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  1. Some recent and not so recent pickups of Nicephoros II. The second one clearly shows that it was overstruck on a follis of Romanus I, specifically Sear 1760:
  2. Congrats! I noticed that particular coin in Heritage Europe, but decided to pass as I already had one of those. It's definitely a great acquisition, so kudos. I am still searching for the mainland version of this, but here is mine: Ceylon: Raja Raja Chola (ca. 985-1014) AV Kahavanu (MNI-825) Obv: King seated right, with arm on right raised and holding sankh shell; Devanagari legend on right, below raised arm - श्री रज रज (Sri Raja Raja) Rev: Standing king with ancillary symbols, to left and right
  3. A few of my coins: Great Mongols: Chingiz Khan (1206-1227) AE Jital, Ghazna (Album-1969; Nyamaa-5; SICA 9, 1008; SNA Tübingen XIVd, 651-3; Tye-329) Obv: Arabic legend in three lines; الاعظم خاقان العادل (The Just, Supreme Khan) Rev: Arabic laqab of caliph al-Nasir in four lines; الناصر لدين الله أمير المؤمنين (Defender of the Faith, Commander of the Faithful) Great Mongols: Möngke Khan (1251-1260) AR Dirham, Tiflis, AH 656 (Bennett 263; Album 1977) Obv: Arabic legend in three lines - لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له (There is no God but Allah alone. There are no others with Him); tamga of Möngke in between legend Rev: Arabic legend in three lines - مونككا قا ان الاعظم العادل (Möngke Khan, the Great, the Just); Star of Solomon in between legend Dim: 22 mm, 2.56 g, 3 h Imperial China, Yuan Dynasty: Emperor Wu Zong 10 Cash, 1310-1311 (Hartill-19.46) Obv: Ta Üen tung baw in Phags-Pa (ꡈꡝ ꡝꡦꡦꡋ ꡉꡟꡃ ꡎꡓ) = 大元通寶 Da Yuan tong bao Rev: Blank
  4. The Netherlands, operating as the United East India Company of the Netherlands, established a foothold in Southern India in Pulicat, Cochin, Tuticorin, and Negapatnam. Several of these territories where wrestled from the Portuguese. Some of the coins issued were among the largest coins in South India. I managed to upgrade my Two Stuivers recently, so here are a few of the coins from the VoC: Dutch India: Anonymous (ca. 1695) AE Two Stuivers, Nagapatnam (Scholten 1243, KM#29) Obv: Facing figure of God Kali Rev: Legend in Tamil - நாகபடடணம (Nagapattanam) Dim: 29 mm; 54.3g; 15 mm thickness Dutch India: Anonymous (ca. 1695) AE Stuiver, Nagapatnam (Scholten 1244, KM#28) Obv: Facing figure of God Kali Rev: Legend in Tamil - நாகபடடணம (Nagapattanam) Dim: 28.15 g
  5. I am not too concerned about the classification but more interested in associating with a published paper that brings things together. Is there a more recent classification, then fine, we move to that. As for his comments, exclusions, etc., that is always subjective. In finance, there has been several great references that I use, but don't agree with the assessment. But, I still point to the original paper...
  6. Been busy with work all day, so trying to squeeze some fun time in between. Here are mine 4a and 4b alongside the Plate Coins from Zervos: Byzantine Empire: Æ Anonymous Class B Follis, Attributed to Romanus III (1028-1034 ), Constantinople Mint (Sear 1823; Zervos Type B-4a) Obv: IC-XC to right and left of bust of Christ facing with nimbate cross behind head, square in each limb of nimbus cross, holding book of gospels, a dot in center of dotted square on book Rev: IS-XS BAS-ILE BAS-ILE to left and right above and below cross with dots at the ends, on three steps Byzantine Empire: Æ Anonymous Class B Follis, Attributed to Romanus III (1028-1034 ), Constantinople Mint (Sear 1823; Zervos Type B-4b) Obv: IC-XC to right and left of bust of Christ facing with nimbate cross behind head, square in each limb of nimbus cross, holding book of gospels, a dot in center of dotted square on book Rev: IS-XS BAS-ILE BAS-ILE to left and right above and below cross with dots at the ends, on three steps I already posted the plate coins in the previous post. I found the original source of the plate images. Its at the Corinth Excavations site at: https://corinth.ascsa.net/id/corinth/coin/1928 637
  7. The Sear classification is a bit dated for these, so I would use Goodwin's resource instead. See: https://www.academia.edu/24105129/The_Early_Folles_of_Constans_II but, to answer your question, I would incline towards 1005 as opposed to 1000.
  8. I have the images of the coins from this article. Don't remember where I downloaded it from, but it was from an official site. Here is the plate coin B4b:
  9. Byzantine Imitation: Anonymous (ca 11th Century) Æ Follis, Unknown Mint (DOC III Bb; Zervos Bb) Obv: IC to left, XC with pellet above to right; Bust of Christ facing, with cross nimbus having quincunx (⁙) in each arm and pellet in each upper quarter, wearing tunic and himation; right hand raised in blessing in sling of cloak, left hand holds book, with ⁙ on cover, from beneath. Rev: IS-XI IAS-IIЄ IAS-IIЄ to left and right above and below of cross; cross on base and two steps, pellet at each end of upper arms
  10. There has been several others that has been added to that list, but of course, I don't have those. Here are a few of the published ones: Byzantine Empire: Æ Anonymous Class B Follis, Constantinople (Sear 1823; DOC B.1-64; Zervos Type B-2) - Attributed to Romanus III (1028-1034) Obv: IC-XC to right and left of bust of Christ facing with nimbate cross behind head, dot in each limb of nimbus cross, holding book of gospels, a dot in center of dotted square on book Rev: IS-XS ЬAS-ILЄ ЬAS-ILЄ to left and right above and below cross with dots at the ends, on three steps Dim: 27 mm, 8.65 g Byzantine Empire: Æ Anonymous Class B Follis, Constantinople (Sear 1823; DOC B.1-64; Zervos Type B-3) - Attributed to Romanus III (1028-1034) Obv: IC-XC to right and left of bust of Christ facing, with cross nimbus having with a central pellet in each arm and in each upper quarter, wearing tunic and himation; right hand raised in blessing in sling of cloak, left hand holds book, with on cover, from beneath Rev: IS-XS ЬAS-ILЄ ЬAS-ILЄ in small letters to left and right above and below cross with dots at the ends, on three steps Dim: 29 mm, 9.32 g
  11. Two more coins of Nicephorus II Phocas: Byzantine Empire: Nicephorus II Phocas (963-969) Æ Follis, Cherson (Sear 1784; DOC 9) Obv: Monogram 52 Rev: Monogram 53 Dim: 19mm, 3.02g Byzantine Empire: Nicephorus II Phocas (963-969), Miliaresion, Constantinople (Sear 1781; DOC 6) Obv: + IhSVS XRI-STVS nICA *; Cross crosslet set on globus above two steps; in central medallion, crowned bust of Nicephorus facing Rev: + nICHF´ / En X·W AVTO/CRAT´ EVSEb´ / bASILEVS / RWmAIW´
  12. There are two varieties on this coin, so the OP coin is actually Sear 1783. Byzantine Empire: Nicephorus II Phocas (963-969) Æ Follis, Constantinople (Sear 1782; DOC 8 ) Obv: 🞢ҺICIFRb ASILЄVRШ; Crowned bust of Nicephorus II facing, bearded, wearing robe with V-shaped opening and crown with cross and pendilia; in right hand, labarum; in left, globus surmounted by trefoil Rev: 🞢ҺICHF / ЄҺΘЄШbA / SILЄVRШ / MAIШҺ in four lines Dim: 23.5mm, 6.03g, 6h Byzantine Empire: Nicephorus II Phocas (963-969) Æ Follis, Constantinople (Sear 1783; DOC 7) Obv: 🞢ҺICIFRb ASILЄVRШ; Crowned bust of Nicephorus II facing, bearded, wearing robe with V-shaped opening and crown with cross and pendilia; in right hand, cross scepter; in left, globus surmounted by trefoil Rev: 🞢ҺICHF / ЄҺΘЄШbA / SILЄVRШ / MAIШҺ in four lines Dim: 27.7mm, 8.86g, 6h
  13. Here is another coin with the corresponding reference books on Thanjavur Nayakas. This particular coin is part of a series of anonymous coins that was issued during the reign of Raghunatha Nayaka onwards. Mitchiner indicates that these so-called Ramayana series depict various scenes from that epic. There is some doubt in that attribution. Seetharaman indicates that the obverse depicts Rajagopalaswamy and the reverse depicts Vijaya Raghava Nayaka sitting on his throne. Thanjavur Nayakas: Vijaya Raghava Nayaka (1640-1673) Æ Kasu (MCSI 775; Seetharaman 16) Obv: Standing Rajagopalaswamy (Krishna as the King of the Cowherds) holding horsewhip, leaning on a crutch Rev: Vijaya Raghava Nayaka seated facing References: Seetharaman's Coins of the Thanjavur Nayakas (Tamil) V. Vriddhagirisan's The Nayakas of Tanjore (English)
  14. While Mitchiner's The Coinage and History of Southern India is a bit dated, it is still a good resource. However, if you can find it, Ganesh's The Coins of Tamil Nadu is one of the best resources available. As for non-English ones, தமிழக காசுகள் by ஆறுமுகசீதாராமன் (Seetharaman's Coins of Tamil Nadu) is pretty good. You can find some of his books online, but it is in Tamil: தஞ்சாவூர் மராட்டியர் காசுகள் - Coins of the Thanjavur Marathas சேதுபதி காசுகள் - Coins of the Sethupathis search for coins to find other resources, such as: Coins of the Cholas, by Biddulph Of course, Ganesh published multiple books, in English across various regions in South India, but finding them is difficult. Aside from these, there aren't that many, unfortunately... BTW, I don't have Ganesh nor Setharaman's main books, but I am still looking for it! Setharaman's book is available in India, if you can get someone to ship it to you...
  15. There are so many coins in my collection that needs to be photographed, but alas time is my number one enemy. Work has taken over most of my time and thus makes things extremely difficult to get anything done. Here is another one, but it reminds me of 'The Scream" for some reason: Thanjavur Nayakas: Raghunatha Nayaka (1614-1640) Æ Kasu (MCSI 743; Ganesh 489) Obv: Standing Rama, Sita & Laxmana Rev: Devanagari legend श्री रघु / नाथा (Sri Raghu / natha) in two lines
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