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Everything posted by Restitutor

  1. Hi All - I will handle specific cases via private message but I wanted to make a general statement here on this thread. Calling into question the validity of someones coin is a serious matter, and not something that should be done lightly. I think all of us here would agree with that statement. While I want to give the benefit of the doubt that when this happens it is done in good faith, when it happens one too many times it begins to feel a tad, "boy who cried wolf". And, to be blunt, we do not need posts like that here. In our forum rules I state that this is a welcoming space, and I do not want people to feel unwelcome to posts their coins here out of concern they may be met with unfounded accusations of falsehood. It is not a good feeling. Now, I don't want to make a bigger deal out of this than needs be, as instances like this are extremely rare in proportion to the number of posts on this forum. But, given the recent uptick I want to address this topic head on now. Repeated instances will result in posts/comments being hidden, and if it persists, could eventually lead to a temporary halt on an account from posting. -Res
  2. Thanks, Prieure, for this final “nail in the coffin” so to speak. I’ve been monitoring these threads and while technically they do not break any rules, the misinformation, now proven beyond a reasonable doubt, warrants them being locked.
  3. New Numis Forums Members, As one of the tools deployed to help with spam prevention, all new accounts will be put on a 24-hour content moderation period. This means that any post a new account makes in the first 24 hours requires manual content approval (by me), and will be hidden from the forum feed until approval is granted. After the 24 hour period, this approval setting is automatically lifted. As all spammers make posts within 24 hours of an accounts creation, this allows us to catch and delete these accounts before their spam posts can disrupt our forum, thus ensuring the best experience possible for everyone here 🙂 -Res
  4. Thanks for the heads up Sev! I’ll look into this.
  5. Lol. I wouldn’t wish this headache on my worst enemy! Fortunately I think The Great Spammer War is over… 🤣
  6. Hi Everyone, As I'm sure you've noticed, we've been hit with a litany of spam bots over the last 12-ish hours. This is obviously super annoying, and I've been working on the backend to enhance the spam prevention. It seemed to work for about 4 or 5 hours last night so I went to bed, then woke up to more. I've added further enhancements since waking up, but we may be in a little bit of a wack-a-mole as I continue testing things out. Fortunately I'm awake again, so will catch things and clean it up quickly as needed. I apologize profusely for this annoyance; I suppose it means our site is now doing well enough that we're popping up in the spammer rosters. So, yay success! Lol 🙂 😅 -Res
  7. It is pretty crazy just how nice his coins are when you consider he falls into the “usurper” category. This one used on his Wiki page is just, wow 😍 Imagine being the lucky person who got to hold it…
  8. Let’s remember to keep it civil 🙂 It is an “unpopular opinion” thread after all (regardless of misunderstanding).
  9. Wouldn’t this mean all Roman Imperial coins too since the Caesar’s were religious leaders as Pontifex Maximus?!
  10. Saw this thread on the Reddit subforum for US Coins and thought it could be fun to do for our non-US forum. Basically, state an opinion you have related to numismatics you think is unpopular but that you still go by. For example… you like coins in slabs! I’ll kick things off… If I had to choose between a lower grade gold coin, and a higher grade silver or provincial, all else equal I’d pick the higher grade non gold coin 🙊 Please just remember the forum rules are still in effect so don’t go shaming people for their opinions. All in good fun here 🙂 except slabbers… Just kidding 🙂
  11. I can attest to this! From what I’ve been hearing a lot more people are doing neti pods, which require distilled water, so I imagine that has some impact. I have picked up the habit as well and it’s amazing
  12. That’s amazing! But wow that got dark. I was a little worried the collector wouldn’t survive by the end of that 😳. I asked it to tell me about ancient Roman coin collecting and here’s what it said: “Ancient Roman coin collecting is a fascinating hobby that can take you on a journey through the history of one of the world's most powerful empires. The coins of ancient Rome tell the story of its emperors, generals, and ordinary citizens, and can provide a window into the everyday life of the Roman people. If you're interested in getting started with ancient Roman coin collecting, there are a few things you should know. First, it's important to understand the types of coins that were produced during the Roman period. Roman coins can be divided into two main categories: Republican and Imperial. Republican coins were minted before the rise of the Roman Empire, and often feature images of gods and goddesses, as well as symbols and inscriptions. Imperial coins, on the other hand, were produced during the Roman Empire, and typically feature the image of the ruling emperor or empress. When you're first getting started with ancient Roman coin collecting, it's a good idea to focus on a specific time period or emperor. This will allow you to learn more about the history of the period and the specific coins that were produced. It's also a good idea to invest in a good reference book or guide to ancient Roman coins, which will provide you with information on the types of coins, the symbols and inscriptions that appear on them, and their values. When you're ready to start purchasing ancient Roman coins, it's important to buy from reputable dealers. Be sure to check the authenticity of the coins, which can be verified by experts in the field, and also research the coin's history. You also want to pay attention to the condition of the coin, as the value of a coin can be greatly affected by its condition. Finally, remember that ancient Roman coin collecting is a lifelong hobby that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. With a little bit of knowledge and a passion for history, you can discover the rich stories and secrets that are hidden in these small pieces of metal. Keep in mind, The value of ancient coins can fluctuate, so it's best to do your own research before making any purchase. Also it’s important to note, that there are laws and regulations that govern the collecting and buying of ancient coins. It’s a good idea to make sure you understand and comply with these laws in your country or region.”
  13. Watching this, a question formed in my head. What happens after? You just dropped $2.3M on a coin, do you just walk up after the auction ends, pay for it, and they hand it to you and ask would you like the receipt with you or in the bag, and you leave? 😂 I’d like to imagine you get treated to an amazingly fancy dinner and get to rub shoulders with the auction house head honchos, drinking champagne that makes Dom look cheap 🤩 one can dream…
  14. Agree with @CPK. Would be a dream come true to attend this event some day! Hope everyone who is going has a great time and excited to see what everyone gets 🙂
  15. Given that everyone has remained extremely cordial and respectful I will likely keep the thread unlocked, but I do echo the comments saying the topic itself has probably run its course. In the rare occasions I lock a thread here, I notice an uptick on a certain… other site reveling in the fact I have to use moderation powers. It’s childish, and I don’t really care, but may as well avoid it when I can 🙂
  16. Going to lock this thread as the main reason for its posting is achieved by the fact it’s been posted. Now, let’s all get back to talking about coins! 😊
  17. That explains the Romans dominance then! 😁 That is a show stopper of a coin! Would you mind including the description of it? Want to add this to type my “wish list” of coins 😍
  18. I echo wholeheartedly the words of @ambr0zie, The ability of us here to resolve issues with respect, understanding, and empathy is why I love this community so much. In that spirit, here is a coin depicting Concordia, goddess of harmony and peace.
  19. Exceptional thread @Roman Collector! The little owl always gives me a good chuckle whenever I see one. Their annoyed look reminds me of celebrities when they see paparazzi staring at them while they try and go about their day. I need to find a reproduction of that fearsome warrior owl vessel ASAP, it is glorious 😂 Perhaps if the Greek city-states had a legion or two of warrior owls, they wouldn't have been defeated by the Romans..... 🤭
  20. Totally off topic but as someone else who has owls as their favorite animal (see, my avatar), I couldn't pass up the chance to show off this beautiful owl who resides in my backyard: I hope you're successful in your hunt for an owl coin for your grandmother!
  21. Restitutor

    Test 2

  22. Restitutor

    Greek Test

  23. Restitutor

    This is a test

    This is a test.
  24. Will add to the chorus and say as well Leu is definitely one of the top auction houses, both in quality of coins offered and reputation. I find myself more and more allocating a larger share of my budget to Leu; they are probably already the majority share. Only auction house I’ll wake up at 4am to live bid! As others have said… if you enter a pre-bid be prepared to likely pay your max. I never, ever, pre-bid and I usually get coins at a reasonable price that way.
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