate, holding spears, supporting a long cross between them.
CONS in exergue.
RIC X Constantinople 460, rated R4, dated 426/437?

Slava Ukraini.

Edited by seth77
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This applies to half my collection 🤣 Although I have very little Roman I haven't posted.

I have a lot of farthings. They're English, but everyone (including many auction houses) seems to think they're Irish, probably because many have a harp on them. To be fair, the harp is thought to have been used just in case the English public didn't like them and they could then dump them on the Irish.

Ironically, the English public didn't like them, and this was blamed on the harp. So, they changed it to a rose. (In fact, the public didn't like them because they were England's first copper coins and their intrinsic value was lower than their face value, which meant they were difficult to spend).

To add to the confusion, a handful of issues were produced for Ireland. These are very similar, but oval, and the legend starts at the bottom, not the top:

Charles I Richmond Type 9 Oval Farthing, for use in Ireland, 1625-1631
Copper, 17x15mm, 0.45g. London Token House. Crown with 9 jewels; CARO : D : G : MAG : BRI (starting at 7 o'clock). Eagle-headed harp with 6 strings; FRA : ET HIB : REX; Die axis 0° (Everson Richmond Type 9 115b; BMC 276; S 3190).

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GREAT SELJUQ: Malikshah I, 1072-1092, pale AV dinar (4.48g), Balkh, AH479, A-1675, with his title Jalal al-Dawla, clear mint & date, Very Fine. Ex Stephen Album, Nov 2010.


From Britannica: Malik-Shāh displayed a great interest in literature, science, and art. His reign is memorable for the splendid mosques of his capital, Eṣfahān, for the poetry of Omar Khayyam, and for the reform of the calendar. His people enjoyed internal peace and religious tolerance.


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I cannot say in all honesty that I have never posted this coin in a chat room. However that is true of every coin I currently own. That being said I have not poste this coin in over two years

Alexander I Balas Ar Tetradrachm Tyre 149-148 BC Obv bust right draped and diademed. Rv Eagle standing left wings folded SC 1835/3 HGC 883 14.24 grms 28 mm Photo bt W. Hansen


Even though Antiochos III took the Ptolemaic possessions in what would be modern Israel, the Seleukids did not start striking tetradrachms until the reign of Alexander Balas. He chose not to strike coins of the reduced Attic standard but the Ptolemaic standard which was used in the region for over a century.

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I've never posted that one, which is very special to me.

It's been minted in the little village where I work ( Pont d'Ain is a small city of 2800 inhabitants) which has housed a mint workshop for a little while, from 1338 to 1401 CE).



Duché de Savoie - Amédée VI (1343-1383), denier viennois - atelier de Pont d'Ain
+ MED (MM) COMES (MM). A sommé d’une molette à cinq pointes.
+ SABAVDIE (MM). Écu de Savoie sommé d’une molette à cinq pointes.
Billon, 15 mm, 0,67 gr
Ref : Boudeau # 1125v, Cud # 132b


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Gallienus. 253-268 AD. AE Antoninianus (3.12 gm, 20mm). "Animal/ Mythical series" issue. Rome mint. Struck 267/8 AD. Obv.: GALLIENVS AVG, radiate head right. Rev.: APOLLINI CONS AVG, Centaur walking left, holding globe and trophy; H in exergue. RIC 164; MIR 36, 738b; RSC 73. VF

Idk I just like the centaur's abs 🤣

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One of several coins I bought recently.  Still going over the attributions, so it will take a while before I can post the reset of them...


Tulunid: Harun bin Khumarwayh (283-292 AH) AV Dinar, Misr, 289 AH (Album 667.1)

Obv: لا اله الا / الله وحده / لا شريك له (There is no God but Allah alone, he has no partner)
Obv Inner Margin: بسم الله ضرب هذا الدينار في مصر سنة مائتين وتسع وثمانين (In the name of God, this dinar was struck in Egypt in the year two hundred and eighty-nine)
Obv Outer Margin: لله الأمر من قبل و من بعد ويومئذ يفرح المؤمنون بنصر الله (To God belongs the command before and after. And that day the believers will rejoice in the victory of God (Quran 30:4-5))
Rev: لله / محمد رسول الله / المعتمد على الله / هارون بن خمارويه (To God / Muhammad is the Messenger of God / al-Mu'tamid 'ala Allah / Harun ibn Khumarwayh)
Rev Margin: محمد رسول الله ارسله بالهدى و دين الحق ليظهره على الدين كله ولو كره المشركون (Muhammad is the messenger of God. He sent him with guidance and the true religion to reveal it to all religions even if the polytheists abhor it.)
Dim: 4.13g

Tulunid: Harun bin Khumarwayh (283-292 AH) AV Dinar, Misr, 289 AH (Album 667.1) Obv: لا اله الا / الله وحده / لا شريك له ([i]There is no God but Allah alone, he has no partner[/i]) Obv Inner Margin: بسم الله ضرب هذا الدينار في مصر سنة مائتين وتسع وثمانين ([i]In the name of God, this dinar was struck in Egypt in the year two hundred and eighty-nine[/i]) Obv Outer Margin: لله الأمر من قبل و من بعد ويومئذ يفرح المؤمنون بنصر الله ([i]To God belongs the command before and after. And that day the believers will rejoice in the victory of God (Quran 30:4-5)[/i]) Rev: لله / محمد رسول الله / المعتمد على الله / هارون بن خمارويه ([i]To God / Muhammad is the Messenger of God / al-Mu'tamid 'ala Allah / Harun ibn Khumarwayh[/i]) Rev Margin: محمد رسول الله ارسله بالهدى و دين الحق ليظهره على الدين كله ولو كره المشركون ([i]Muhammad is the messenger of God. He sent him with guidance and the true religion to reveal it to all religions even if the polytheists abhor it.[/i]) Dim: 4.13g

Edited by quant.geek
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Well, since we're in the "General" section, I will post my last purchase.

This is my coin that has conveniently been photographed by PCGS long before I bought it. I am working on a type set of US Indian gold coinage. Just need the $3 Indian now.

1874 Indian Princess US One Dollar

graded MS62


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Here is one I have not posted before. The portrait appears more flattering in my opinion than usual.


Nero, 54-68 Semis circa 64, Æ 18.5mm., 4.69g. Laureate head r. Rev. Table seen from front, bearing urn and wreath; round shield resting against table leg. C. 47. RIC 233.


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I have quite a few coins I've never posted but I've recently been taking more videos and photos of them to share.

MACEDONIAN KINGDOM. Alexander III the Great (336-323 BC). AR tetradrachm (27mm, 17.13 gm, 10h) . Late lifetime-early posthumous issue of Aradus, ca. 328-320 BC. Head of Heracles right, wearing lion skin headdress, paws tied before neck / AΛEΞANΔPOY-BAΣIΛEΩΣ, Zeus enthroned left, left leg drawn back, feet on ground line, eagle in right hand, scepter in left; ΣΩ monogram in left field, AP monogram below strut. Price 3321.

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3 hours ago, filolif said:



I have quite a few coins I've never posted but I've recently been taking more videos and photos of them to share.

MACEDONIAN KINGDOM. Alexander III the Great (336-323 BC). AR tetradrachm (27mm, 17.13 gm, 10h) . Late lifetime-early posthumous issue of Aradus, ca. 328-320 BC. Head of Heracles right, wearing lion skin headdress, paws tied before neck / AΛEΞANΔPOY-BAΣIΛEΩΣ, Zeus enthroned left, left leg drawn back, feet on ground line, eagle in right hand, scepter in left; ΣΩ monogram in left field, AP monogram below strut. Price 3321.

Gorgeous details and relief on that coin!

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I never got a chance to post this anonymous AE here or on CT. Nothing special but still a nice coin:


Anonymous civic issue under Maximinus II Daia, AE4, 310–313 AD, Antioch mint. Obv: IOVI CONSERVATORI; Jupiter seated l., holding globe and sceptre. Rev: VICTORIA [AVGG]; Victory walking l., holding wreath and palm; in field r., I; in exergue, ANT. 16 mm, 1.43g. Ref: van Heesch (1993) type 2.

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New addition. I really enjoy these old Spanish coins.



Spanish Kingdoms of Castile & León, Ferdinand II of Aragon (as Ferdinand V of Castile & León) & Isabella I of Castile, Silver 4 Reales (13.69g, 35mm), Seville mint circa 1479-1504 AD. Obverse: Shield of Arms of King Ferdinand II ‘the Catholic’ (pre 1513 AD version) surmounted by royal crown, mintmark “S” to left field, mark of value “o IIII” to right field, inner beaded border and legend surrounds, “FERNANDVS: E[T· E]LISABET [D GR]” (ND of FERNANDVS ligated). Reverse: Garlanded Yoke of Isabella over bundle of six arrows of Ferdinand, within inner lined and beaded border, legend beginning with initial mark Cross Potent surrounds, “REX· ET [R]EGINAA· CA[ST] · LEGIO[N· A]RAGON”. Calicó-561. Typical weakness of strike in parts, interestingly with incorrect spelling of ‘REGINA’, largely complete through the central devices and with clear naming of Ferdinand and reverse titulature, a notable example, near Extremely Fine for issue. 

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