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Anyone grab any Triton coins? I managed to get one....


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Charles I Stuart 1625-49

AV Crown ND struck 1633/34 Tower Mint "im" Portcullis"

2.27g.      18mm.     1h


Crowned/ mantled bust left


Crowned English Arms

Brooker 207

Schneider 244

North 2185

SCBC 2715

Last year/ I won a James I AV Unite/ this year his Son.


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Congrats on the gold crown - I kinda want one (or even a halfcrown), but haven't pulled the trigger yet.   To the silver crowns, it's like the little silver sestertius to the much larger brass ones!

I got an aes grave as at Triton - I threw in a bid (below estimate) and when I came back from the gym I'd won it.   Was a bit surprised 😄

I'd say I can take a better photo' than this of it.


I hope to pick it up on Friday or Saturday.


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Just now, TheTrachyEnjoyer said:

Just a heads up, I believe you will have to pay NYC sales tax if you pick this up at the show. If it is shipped, I don’t think the sales tax applies (at least that is what the CNG auctioneer said)

Ooh - what is the NYC sales tax rate?   I suspect it's less than the 23% I'm regularly extorted by the Irish authorities 😄


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2 hours ago, ChrisB said:

I got shut out which wasn't surprising. I was the high bidder on the Wildman multiple thaler until the live bidding started. It would have been nice to have but I wasn't going to spend what it sold for. 

I was thinking the same thing as those "Wildmen" were hammered down. I was really cheering you on to grab a few!

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1 hour ago, akeady said:

Congrats on the gold crown - I kinda want one (or even a halfcrown), but haven't pulled the trigger yet.   To the silver crowns, it's like the little silver sestertius to the much larger brass ones!

I got an aes grave as at Triton - I threw in a bid (below estimate) and when I came back from the gym I'd won it.   Was a bit surprised 😄

I'd say I can take a better photo' than this of it.


I hope to pick it up on Friday or Saturday.


Same thing happened to me during my work season/ I had laid down "Proxy" bids came home after sundown/ first thing check my computer for auction updates. Then that beautifull feeling of success!

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1 hour ago, Bailathacl said:

I managed to land one Triton coin only, although I thought I made pretty strong bids on 8 others (was the underbidder on 3 of those).  Anyway, I love the funkiness of the design on this secondary sceatta. Here it is:


Congratulations on your successful bid. What else did you bid on?

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I finally managed to pick up a "lifetime" Seleukid I tetradrachm in the style of Alexander's. I've been waiting to get a nice one that has the full Seleukos legend, a nike instead of eagle, and generally decent style (many are not of great style IMO). This wasn't a main target going in, I got blown out on all of those, so was surprised to win this one for what I did.


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4 hours ago, Kaleun96 said:

I finally managed to pick up a "lifetime" Seleukid I tetradrachm in the style of Alexander's. I've been waiting to get a nice one that has the full Seleukos legend, a nike instead of eagle, and generally decent style (many are not of great style IMO). This wasn't a main target going in, I got blown out on all of those, so was surprised to win this one for what I did.


Thats a real  stunner! Congrats!

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11 hours ago, Bailathacl said:

I managed to land one Triton coin only, although I thought I made pretty strong bids on 8 others (was the underbidder on 3 of those).  Anyway, I love the funkiness of the design on this secondary sceatta. Here it is:BC596300-47ED-4E0C-A7EF-857B37CA4F19.jpeg.cbc500bb62d42b57cc83e9e8040d3682.jpeg

Amazing coin, reminds me of Celtic designs. They really want to impress that this Centaur is a "female"


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14 hours ago, El Cazador said:

Congratulations on your successful bid. What else did you bid on?

I was characteristically unfocused in my interests.  My bids (with lot numbers in parentheses) were: Persian-Achaemenid AV stater (410), Byzantine Empress Irene AV solidus (934), Byzantine Michael III AV semissis (947), 4 Low Country gold coins (1130, 1131, 1135, 1137), and an English Edward IV AV 1/2 ryal 1241).  As others have noted elsewhere, gold coins seemed pretty heated/inflated at Triton.  

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3 hours ago, Hesiod said:

Picked up this stater for a significant discount (about 65%) of the price that it was (shill?) bid up to at naumann

10 minutes ago, El Cazador said:

Who shillbid, the auction house?

Great coin, congrats @Hesiod!

I do wonder if there may be an issue with auction houses inflating prices this way, esp. on high end coins.  You see the same coin being sold at an outrageous price at one auction house and then reappearing, either there or with another auctioneer, often more than once.  I hope someone has the time to put together some research on this issue.  Exposing it would surely reduce the practice.

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51 minutes ago, Severus Alexander said:

 I hope someone has the time to put together some research on this issue.

I do suspect that naumann has minimums or bids their coins up. They have a bad habit of a lot of coins appearing in every other auction, some of which originally seemed to come from another auction house. Of course, all auction houses do this to some degree, but none seem to do it to the same extant that naumann does (I've seen leu buy coins from their auctions, but it only ever seems to be once – they'll up the starting bid, but if it doesn't make money/is a wash they seem to just let it sell).


A couple examples off the top of my head (from memory and from people I've talked to) (though I don't tend to track these particularly intentionally, just on coins I tend to want to bid on). 1427908261_ScreenShot2023-01-12at15_44_28.png.0de44b45038c1f8ff0ad4a6b3a0916cf.png2125843954_ScreenShot2023-01-12at15_43_26.png.db75558990aaa65b4b867dfca8b00c63.png 1939509166_ScreenShot2023-01-12at15_43_20.png.556db90ee60e028caaf5a3ee0d51baa4.png



image.png.e641f8266462bc83c04bd8353b2ed80f.pngAnd a series of ex-fruhwald aureii (there were probably more, but the person I was talking to got bored of checking): 





Edited by Hesiod
duplicate image.
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8 minutes ago, Hesiod said:

I do suspect that naumann has minimums or bids their coins up. They have a bad habit of a lot of coins appearing in every other auction, some of which originally seemed to come from another auction house. Of course, all auction houses do this to some degree, but none seem to do it to the same extant that naumann does (I've seen leu buy coins from their auctions, but it only ever seems to be once – they'll up the starting bid, but if it doesn't make money/is a wash they seem to just let it sell).


A couple examples off the top of my head (from memory and from people I've talked to) (though I don't tend to track these particularly intentionally, just on coins I tend to want to bid on). 1427908261_ScreenShot2023-01-12at15_44_28.png.0de44b45038c1f8ff0ad4a6b3a0916cf.png2125843954_ScreenShot2023-01-12at15_43_26.png.db75558990aaa65b4b867dfca8b00c63.png 1939509166_ScreenShot2023-01-12at15_43_20.png.556db90ee60e028caaf5a3ee0d51baa4.png



image.png.e641f8266462bc83c04bd8353b2ed80f.pngAnd a series of ex-fruhwald aureii (there were probably more, but the person I was talking to got bored of checking): 





Perhaps, buyer didn’t pay and the auction house had to relist it in the following sale? Is this possible?

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4 minutes ago, El Cazador said:

Perhaps, buyer didn’t pay and the auction house had to relist it in the following sale? Is this possible?

Certainly possible, but they definitely have an extremely disproportionate amount of this happening compared to all the other auction houses. I've definitely seen coins relisted at the same house before (for example, https://www.numisbids.com/n.php?p=lot&sid=6429&lot=327 = https://www.numisbids.com/n.php?lot=445&p=lot&sid=5577), but nothing with the same regularity as naumann. And, if the buyer didn't pay, how come it happens to the same coins 4 times in a row? And why do the coins have very similar hammers every time?


If so, naumann seems disproportionately unlucky with bidder's that no-pay compared to all the other auction houses.

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6 minutes ago, Hesiod said:

Certainly possible, but they definitely have an extremely disproportionate amount of this happening compared to all the other auction houses. I've definitely seen coins relisted at the same house before (for example, https://www.numisbids.com/n.php?p=lot&sid=6429&lot=327 = https://www.numisbids.com/n.php?lot=445&p=lot&sid=5577), but nothing with the same regularity as naumann. And, if the buyer didn't pay, how come it happens to the same coins 4 times in a row? And why do the coins have very similar hammers every time?

The thing I don’t understand if the previous sale shows $5K hammer, they relist it in the following auction at 2K, are you saying they shill bid and always go one increment above the underbidder? If so, why not just reach out to under bidder after sale and say , higher bidder didn’t pay, would you like to buy for the the price which was your final bid? Or you saying there are employees of the auction house that bid against each other, thus driving price exponentially? Wouldn’t make sense for auction house to relist the same coin multiple times and shill bid again on the same coin, pretty obvious no?

Edited by El Cazador
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