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Lugdunum (Modern day Lyon)


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Brief history and mint


Archeological evidence shows Lugdunum (modern day Lyon) was a settlement as far back as the Neolithic era, and a Gallic settlement with continuous occupation from the 4th century BC.

Lugdunum was founded in 43BC after the assassination of Caesar the year before and the following civil war of Gaul. The Roman Senate ordered Munatius Plancus and Lepidus, to found a city for a group of Roman refugees who had been expelled from Vienne (a town about 30 km or 20 miles to the south). Within 50 years Lugdunum increased greatly in size and importance, becoming the administrative centre of Roman Gaul and Germany. Emperors Claudius and Caracalla were born in Lugdunum. By the end of the reign of Claudius, the city's official name had become Colonia Copia Claudia Augusta Lugudunenisium, abbreviated CCC AVG LVG.


When mints began to be set up outside Rome after AD 260, there was a Gallic mint located at Lugdunum, Aurelian transferred minting from Trier to Lugdunum in AD 274 and for a while it was the sole mint for the western empire.

Antoninianus struck by Florianus in AD 276 at the reopened Lugdunum mint.



Please post anything struck at Lugdunum or a vaguely relevant subject.

Here is an example of a Carinus from my collection,


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20 minutes ago, Barzus said:

I love Lugdunum mint for my Consecration coinage collection because of the very nice issues struck by Constantine for his father Constantius I in that mint. Here below my current series - work in progress!



Some nice examples there, thanks for sharing

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Nice coins ! But more will be posted soon . This is going to be a longer thread.


Maiorina, AD 350-353, Lyon - Lugdunum
Obv.: D N DECENTIVS NOB CAES, draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev.: VICTORIAE DD NN AVG ET CAE / RSLG. Two Victories holding wreath inscribed VOT / V / MVL / X.
AE, 5.52g, 21.7x23.3mm
Ref.: RIC 122



Tiberius as Caesar
Semis, Lugdunum, AD 12-14
Obv.: TI CAESAR AVGVST F IMPERAT VII, Laureate head right
Rev.: ROM ET AVG Altar of Lugdunum
AE, 3.7g, 17.5mm
Ref.: Cohen 38, RIC 246


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I have had an on-off relationship wit collecting Lugdunum coinage over the years. My main focus is Probus from his mint.

This post illustrates a small selection of the type of thinfs I did collect before narrowing down my focus to Probus. I must admit that I do still own an inordiante number of coins from this mint and not just Probus but have part5ed with many over the years too.


Obv:- AVGVSTVS DIVI F, Bare head right
Rev:- IMP X either side of Apollo Citharoedus standing left with lyre, ACT in exe,
Minted in Lugdunum. 15 - 13 B.C.
Reference:- BMC 461. RIC I Augustus 171a. RSC 144.


Rev:- C L CAESARES AVGVSTI F COS DESIG PRINC IVVENT, Caius and Lucius Caesars togate stand facing, each resting hand on a round shield with spear behind, above center on left a simpulum right and on r. a lituus left
Minted in Lugdunum. B.C. 2 to A.D. 4.
Ref:- BMC 533. RIC I Augustus 207



AE As.
Obv:- TI CAESAR AVGVST F IMPERAT VII, laureate head right
Rev:- ROM ET AVG, front elevation of the Altar of Lugdunum, decorated with the corona civica between laurels, nude figures, & Victories.
Minted in Lugdunum. A.D. 12-14
Ref:- RIC 245 [Augustus], Cohen 37, BMC 585, Paris 1769



Obv:- IMP NERO CAESAR AVG P MAX TR P P P (separated with dots), Bare head right with globe at tip
Rev:- -, Victory flying left holding shield inscribed S P Q R, S - C
Minted in Lugdunum. Circa A.D. 66
Reference:- BMCRE 381. RIC Vol I Nero 543



Obv:- A VITELLIVS IMP GERMAN, Laureate head right
Rev:- VICTORIA AVGVSTI, Victory with shield advancing left, S P Q R on shield
Minted in Lugdunum. A.D. 69
References:- RIC I 62 (Scarce)


Vespasian Dupondius

Obv:– IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG COS III, Radiate head right, globe on neck
Rev:– VICTORIA NAVALIS S - C, Victory standing right on prow, holding wreath and palm
Minted in Lugdunum. A.D. 70-71
References:– Cohen -. RIC II 481 var (Not listed in RIC with this bust and legend combination)


Titus Copper As

Obv:- T CAES IMP AVG F TR P COS VI CENSOR, Laureate head right with globe at tip of neck.
Rev:- S-C, Spes advancing left holding flower & hem of skirt
Minted in Rome A.D. 77-78
Reference:- Cohen 217. RIC 786


Domitian Copper As

Obv:- CAESAR AVG F DOMITIANVS COS V, Laureate head right with globe at point of bust
Rev:- S-C, Spes advancing left holding flower & hem of skirt
Minted in Lugdunum. A.D. 77-78
Reference:- RIC II (Vespasian) 791a. BMC 873. Cohen 454


Then there is the brief re-opening of the mint by Clodius Albinus when he declared himself Augustus

Clodius Albinus Denarius

Obv:- IMP CAES D CLO SEP ALBIN AVG, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev:- GEN LVG COS II, Genius of Lugdunum, standing facing, towered head left, vertical scepter in right hand, cornucopiae in left, eagle at feet to left and looking upward right
Minted in Lugdunum. November A.D. 195 to 19th February A.D. 196
Reference:- RIC 23d (R2)


I sadly parted with all the above coins during the economic downturn of 2008

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Carus AE Antoninianus.AD282-283

Lugdunum coin, 4th emission.

Obverse..IMP C M AVR CARVS AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust right. 

Reverse..PAX AVGG, Pax standing left, holding branch and transverse sceptre; B in left field.
RIC V-2, 13; Sear 12173.
As we know he died suddenly whilst on campaign against the Sassanid king Barham II, and is said to have been struck by lightning. Ironically the obverse of the coin shows a ray of silver wash flashing down to the head of Carus 'SPOOKY'...

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The re-opening of the mint uder Aurelian leads me closer to Probus....


Obv:– IMP C AVRELIANVS AVG, Radiated cuirassed bust right
Rev:– PACATOR ORBIS, Sol walking left, right hand raised, left hand holding whip
Minted in Lugdunum, (//.A.L.). Emission 3, Officina 1. mid A.D. 275
Reference:– Bastien 7 (17 examples cited). RIC 6 Bust Type F



Obv:– SEVERINA AVG, Diademed and draped bust right on crescent
Rev:– CONCOR-D MILIT, Concordia seated left holding patera and cornucopia
Minted in Lugdunum (BL). End A.D. 274 to early A.D. 275
Reference:– Bastien 2 (12). Cohen 5. RIC 1


Through Tacitus

Obv:– IMP C CL TACITVS AVG, Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev:– PROVID DEOR, Providentia standing left, holding baton and cornucopia; at foot, globe
Minted in Lugdunum (no marks), Emission 1, from October to December A.D. 275
References:– Cohen 64. Bastien 41. RIC 49 Bust Type C

4.23gms. 21.98mm. 180 degrees

A youthful portrait of this elderly senator (75 years old) promoted to Emperor by the Senate.


And Florian - I really should dig this oneo out of the trays and take a better image as it deserves it

Obv:– IMP C M AN FLORIANVS AVG, Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev:– VIRTVS AVGVSTI, Emperor advancing right, holding a shield and spear, treading down captive.
Minted in Lugdunum (IIII in exe) Emission 3 Officina 4, from September to October A.D. 276
Reference:– Cohen 107. Bastien 150. RIC 16 Bust type C


And then there was Probus, and I think that the 5th Emission was the pinnacle of the prduction of this phase of the mint

Obv:– VIRTVS PRO-BI AVG, Radiate, helmeted, cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield, decorated with emperor riding past row of soldiers with shields
Rev:– ADVENTVS PROBI AVG, Emperor riding left, right hand raised, left holding sceptre; at foot, captive
Minted in Lugdunum (IIII) Emission 5 Officina 4. End A.D. 277 to Early A.D. 278
References:– Cohen 69. Bastien 256 (2 examples). RIC 64 Bust Type G (S)
Appears to be an obverse die match to the plate example in Bastien


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Some campgates:

Constantinus I



A.D. 324 - 325 ;   RIC VII 225





A.D. 324 - 325 ;  RIC VII 228





A.D. 324 - 325 ; RIC VII 231





A.D. 324 - 325 ;  RIC VII 232

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Constantius Chlorus as Caesar, AD 293-305. Silvered Æ Follis (26x30mm, 9.04g, 6h). Lugdunum (Lyon) mint, 1st officina, struck circa AD 301-303. Obv: CONSTANTIUS NOB C; Laureate and cuirassed bust right. Rev: GENIO POPVLI ROMANI; Genius standing left, holding cornucopia and sacrificing from patera over lighted altar; A in field to right; PLC in exergue. Ref: RIC 164a.


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Military and Consular busts are much scarcer for this dynasty


Obv:– IMP C M AVR CARVS AVG, Radiate, helmeted, cuirassed bust right
Rev:– VICTORIA AVGG, Victory, standing left on globe, holding wreath, two captives beneath
Minted in Lugdunum (A in left field) Emission 4 Officina 1. 1st quarter A.D. 283
Reference:– Cohen 100. Bastien 474 (11 examples cited), RIC 24 var (Not listed with this bust type in RIC)



Obv:– IMP C M AVR CARINVS AVG, Radiate, bust right in imperial mantle
Rev:– SALVS AVGG, Salus standing right, feeding snake
Minted in Lugdunum (_|D / LVG), Emission 7, Officina 4. early A.D. 284
Reference:– RIC 216 var (not listed with this bust type in RIC). Cohen -. Bastien 574 (1 example cited)


Magnia Urbica

Obv:– MAGNIA VRBICA AVG, Draped bust right on crescent, hair brushed in straight lines, plait carried up the back to top of head and running under stephane
Rev:– VENVS GENETRIX, Venus standing facing, head left, apple upward in right hand, vertical scepter in left
Minted in Lugdunum (A in left field).
RIC V pt. 2, 337 var (not listed from this officina). Bastien -, Bastien Supplement -, Bastien Supplement II 613α (2 examples cited)
23mm, 3.16g



Obv:- IMP C NVMERIANVS AVG, Radiate bust right wearing imperial mantle and holding eagle-tipped scepter in right hand
Rev:- MARS VICTOR, Mars advancing right with spear and trophy
Minted in Lugdunum (C in right field)
References:- RIC - (not listed with this bust type in RIC). Bastien 562 (3 examples cited)


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Pre-reform Tetrarchy


Obv:– IMP DIOCLETIANVS AVG, Radiate bust left, wearing imperial mantle, holding globe in right hand
Rev:– IOVI AVGG, Jupiter standing left, holding victory in right hand and leaning on scepter in left hand, at foot eagle
Minted in Lugdunum (// A). Emission 7. Officina 1. Spring A.D. 290 – A.D. 291
Reference:– Cohen 151 (2f) Bastien 322 (9 examples cited). RIC V 28


Maximianus Herculius

Obv:– IMP MAXIMIANVS P F AVG, Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right (seen from front)
Rev:– IOVI AVGG, Jupiter standing right holding thunderbolt and spear,eagle at feet.
Minted in Lugdunum (//A). Emission 7. Officina 1. Spring A.D. 290 – A.D. 291
Reference(s) – Cohen -. Bastien - (0). RIC V Pt. 2 Lugdunum - Bust Type C.

This reverse type not noted in RIC or Bastien for Maximianus Herculius. It is noted in RIC and Bastien for Diocletian (RIC quotes as common, Bastien 300 (1), 301 (1) and 302 (3) would appear to counter this rating)



Obv:– MAXIMIANVS NOB C, Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev:– ORIENS AVGG, Sol standing left raising right hand and holding whip
Minted in Lugdunum (//B). Emission 12, Officina 2. A.D. 294
Reference(s) – Cohen 155. Bastien 642 (17) RIC 684 Bust Type C corr. (C)


Constantius Chlorus

Obv:– CONSTANTIVS NOB C, Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev:– PAX AVGG, Pax, standing left, holding olive branch and scepter
Minted in Lugdunum (//A). Emission 12, Series 2, Officina 1. A.D. 294
Reference:– Cohen -. Bastien 614 (3). RIC V Pt. 2 Lugdunum 634


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  • Benefactor
2 hours ago, maridvnvm said:

...I sadly parted with all the above coins during the economic downturn of 2008...







I feel your pain @maridvnvm I sold about twenty of my Roman denarii on eBay in 2020. I was planning to use the money to enlarge my Judaean collection. Anyway, I came to regret it later because very little of that money was used for that purpose. I’ve since replaced them all but it was a painful learning experience.

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After Treveri, Lugdunum was one of the main mints supplying Britain from Probus onwards.

Magnentius Centenionalis, 350-351
Lugdunum. Billon, 22mm, 5.25g. Rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right; D N MAGNENTIVS P F AVG. Emperor standing left, holding Victory in right hand and labarum bearing in left hand; FELICITAS - REIPVBLICAE; RPLG in exergue (RIC VIII, 112). From the Freckenham (Suffolk) Hoard 1948.

Decentius as Caesar Centenionalis, 350-353
Lugdunum. Bronze, 23mm, 5.92g. Bareheaded and cuirassed bust right; D N DECENT(I-VS NOB CAES). Large Chi-Rho , flanked by A and ω, SALVS DD NN (AVG ET CAES); mintmark PSLG (RIC VIII, 157/159). Reportedly from the Bridgnorth (Shropshire) Hoard 2007, Portable Antiquities Scheme IARCH-65B7BF.

Julian II Siliqua, 361-363
Lugdunum. Silver, 17mm, 1.90g. Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right; FL CL IVLIA-NVS P P AVG. VOTIS V MVLTIS X in laurel wreath; PLVG in exergue (RIC VIII, 227). From the Harptree (Somerset) Hoard 1887.

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Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, As of the Roman Imperial Period 62/68 AD, Material: AE Bronze, Diameter: 28mm, Weight: 12.00g, Mint: Lugdunum, Gaul, Reference: RIC I (second edition) Nero 543, Provenance: Ex InAsta Numismatico San Marino, Obverse: Head of Nero, bare, right; small globe at point of neck. The Inscription reads: IMP NERO CAESAR AVG P MAX TR P P P for Imperator Nero Caesar Augustus, Pontifex Maximus, Tribunicia Potestas, Pater Patriae (Imperator Nero Caesar, Augustus, high priest, tribunician power, father of the country), Reverse: Victory, winged, draped, moving left, holding in both hands shield inscribed S P Q R. The Inscription reads: S C for Senatus Consultum (Decree of the senate).
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Post reform comes in phases

Early phase pre-portrait normalisation


Obv:– IMP C DIOCLETIANVS P AVG, Laureate bust right
Rev:– GENIO POPVLI ROMANI, Genius standing left, modius on head, naked but for chlamys over left shoulder, holding patera
Minted in Lugdunum (A in left field, LP in exe) A.D. 298
References:– RIC VI Lugdunum 29a (Scarce). Bastien Volume XI 84 legend break ii (6 examples cited)


Maximianus Herculius

Obv:– IMP C MAXIMIANVS P F AVG, Laureate, cuirassed bust right
Rev:– GENIO POPVLI ROMANI, Genius standing left, modius on head, naked but for chlamys over left shoulder, left hand holding cornucopiae and right hand holding patera
Minted in Lugdunum (B | _ //PL). A.D. 296
Reference:– RIC VI Lugdunum - (RIC 43 var officina not listed in RIC). Bastien XI 63 ii (2)


Constantius Chlorus

Obv:– CONSTANTIVS NOB CAES, Laureate head right
Rev:– GENIO POPVLI ROMANI, Genius standing left, modius on head, naked but for chalmys over left shoulder, right holding patera, left cornucopia
Minted in Lugdunum (//LB). c. A.D. 295
Reference:– RIC VI Lugdunum 6 (Rated scarce)



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Later normalised portraits


Obv:– IMP DIOCLETIANVS AVG, Laureate, cuirassed bust left
Rev:– GENIO POPVLI ROMANI, Genius standing left, modius on head, naked but for chlamys over left shoulder, holding patera over altar and cornucopiae
Minted in Lugdunum (B in right field, PLC in exe) A.D. 301-303
References:– RIC VI Lugdunum 113a. Bastien Volume XI 338


Maximianus Herculius

Obv:– IMP MAXIMIANVS AVG, Laureate cuirassed bust right
Rev:– GENIO POPVLI ROMANI, Genius standing left, modius on head, naked but for chlamys over left shoulder, left hand holding cornucopiae and right hand holding patera, plain altar beneath
Minted in Lugdunum (B in right field, PLC in exe.), A.D. 301 – 303
References:– RIC VI Lugdunum 108b . Bastien Volume XI 342


Constantius Chlorus

Obv:– CONSTANTIVS NOB C, Laureate, cuirassed bust right
Rev:– GENIO POP-VLI ROMANI, Genius standing left, modius on head, naked but for chalmys over left shoulder, right holding patera over altar, left cornucopia
Minted in Lugdunum (_ | B /PLC). A.D. 301-303
Reference:– RIC VI Lugdunum 164a. Bastien XI 346 legend break ii



Obv:– MAXIMIANVS NOB C, Laureate, cuirassed bust left, holding scepter over right shoulder
Rev:– GENIO POP-VLI ROMANI, Genius standing left, modius on head, naked but for chlamys over left shoulder, left hand holding cornucopiae and right hand holding patera over altar
Minted in Lugdunum (_ | A / PLC). A.D. 301 - 303
Reference:– RIC VI Lugdunum 167b


Severus II

Obv:– SEVERVS NOB C, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev:– GENIO POP-VLI ROMANI, Genius standing left, modius on head, naked but for chlamys over left shoulder, left hand holding cornucopiae and right hand holding patera, plain altar beneath
Minted in Lugdunum (_ | * //PLG). 1st May A.D. 305 - 26th July A.D. 306
Reference(s) – Cohen 43. RIC VI Lugdunum199a (C). Bastien 377 (46 examples cited)


Maximinus II Daia

Obv:– GAL VAL MAXIMINVS N C, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev:– GENIO POP-VLI ROMANI, Genius standing left, modius on head, naked but for chlamys at waist, left hand holding cornucopiae and right hand holding patera over altar
Minted in Lugdunum (_ | N / PLC). Spring A.D. 307
Reference:– RIC VI Lugdunum 215 (rated R). Bastien XI 396 (18 examples cited)


Constantine as Caesar

Obv:– FL VAL CONSTANTINVS NOB C, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev:– GENIO POPVLI ROMANI, Genius standing left by lighted altar, modius on head, loins draped, holding patera and cornucopiae
Minted in Lugdunum (_|N// PLC). Spring A.D. 307
Reference:– RIC VI Lyons 211 (S). Bastien 399 (19)


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Senior Augustus and Posthumus

Diocletian as Senior Augustus

Obv:– DN DIOCLETIANO P F S AVG, Laureate bust right, wearing imperial mantle, holding olive branch in right hand and mappa in left
Rev:– QVIES AVGG, Quies standing left, holding branch in right hand and leaning on scepter with left
Minted in Lugdunum (S in left field, C in right field, PLC in exe). Summer A.D. 307
Reference:– RIC VI Lugdunum 225 (Scarce)


Maximianus Herculius as Senior Augustus

Obv:– IMP C VAL MAXIMIANVS P F AVG, Laureate, cuirassed bust right
Rev:– GENIO POP ROM, Genius standing left, modius on head, loins draped, right hand holding patera, left hand holding cornucopiae
Minted in Lugdunum (CI in left field, H over S in right field, PLC in exe).
Reference:– RIC VI Lugdunum 288


Constantius Chlorus Posthumus

Obverse Legend – DIVO CONSTANTIO PIO. Laureate, veiled and cuirassed head right
Reverse Legend – MEMORIA FELIX. Lighted altar; eagle to left and right
Minted in Lugdunum (PLC). Autumn A.D. 307 - Summer A.D. 308
Reference:- RIC VI Lugdunum 264 (Scarce). Bastien XI 499


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Constantine the Great

Pre-monetary reform

Obv:– IMP C CONSTANTINVS P F AVG, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right (seen from front)
Rev:– MARTI PATRI PROPVGNATORI, Mars, naked, advancing right, holding transverse spear in right hand and shield
Minted in Lugdunum (N|_// PLC). Autumn A.D. 307 - 309/310
Reference:– RIC VI Lyons - (Bust type not listed in RIC). Bastien 460 (7 examples cited)

7.06 g. 27.64 mm. 0 degrees


Introduction of Sol

Obv:– IMP CONSTANTINVS P F AVG, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind
Rev:- SOLI INVIC-TO COMITI, Sol advancing left, raising right hand, holding whip in left hand
Minted in Lugdunum (F | T / PLG). Spring A.D. 310 - 311
Reference:– RIC VI Lugdunum 312 (Rated Scarce). Bastien XI 528 (28 examples)



Obv:– IMP CONSTANTINVS P F AVG, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from rear
Rev:– SOLI INVIC-TO COMITI, Sol walking left holding globe in left and raising right.
Minted in Lugdunum. F in left field, T in right field, PLC in exe. A.D. 309 - 310
Reference:– RIC VI Lugdunum - (Unlisted reverse type variation). Bastien 529 (4 examples cited)


The standard SOL STANDING

Obv:– IMP CONSTANTINVS P F AVG, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from rear
Rev:– SOLI INVIC-TO COMITI, Sol standing left holding globe in left and raising right.
Minted in Lugdunum. F in left field, T in right field, PLC in exe. A.D. 309 - 310
Reference:– RIC VI Lugdunum 310


Obv:– CONSTANTINVS P F AVG, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev:- SOLI INVIC-TO COMITI, Sol standing left holding globe in left hand and raising right
Minted in Lugdunum (F | T / PLC).
Reference:– RIC VI Lugdunum -. Bastien -.

4.76 gms. 0 degrees. 22.77 mm.

Not previously known with this obverse legend. Unliested in RIC and Bastien.


And Mars again

Obv:– IMP CONSTANTINVS P F AVG, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right (seen from rear)
Rev:- MARTI CON-SERVATORI, Mars helmeted, in military dress, cloak hanging over right shoulder, standing, right, holding reversed spear, left hand leaning on shield
Minted in Lugdunum (T | F / PLC). A.D. 315
Reference:– Bastien XI 570 (30 examples cited). RIC VII Lugdunum 10 (R2)

20.19mm. 3.41 gms. 180 degrees


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Licinius can be a tough one to find

Obv:– IMP LICINIVS P F AVG, Laureate, cuirassed bust right
Rev:– GENIO POP ROM, Genius standing left, modius on head, naked but for chlamys round waist, left hand holding cornucopiae and right hand holding patera
Minted in Lugdunum (TF | * / PLG). A.D. 315
Reference:– RIC VII Lugdunum 50 corr (R5). Bastien XI 600 (6 examples cited)


City Commemoratives

Obv: CONSTANTINOPOLIS, Helmeted and laureate Constantinopolis bust left
Rev: None, Victory standing left on prow of a galley, holding transverse spear across her body and shield
Minted in Lugdunum (dot in Crescent PLG). A.D. 330 - 333
Reference(s) – Bastien XIII 222 (44). RIC VII Lugdunum 256 (R1)


Obv:– VRBS ROMA, Helmeted bust of Roma left
Rev:– None, She wolf feeding Romulus and Remus, two stars above
Minted in Lugdunum (*SLG). A.D. 334-335
Reference:– Bastien XIII 259. RIC VII Lyons 267 (R3)



Obv:– FLAV • MAX • FAVSTA AVG, Draped bust right
Rev:– SPES REIPVBLICAE, Spes standing left with two children in her arms
Minted in Lugdunum. PLG in exe. end A.D. 324 – A.D. 325
Reference:– RIC VII Lugdunum 235 (R2). Bastien Vol. XIII 193 (20 examples cited)



Obv:– FL HELENA AVGVSTA, Diademed, draped bust right
Rev:– SECVRITAS REIPVBLICE, Securitas, standing left, holding branch
Minted in Lugdunum (//PLC). A.D. 324-325
Reference(s) – Bastien 192 (13 examples cited). RIC 234 (R2)



Obv:– CRISPVS NOB CAES, Laureate, cuirassed bust right
Rev:– BEATA TRANQVILLITAS, Altar inscribed VOT/IS/XX, surmounted by globe with plain vertical lines and diagonals between horizontal lines, three stars above
Minted in Lugdunum C | R / PLC). A.D. 321
Reference:– RIC VII Lugdunum 132 (R3)


Constantine II (caesar)

Obv:– CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C, Laureate, cuirassed bust right
Rev:– GLORIA EXERCITVS, Two helmeted soldiers standing with spears & shields, facing standard between them
Minted in Lugdunum (//Palm Branch SLG).
Reference:– Bastien XIII 287(16 examples cited). RIC VII Lugdunum 286 (R3)


Constantius II (caesar)

Obv:– FL IVL CONSTANTIVS NOB C, Laureate, cuirassed bust right
Rev:– GLORIA EXERCITVS, Two helmeted soldiers standing with spears & shields, facing single standard between them
Minted in Lugdunum (//*PLG).
Reference:– Bastien 273 (4 examples cited). RIC VII Lugdunum - (cf RIC 281 For officina S)


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Perhaps the most famous coin from that mint:

Tiberius, AD 14-37.
Roman AR Denarius, 3.87 g, 18.5 mm, 5 h.
Lugdunum, AD 16-37.
Obv: TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS, laureate head, right.
Rev: PONTIF MAXIM, Female figure seated right, holding long olive branch and inverted spear; legs of chair ornate, triple line below.
Refs: RIC 28; BMCRE 42-44; RSC 16b; RCV 1763 var.

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Obv:- D N CONSTA-NS P F AVG, Diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right
Rev:- FEL TEMP-REPARATIO, Helmeted soldier left, shield on left arm, spearing falling horseman; shield at ground to right. Horseman seated facing the soldier, and reaches his arm up towards him. He wears a Phrygian cap
Minted in Lugdunum; (_ | * // PLG)
Reference:– RIC VIII Lugdunum 82 (S)


Constans Imitative

Obv:– D N CONSTA-NS P F AVG, Rosette diademed, draped & cuirassed bust right
Rev:– FEL TEMP REPARATIO, Emperor standing left on galley, holding phoenix on globe and labarum; Victory behind, steering galley; A in left field
Imitates a coin minted in Lugdunum (//PLG)
Reference:– Imitates RIC VIII Lugdunum 104 but with Phoenix on globe in place of Victory on globe


Constantius II

Obv:– D N CONSTANTIVS P F AVG, Pearl diademed, draped & cuirassed bust right, A behind bust
Rev:– FEL TEMP REPARATIO, Helmeted soldier to left, shield on left arm, spearing falling horseman; shield on ground at right. Horseman is seated on the ground reaching towards emperor
Minted in Lugdunum (A | _ //SLG*)
Reference:- RIC VIII Lugdunum 102


Constantius Gallus

Obv:– DN CONSTANTIVS NOB CAES, Bare, bust draped and cuirassed right
Rev:– FEL TEMP - REPARATIO, Soldier spearing fallen horseman, who is bare headed, reaching back towards the emperor
Minted in Lugsunum (//GSLG),
Reference:– RIC VIII Lugdunum 192 (R2).


Julian II

Obv:– IMP IVLIANVS NOB CAES, Bare headed draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev:– FEL TEMP - REPARATIO, Soldier spears a horseman on left, one hand holding the neck of the horse & the other back at his attacker; he wears a Phrygian cap
Minted in Lugdunum (// GSLG), 6th November A.D. 355 to Spring A.D. 360
Reference(s) – RIC VIII Lugdunum 195 (R)


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