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  1. Beautiful, but why are they so expensive 😞
  2. Ex Wayne G Sayles Next: 3rd century BC
  3. That's some project well done. Turned out great!
  4. Sounds like CT forum, been pending approval for 4 years.
  5. Recently got interested in making a Julio Claudian collection of sort.. so I picked this up to add... Wonder how deep I can build this..
  6. Congrats. Nice coin.
  7. Next; Spain, 1st century roman
  8. I love this coin, I have a similar one(mine faces left). Not great condition, but I really like it for some reason.
  9. I raise... But $129 is a price I was happy to pay.
  10. I don't know, but they are not on original coins and look clearly modern.
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