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The eyes have it!


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I think we will find,in coins of all nations and denominations, an unreal depiction of the eyes. Post your coins of bizarre, out of proportion or just downright odd looking eyes. I was just reading about Marty Feldman and his permanently missaligned eyes, which has prompted this thread.


To start things off

JAIME I. (1213-1276 AD). Spanish States
Obverse: ARAGON., bust of King Jaime, crowned and draped, left.
Reverse: IACOBVS REX., cross of Caravaca.

1.09g. 18mm.


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Arkadia, Tegea
4th-3rd Century BCE
AE 15.91mm 3.73g
Obverse: Helmeted head of Athena right
Reverse: TEΓE, owl standing left, head facing, palm branch before
BCD Peloponnesos 1727
Ex BCD Collection Purchased April 1979



Kings of Characene. Hyspaosines
Charax-Spasinu mint
Dated SE 189 (124/3 BCE)
AR Tetradrachm 31mm, 16.20 g, 12h
Diademed head right /
Herakles seated left on rock, holding club on knee; monogram to outer left, ΘΠP (date) in exergue.
Assar fig. 13; Alram 491 var. (date); Sunrise 463; cf. DCA 479 (for type; date unlisted)

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Julian II Contemporary Imitation Siliqua, 361-363
image.png.2aa31db00a42e594bd89b9c0da712094.pngImitating Arles. Silver, 16mm, 1.63g. Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right; D N FL CL IVLIA-NVS P F AVG. VOT X MVLT XX within wreath, dot in medallion at top; CONS in exergue (cf RIC VIII, 312). From the West Norfolk/Grimston Hoard 2018. Portable Antiquities Scheme: NMS-963FF1.

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I'll share but warn you: DO NOT look into her eyes:


In hand this one can steal your soul as well


CILICIA. Uncertain. Circa 400-350 BC. Obol (Silver, 10 mm, 0.58 g, 1 h). Female head facing, turned slightly to left, wearing earrings, necklace and flowing hair. Rev. Facing head of Bes. Göktürk 44. SNG Levante 233. SNG France 486. Fine metal and attractive on both sides. Very fine. 

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Just to be clear THIS IS NO LONGER MY COIN

 For many years I owned this coin

Constantine I Ae Follis Alexandria 325-326 AD Obv Head right laureate Rv Campgate RIC 34 18 mm  3.5 grms 


What always attracted me to this coin is the large full facing eye which dominates this image. It is as if Constantine is looking directly at the viewer. The eye appears even bigger when compared to the very tiny mouth, 

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Celtic. Northeast Gaul. Leuci. Circa 100-50 BC. Potin Unit (18mm, 5.49g, 4h). Boar Standard series. Boviolles (Meuse) mint(?). Obv: Celticized male head to left on raised disc. Rev: Boar standing left; fleur-de-lis below. Ref: Castelin 582-593; LT 9078; CCCBM III 412-424. Ex Heritage Weekly Auction 24 May 2018, Lot 64005.


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TRPS  Treveri, 388-392
S 4176 - C 57 - RIC IX 94b
DN THEODOSIVS PF AVF, Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust right
VIRTVS ROMANORVM, Roma seated left on cuirass, holding crowning Victory on globe and reversed spear

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As others have already said, Byzantine coins have some of the best (strangest) eyes. I love the "evil eyes" on this follis of Phocas.

Phocas (602-610), Æ Follis (33mm, 11.79g), Cyzicus, Dated RY 4 ? (605/6); Obv: δN POCAS+PERPAVG, Crowned bust facing, wearing consular robes and holding mappa and cross, small cross to left; Rev: Large XXXX, ANNO above, II/II (date) to right, KYZA, Sear 665

And the extreme eye pointillism of this follis of Justin II and Sophia:

Justin II & Sophie (Year 5, 569 - 570), Æ Follis, 31.4mm, 11.83g, Nicomedia, Obv: DN IVUSTINUS PP AVG Justin II and Sophie seated facing forward, each with nimbus, holding globus cruciger and cruciform scepter; Rev: ANNO U, large M surmounted by cross, with B below, NIKO in exergue, Sear 369

This follis of Theophilus has one of my all time favorite pairs of eyes (they are out of alignment, but in a pleasing way):

Theophilus (AD 829-842) Æ Follis; Constantinople mint; AD 830-842; Obv: ΘEOFIL bASIL; Half-length figure standing facing, holding labarum and globus cruciger; Rev: ΘEO / FILE AVG / OVSTE SV / hICAS in four lines; 28mm; 8.26 grams; Sear 1667

Saint Maurice was given a little eye cavity with a jingly bean pupil on this 11th century coin from Vienne:

France ARCHBISHOPRIC OF VIENNE - ANONYMOUS AR Denier, 11th - 12th Centuries; Obv: .+. S. M. VIENNA. (Saint Maurice of Vienne), profile of Saint Maurice, facing left; Rev: MAXIMA. GALL (Grand Gaul)

And this coin is just odd all around, though it would probably rank higher in a "strangest mouths" thread:

Mittelalter Deutschland. Pfennig (1441). Leichte Prägeschwäche. Sehr schön-vorzüglich. Augsburg-Bistum u. Stadt (gemeinschaftlich).

Middle Ages Germany. penny (1441). Slight embossing weakness. Very fine - extremely fine. Augsburg diocese and city (joint).

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Overlarge eyes and pointing excessively upward. Although the job of engraving was to an absolute beginner judging by the ear, nose and mouth,

Julian II AE3. 355-361 AD struck under authority of Conatantine II.
 DN IVLIAN-VS NOB C, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right /
SPES REI-PVBLICAE, emperor standing left, helmeted and in military dress, holding globe and spear. Mintmark dot ΔSISV.
RIC VIII Siscia 402. Rated rare.
14mm, 2.25gr
Julian II, "The Apostate": Caesar 355-360 AD, Augustus 360-363 AD. The last true "pagan" emperor who revered the ancient gods until the day he died in 363 from a javelin wound fighting the Persians.


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I couldn't resist the big-eyed portrait of Constantinopolis on this one from Siscia. It gave me a Cheap Trick earworm, though ...


Constantine I, AD 307-337.
Roman billon centenionalis, 2.22 g, 17.8 mm, 6 h.
Siscia, AD 334-335.
Obv: CONSTAN-TINOPOLIS, bust of Constantinopolis, laureate, helmeted, wearing imperial cloak, left, holding reversed spear in right hand.
Rev: Victory, winged, draped, standing left on prow, holding spear in right hand and shield in left hand; •BSIS• in exergue.
Refs: RIC vii, p. 456, 241; Cohen 21; LRBC I 751; RVC 16469.

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Yep, there are plenty other medieval coins with weird /Gigantor eyes, but the first one from here that comes to mind is too recent, as  a repost to begin with.  So here are a couple of Aksumite ones.


Hataz, dated by Munro-Hay to c. 570.  Sort of imitating contemporary and earlier Byzantine issues, but also with the still recent transition from Greek to Ge'ez (/proto-Amharic) legends.


Ezana /Ezanas, c. 290-330.  Pre-Christian issue.  Munro-Hay points out the similarity here to the depiction of eyes in Pharoanic and (Ptolemaic/) neo-Pharaonic art.  Still with Greek legends, this early: HZA [crescent] NAC; BACI/\EYC.

File:Egypt, Greco-Roman Period, early Ptolemaic Dynasty - Votive Relief of a King - 1914.665 - Cleveland Museum of Art.tif

(Edit:) Early Ptolemaic relief, c. late 4th- mid-3rd c. BCE.

Edited by JeandAcre
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