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Lysimacheia, Thrace

309-220 BC
AE 21 (21mm, 8.14g)
O: Wreathed and veiled head of Demeter right.
R: Nike standing left, holding wreath; ΛYΣIMA[XEΩN] around to left.
SNG Cop 905; Sear 1621; BMC 3, 6
ex Romae Aeternae Numismatics

~ Peter 


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17 hours ago, panzerman said:

Edo --> Oea


Oea was an ancient city in present-day Tripoli, Libya. It was founded by the Phoenicians in the 7th century BC and later became a Roman–Berber colony. As part of the Roman Africa Nova province, Oea and surrounding Tripolitania were prosperous. It reached its height in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD, when the city experienced a golden age under the Severan dynasty in nearby Leptis Magna. By the later half of the 2nd century BC, Oea was conquered by the Romans, who included it in their province of Africa, and gave it the name of Regio Syrtica. Around the beginning of the 3rd century AD, it became known as the Regio Tripolitana, meaning "region of the three cities" (namely Oea (modern Tripoli of Libya), Sabratha and Leptis Magna). It was probably raised to the rank of a separate province by Septimius Severus, who was a native of Leptis Magna. In spite of centuries of Roman habitation, the only visible Roman remains, apart from scattered columns and capitals (usually integrated in later buildings), is the Arch of Marcus Aurelius from the 2nd century AD. There are also remains of a little temple called Genius Coloniae, conserved in Tripoli Museum.

Imperator Caesar Divi filius Augustus
Reign: Augustus; Mint: Oea, Africa; Date: 27 BC / 14 AD
Nominal: Unit; Material: AE Bronze; Diameter: 32mm; Weight: 18.93g
Pedigree: From the Patrick Villemur Collection
Pedigree: From the Alberto Campana Collection
Pedigree: From the Patrick Villemur Collection
Provenance: CNG Classical Numismatic Group, Auction Triton XI, Lot 551, Date 08.01.2008
Provenance: NAC Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction 64, Lot 2400, Date 17.05.2012
Provenance: Heidelberger Münzhandlung Herbert Grün, Auction 86, Lot 386, Date 16.05.2023
Provenance: Heidelberger Münzhandlung Herbert Grün, Auction 87, Lot 86, Date 14.11.2023
Reference: RPC I 826 (.4 this coin)
Obverse: Bare head of Augustus, left; in front, lituus; behind, praefericulum; all in laurel wreath; Inscription: (with or without) C (above lituus); Reverse: Helmeted bust of Minerva, right, and laureate bust of Apollo, with cithara and quiver on shoulder; Inscription: WY'T (above); S'VQ ThThE (beneath).
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1 hour ago, panzerman said:

Adan --> Netherlands


Netherlands, Republiek der Zeven
Reign: Wilhelm V of Oranien; Mint: Province West Friesland
Date: 1760 AD; Nominal: Ducat (Dukat)
Material: Gold; Diameter: 21mm; Weight: 3.46g
Reference: Friedberg 295; Reference: Delmonte 838
Obverse: Knight standing facing, holding sword and bundle of arrows
Reverse: Legend in five lines within ornate tablet
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Netherlands → Saxony

This coin is a single year of issue. Frederick christian died of smallpox less than 1 year after becoming Elector.

Issuer     Electorate of Saxony (Albertinian Line) (German States)
Prince elector     Frederick Christian (1763)
Type     Standard circulation coin
Year     1763
Value     4⁄3 Thaler
Currency     Thaler (1493-1805)
Composition     Silver (.833)
Weight     28.8 g
Diameter     43 mm
Shape     Round
Orientation     Medal alignment ↑↑
Demonetized     Yes


Armored bust facing right.


Crowned arms, date at end of legend.

IUL : CL : MONT : A : & W : S : R : I : ARCHIM : & ELECTOR · 1763


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Dresden --> Neapolis

Faustina II, AD 147-175.
Roman provincial Æ 26.85 mm, 13.64 g, 12 h.
Samaria, Neapolis, AD 159/160.
Obv: ΦΑVCΤЄΙΝΑ CЄΒ ЄVCЄ CЄΒΑ ΘVΓ, diademed and draped bust, right.
Rev: ΦΛ ΝЄΑCΠΟΛЄѠ CVΡΙΑC ΠΑΛΑΙCΤΙ, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae; year ЄΤ ΠΗ.
Refs: RPC IV.3, 6340 (temporary); Lindgren A2431B; SNG ANS 973; Hendin 880; Rosenberger 20.
Notes: The obverse titulature, ΦΑVCΤЄΙΝΑ CЄΒ ЄVCЄ CЄΒΑ ΘVΓ, is translated as "Faustina Augusta, daughter of Pius Augustus" and corresponds to the Latin FAVSTINA AVG PII AVG FIL found on imperial issues for her. Ex George Fisher Collection.

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15 hours ago, panzerman said:

Santiago --> Olbia


King of the Scyths, probably Military mint for Marcus Iunius Brutus
Reign: Geto-Dacians Epoch, Roman Republic, Civil War
Mint: Probably Olbia (?), King of the Scyths; Date: ca. 44/42 BC
Nominal: Stater; Material: Gold; Diameter: 20mm; Weight: 8.38g
Reference: RPC I 1701A; Reference: BMC Thrace 208
Reference: Bahrfeldt, Berliner Münzblätter 1912, 366–81
Obverse: Procession of Konsul Marcus Iunius Brutus and two lictors, left; the foremost and hindmost carrying an axe over shoulder. Monogram in the field; Inscription: KOSON ΟΛΒ; Translation: Koson Olbia (?); Reverse: Eagle standing, left, on sceptre, holding wreath in on claw.
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Olbia → Apameia

PHRYGIA. Apameia. Ae (Circa 88-40 BC). Magistrate Attalos, son of Bianor, eglogistes.
Obv: Turreted head of Artemis-Tyche right, with bow and quiver over shoulder.
Marsyas advancing right, playing aulos; menander pattern below.
BMC 62; HGC 7, 674. 5,49 g - 18,77 mm


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Amphipolis - Syrian mint.


256-260 AD. Uncertain Syrian mint. Obv: IMP C P LIC VALERIANVS AVG legend with radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev: PIETAS AVGG legend with Valerian and Gallienus standing, facing each other, sacrificing over altar, one holding eagle-tipped sceptre, the other a parazonium. RIC 285; Sear 9955 (obverse variant").3.64 grams.

From the private collection of a retired Suffolk gentleman; with old faded handwritten collection ticket. Valerian was born to a distinguished Roman family and had experience as a general and an administrator. Once emperor, he arguably faced a more critical situation than any previous regime. He attempted to negotiate peace with Shapur and the Sasanids at a conference in 260 AD, but he was attacked and taken into captivity in Persia, the first Roman emperor ever to fall into the hands of a foreign power. At this point, Rome was on the brink of collapse.

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southern Gaul → Lugdunum

Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, Roman Emperor of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty 54-68 AD AE As, Lugdunum mint. 66 AD. IMP NERO CAESAR AVG P MAX TR P PP, bare head right, globe at point of bust / S-C to left and right of Victory flying left, holding shield inscribed SPQR. RIC 543; BMC 381; WCN 593; Cohen 302
28.5mm, 10.01gr


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8 hours ago, panzerman said:

Nürnberg --> Gaul

The Sequans were one of the most important peoples in eastern Gaul. They were the enemies of the Eduens, their neighbours. Their territory was very large and stretched between the Saône, the Rhône, the Jura and the Vosges. The Jura lakes separated them from the Helvets. They had been very powerful in the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC, but had lost their splendour after the Germanic tribes occupied part of their territory around 70 BC. They had the Leuques, the Lingons, the Eduens and the Helvetii as neighbours. Their main toppidum was Vesontio (Besançon). Cited several times by Caesar in the campaign of 52 BC, they supplied a contingent of 12,000 men for the rescue army.

This quinar belongs to the large group of the East, inspired by the denarius with the legend KALETEDOY. The assignment to the Sequans is probable, although the distribution map of the finds is very large and scattered. Brigitte Fischer has shown in an article in Numismatische Hefte 75 (1983), pp.232-233 that the legend Q(uintus) DOCI SAM F(ilius) cannot begin before 57-56 BC. The type is present in the trenches of Alesia, but continued to circulate after the Gallic War.

Q(uintus) DOCI SAM F(ilius), Gallic War Julius Caesar
Quinarius of the Roman Republic Period before 57/56 BC
Material: Silver; Diameter: 17mm; Weight: 1.85g
Mint: Gaul (around Vesontio / Besancon)
Reference: LT 5405, DT 3245
Obverse: Celticized head of Roma to left. The Inscription reads: Q DOCI
Reverse: Horse springing left. The Inscription reads: Q DOCI SAM F
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2 hours ago, Prieure de Sion said:

Gaul --> Louis the fourteenth 



Louis XIV (1643-1715) - Quart d'écu aux palmes - 1694 D (Lyon)
LVD. XIIII. D. G (SOLEIL) - FR. ET. NAV. REX. Buste de Louis XIV à droite, cuirassé, avec la grande perruque
(croissant) SIT. NOMEN. DOMINI. - D - .BENEDICTVM. 1694. Écu rond de France couronné entre deux palmes.
6,46 gr - 30 mm
Ref : C #1896, Dy #1522A


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33 minutes ago, Qcumbor said:

Lyon --> Nicopolis ad Istrum

I would say, next one can use a "S", "D" or "M" .... 🙂 


Marcus Antonius Gordianus III
Under consular legate Sabinius Modestus
Bronze of the Roman Imperial Period 241/244 AD
Material: AE; Diameter: 29mm; Weight: 15.85g
Mint: Nicopolis ad Istrum, Moesia Inferior
Reference: Varbanov 4135, AMNG I 2058
Obverse: Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right. The Inscription reads: YT K M ANT GOPDIANOC AYG for Autokratoros Kaisaros Marcos Antonios Gordianos Augustos (Imperator Caesar Marcus Antonius Gordianus Augustus); Reverse: Hermes standing left, holding purse and caduceus. The Inscription reads: YP CAB MODECTOY NIKOPOLEITWN PPOC ICT for Upatewn Sabinons Modestou Nikopeitwn Pros Istrwn (Magistrate Sabinus Modestus from Nicopolis ad Istrum).
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