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Last acquisition completes a milestone


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Last Saturday I was out for a walk and my spouse told me to "buy something that pleases you". So I was fully entitled to go home as I knew there will be soon an auction from a house I like (I did not intend to participate) and check again if there is anything I like, I need and I can afford. 

So I clearly followed her advice. 

The coin that immediately attracted my attention was a provincial that ticked 2 major boxes: 1. An emperor who was completely missing from my collection and 2. a mint I like as from provincial mints, it's one of the most interesting ones when it comes to portraits and artistry.


24 mm, 11,94 g.

Egypt, Alexandria. Galba 68-69 AD. Billon tetradrachm. Dated RY 1 (9th of June – 28th of August 68 AD).

[ΛΟΥΚ ΛΙΒ ΣΟΥΛΠ] ΓΑΛΒΑ Κ[ΑΙΣ ΣΕΒ ΑΥ(Τ)], LΑ, laureate head of Galba, right / [ΕΙΡΗ]ΝΗ, veiled bust of Eirene wearing olive wreath, with caduceus over shoulder, right.

Köln 219; Dattari 302; Milne 309; Emmett 171; RPC I 5328.

This is not the best Galba tetradrachm ever seen, but I liked the portrait (it seems the Alexandrian engravers did not have a clear idea of Galba's looks). Regnal year is clear. Galba's name is (nearly) visible. And I like the elegance of the reverse (another reverse type I didn't have - Eirene is the Roman equivalent of Pax). Overall, I like this coin more than the Galba budget denarii I lost in auctions over the years. 

I mentioned a few times (and I am not changing my mind) that completing a "pure" 12 Caesars set is not a goal for me. When I say "pure" - it would be a set of 12 denarii from the first 12 Caesars. Or 12 imperial bronze coins. Or, why not, 12 aureii, but this is a different league from a galaxy far, far away. I am not following this path because of the prices. I find Otho denarii too expensive for the value I personally consider (this means - the amount of pleasure I would get from owning a coin). Caligula and Claudius denarii - out of my reach. Tiberius - a tribute penny in modest condition wouldn't be a massive financial effort but see the first point about Otho. As for finding a Julius Caesar denarius with his portrait ... see the second point regarding Caligula and Claudius. 

So after I managed to win the Galba coin I realized that, in a budget-oriented method (but without cheating, I think) I managed to complete one of the classic goals of ancient coin collectors - a 12 Caesars set. 

1. Julius Caesar. No. I do not have coins with Julius Caesar's portrait or his name. I have a Philippi Claudius provincial having a reverse with the statues of Octavian and Julius Caesar, but even if that is a historic and symbolic coin, it doesn't count.  However, I have 3 RR denarii from Julius Caesar's dictatorship so I think they do count. 




L. Plautius Plancus (47 BC), Mn. Cordius Rufus (46 BC) , L. Papius Celsus (45 BC). 
The coin that is most related to Julius Caesar from these is the Mn. Cordius Rufus - description from a Roma auction
This type is ascribed to Mn. Cordius Rufus, monetal triumvir under Julius Caesar, before or after the dictatorship. The owl refers to Caesar’s prudence and wisdom; the warlike helmet and the aegis to his valour.

These coins are, in my opinion, even if not iconic for Julius Caesar, representative for his reign and deserve a place in this set. 

2. Augustus. Here things are simple - my recently acquired denarius is more than satisfactory for the job. 

And I still like a lot one of my first provincials, this one from Cyzicus, using a very similar theme. 

3. Tiberius - this Commagene dupondius (also listed in RIC)

4. Caligula is represented by a Smyrna provincial. 

5. Claudius - my choice is a pleasant Antioch 

but this Philippi is also very interesting, and as a bonus it seems to be an unrecorded variety. 

A diobol from Alexandria with a hippo is another logical choice 


and I also have 2 modest imperial bronzes - showing clearly the "long neck" typical for his coinage 




6. Nero - last year I managed to add a denarius. Not the most common type, with a good portrait (the reverse has seen better days but still a perfect check of the box)

7. Galba - like I said, the tetradrachm is more appealing to me than the common types of denarii, and these are not very cheap - adding the picture again 

8. Otho. A tricky one because his imperial coins are expensive, his provincial coins are not abundant. I was able to get an Antioch coin because the auction house attributed as "Otho (?)". It is Otho. I had my doubts that it's in fact a Nero. It isn't. 

9. Vitellius. A budget denarius checks the box.

10. Vespasian. Things are getting easier. I can choose a coin with a reverse design I like (common for many emperors)

... or a few other denarii, but I want to mention the portrait I like the most, on a posthumous denarius.

11. Titus - a denarius that's difficult to beat

or my first ever sestertius

12. Domitian -  I prefer the Minerva Victrix reverse.
and I also like my first Domitian coin, a provincial from Sestos

Will this set receive some upgrades in the future? Perhaps. I managed to fill almost all the gaps I had in mind (generally speaking, not about the 12 Caesars) so normally my purchasing rate will continue to decrease (this happened in 2023 compared to previous years). I might search for an Otho with a visible name, at least, and perhaps I will have the chance to get a "real" Julius Caesar, but overall I can say that this chapter is complete, even if not with flying colors. 


Please post
- Galba coins
- newly added rulers in your collections
- newly added coins, perhaps interesting coins after you posted your yearly Top 10 (or whatever number) topics
- why not, rarer emperors from 12 Caesars set. 

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Nice "12 Caesars set"

Here is another Galba from Alexandria


Egypt, Alexandria
Billon-Tetradrachme, year2, AD 68-69
Obv.: ΣEPOYI ΓAΛBA AYTO KAIΣ ΣEBA, Laureate head right LB=year2
Rev.: AΛEΞANΔPEA, Draped bust of Alexandria right, wearing elephant's skin; simpulum before.
Billon, 12.79g, 24.3mm
Köln 226; Dattari 301; Milne 348; Emmett 170; RPC I 5341

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Way to go on a major collecting milestone, my friend!

Galba, the guy who would've made a great ruler, had he not ruled. 

Here's mine. Intentionally defaced? Damnatio?? Idk. I wasn't there. But it's beat up, though has a pleasing toning:share1734566795059506190.png.2517c296633124af9e91536ce5a856b6.png.ff683c2989707ea02c02cc17d55c909f.png

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Digital high five, well done! A Galba is always a good score, and your spouse is the best!

You've got some very, very interesting and cool issues by the way, even though they're not high grade they're really nice. Not only that Augustus denarius, but I also really like your Domitian Minerva victrix. Not something you see every day. 

This is my first Galba. Not best of grade, but the reverse is what attracted me to it. 2019 knew pre-corona prices for coins. Those were the better days... 


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15 minutes ago, Limes said:

Digital high five, well done! A Galba is always a good score, and your spouse is the best!


I won't deny it, but I used a diplomatic trick here. I was out and she just told me to buy something for me, anything. I can bet a coin was the very last thing she had in mind. 

So I just went home and did exactly what I was asked to do. 

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Congratulations! It actually never occurrred to me to count Roman Republican coins minted while Julius Caesar was Dictator as "his" coins for purposes of a 12 Caesars set, but why not? Works for me!

Here is my one Galba coin from Roman Alexandria. The only problem with it is that I can't look at it without instinctively thinking "Nerva"!

Galba Billon Tetradrachm, Year 1 (AD 68), Alexandria, Egypt Mint. Obv. Laureate head right, ΛΟΥΚ ΛΙΒ ΣΟΥΛΠ ΓΑΛΒΑ ΚΑΙΣ ΣΕΒ ΑΥΤ (beginning at 7:00); LA (Year 1) in lower right field / Rev. Bust of Roma right, wearing crested helmet and cuirass, with spear held obliquely in front of chest and shield held behind left shoulder; ΡΩ-ΜΗ [ROMA] (beginning at 9:00). 25 mm., 13.43 g., 1 h. Emmett 174.1, RPC [Roman Provincial Coinage] Vol. I 5330 (1992); RPC I Online at https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/1/5330; Milne 319 at p. 9 (Legend A3, ending in “AYT”); K & G 17.6; BMC 16 Alexandria 197 (at p. 24); SNG France 4, Alexandrie I 631-632. Purchased at CNG [Classical Numismatic Group, LLC] E-Auction 512, 23 March 2022, Lot 433.


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Galba (68 - 69 A.D.)

Egypt, Alexandria
Billon Tetradrachm
O: ΛOYK ΛIB ΣOYΛΠ ΓAΛBA KAIΣ ΣEB AV, laureate head right, LA (date) before, LA = 68 A.D.
R: ΡΩ-MH, helmeted, draped bust of Roma right, holding spear and shield.
Milne 317, RPC 5330; Köln 223; Dattari (Savio) 314; K&G 17.6.


Galba (68 - 69 A.D.)

AR Tetradrachm
SYRIA, Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch
R: Eagle standing left, wreath in beak, on two laurel branches; palm to left, ETOYC B (date) below.
Antioch Mint
RPC I 4198; Prieur 100; SNG Copenhagen 163


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4 minutes ago, Nerosmyfavorite68 said:

The 'Jon Pertwee' Roma is just excellent, and really makes the coin.  Judging by the price of inferior examples on vcoins, it must have been pretty pricey.  Both sides are nice, but Roma's definitely the star of the show here!

Are you talking about the Galba/Roma I just posted? If so, thank you. It did cost more at auction than I would usually spend on an Alexandrian tetradrachm, but I got caught up in the bidding. I looked up Jon Pertwee's photo quickly because I'd never heard of him, and I suppose there's a resemblance. I did think that Roma "looks like somebody," however. It's that smile, I think.

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53 minutes ago, DonnaML said:

Congratulations! It actually never occurred to me to count Roman Republican coins minted while Julius Caesar was Dictator as "his" coins for purposes of a 12 Caesars set, but why not? Works for me!

Yes, I admit that the rules are stretched a little, but I would not count this as cheating. Can they be sold as "Julius Caesar coins"? I would say no, unless I will suddenly become a dealer who uses aggressive and forced marketing. But I don't think using them as puzzle pieces in a 12 Caesars set is wrong. They are from Caesar's reign, from Rome, so I think they fit 🙂 (note - the idea crossed my mind when I realized the Galba puzzle piece is solved). 

10 minutes ago, Sulla80 said:

"non-traditional 12 Caesars collection". 

Great article! I did not know about it but it seems that we have very similar ideas. Thanks for the poster - I am a Photoshop fan and I think I will create a few similar images to be used as mouse pads (for my own use). It's not difficult to create nice images ( @LONGINUS inspired me) and if you know how to do nice overlaps, the images are very attractive. I created a book version of my catalogue and I designed the covers  myself - I really like the outcome. 


However it seems you didn't like my Titus coins and left him out 😄

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1 hour ago, ambr0zie said:

Yes, I admit that the rules are stretched a little, but I would not count this as cheating. Can they be sold as "Julius Caesar coins"? I would say no, unless I will suddenly become a dealer who uses aggressive and forced marketing. But I don't think using them as puzzle pieces in a 12 Caesars set is wrong. They are from Caesar's reign, from Rome, so I think they fit 🙂 (note - the idea crossed my mind when I realized the Galba puzzle piece is solved). 

Great article! I did not know about it but it seems that we have very similar ideas. Thanks for the poster - I am a Photoshop fan and I think I will create a few similar images to be used as mouse pads (for my own use). It's not difficult to create nice images ( @LONGINUS inspired me) and if you know how to do nice overlaps, the images are very attractive. I created a book version of my catalogue and I designed the covers  myself - I really like the outcome. 


However it seems you didn't like my Titus coins and left him out 😄

Ooops - grabbed two Vespasians instead of Titus!  Speed not coins at fault (corrected above)- Nice book cover 😃

Edited by Sulla80
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