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Here's Lydia!!



Faustina II, AD 147-175.
Roman provincial Æ 17.4 mm, 3.99 g, 6 h.
Lydia, Sala, AD 154-163 (possibly under Damas, First Archon, AD 161-165).
Obv: ΦΑV
ΤΙ-ΝΑ Ε, bare-headed and draped bust, right, with Beckmann Type 5 hairstyle.
ΑΛΗ-ΝΩΝ, nude Hermes standing, l., holding purse, caduceus and chlamys.
Refs: RPC IV.2, 
1415 (temporary); SNG von Aulock 3117; GRPC Sala 64; Mionnet Suppl. 7.614,569; Düsseldorf 11346.

Next: Hermes/Mercury.

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Winged helmet


AR denarius (3,87 g. 17 mm.). Rome, 138 B.C. C Renius
Head of Roma right, wearing winged helmet and 5 drop earring; behind, X designating value/
C•RENI below, ROMA in exergue, Juno Caprotina, holding crook, reins and scepter, driving biga of goats right.
Crawford 231/1; Sydenham 432; Renia 1.

NEXT: Myth depicted on coin

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2 hours ago, expat said:

NEXT: Myth depicted on coin

Faustulus finding Romulus and Remus suckled by a she-wolf:


Roman Republic, moneyer: Sex. Pompeius Fostlus, AR denarius, 137 BC, Rome mint. Obv: head of Roma, helmeted, r.; behind, jug; before, X. Rev: SEX·PO[M FOSTVLVS]; she-wolf suckling twins r.; behind, ficus Ruminalis with birds; in l. field, the shepherd Faustulus leaning on staff; in exergue, [RO]MA. 18mm, 3.87g. Rev: RRC 235/1c.

Next: wolf

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3 hours ago, Ursus said:

Next: wolf



Urbs Roma, AE 3 - Lyon mint, 1st officina, ca. 332 CE
VRBS ROMA, Helmeted Roma left
Anepigraph, She wolf suckling twins Remus and Romulus, two stars in field, Crescent dot PLG at exergue
2.86 gr
Ref : Bastien # 221, RIC # 257

Note : Die clash on the reverse, with incuse remains of ROMA backwards and the rear of Roma's helmet being visible, thus reading AMOR ❤️ 

Next : die clash


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Here's a die-clash of Julia Maesa:

Julia Maesa, AD 218-225..
Roman AR denarius, 19.70 mm, 2.70 g, 12h.
Rome, AD 218-220.
Obv: IVLIA MAESA AVG, bare-headed and draped bust right.
Rev: IVNO, Juno standing left, holding patera and scepter.
Refs: RIC 254; BMCRE 67; Cohen 16; RCV 7750; Thirion 401.
Notes: The reverse features a die-clash, resulting in a ghost-like, incuse reverse image of the obverse portrait.

Next: More Maesa. 

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Die breaks at the two G´s of AVGG.

Marcus Julius Severus Philippus (Philip the younger). Struck under Philip I

Philip II, AR antoninianus. 22.4 mm, 4.91 g.(Thick flan), Rome mint, 249AD.
IMP PHILIPPVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / LIBERALITAS AVGG III, Philip I, holding short sceptre, and Philip II seated left on curule chairs, extending right hands. RIC 230; RSC 17, Sear 9265.
Appears to be reverse die match to example held by American Numismatic Society


NEXT: Same theme

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5 hours ago, Roman Collector said:


Next: Julia Domna provincial

Not sure if it's just me or Domna's portrait has a very similar facial expression to 



Since the meme has 2 characters, here is a Domna provincial with two obverse characters 



Next - confronted portraits

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Caracalla, AE27

Obv:- AY K M AY ANTWNINOC AY K P CEP, GETAC in exergue, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Caracalla right confronting laureate and draped bust of Geta left;
Rev:- Y FL OYLPIANOY MAPKIANOPOLITWN, Concordia standing slightly left, patera in right hand, cornucopia in left hand, E (mark of value) lower left;
Minted in Markianopolis (Devnya, Bulgaria). Consular Legate Flavius Ulpianus, 210 - 211 A.D
Reference:– Varbanov (Engl.) 1083

27.33 mm. 11.74 gms. 0 degrees.


More confronted portraits

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My only Vitellius.

Vitellius AR Denarius, Jul 18-Dec 69 AD, Rome Mint. Obv. Laureate head right, A VITELLIVS GERM IMP AVG TRP / Rev. Tripod-lebes (cauldron) surmounted by dolphin lying right on top, with raven standing right below, XV VIR SACR FAC. RIC I 109, RSC II 111 (ill.), Sear RCV I 2201 (ill.), BMCRE 39. 18.5 mm., 3.1 g. [See Sear RCV I at p. 421, explaining that the reverse “refers to Vitellius’ membership in the priestly college of the Quindecimviri Sacris Faciundis, ‘fifteen men for the conduct of sacred matters.’ This body had care of the Sibylline prophecies and were famous for the opulence of their banquets, a feature of the priesthood which particularly appealed to the gluttonous emperor.”]


Next, a dolphin.

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Faustina II, AD 147-175.
Roman provincial Æ 5.84 g, 22.0 mm, 7 h.
Bithynia-Pontus, Apamea.
Obv: FAUST[INAC AUG], draped bust of Faustina II, right.
Rev: UЄNU[S ... C]ICA dd, Venus seated right, head left, on dolphin swimming left, resting right arm on dolphin, uncertain object in left hand.
Refs: RPC IV.1, 11815 (temporary); Waddington RG --; BMC --; Sear --; Mionnet Suppl 5 --; Lindgren --; Wiczay --.
Notes: The RPC exemplar coin. Obverse die match to Waddington RG, pl. XXXIX.1, which has a Neptune reverse type.

Next: Dolphin again. 

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Did somebody say dolphins?  🙂

Taras, Calabria

385-380 BC (Period III - The Age of Archytas)
AR Didrachm (20mm, 7.37g, 11h)
O: Naked youth crowning horse standing right; kerykeion before, Λ below, all within linear border.
R: Taras seated sideways on dolphin left, resting his left hand on its tail; H (signature) on body of dolphin, P below, TAPAΣ to left, all within linear border.
D'Andrea XXII, 354; Vlasto 352; Evans III, A2; Cote 121v; Fischer-Bossert 442d; Sear 341v
From the Frank James Collection. ex Forvm Ancient Coins; ex Roma Numismatics

A noted general, inventor, mathematician and philosopher, Archytas was a Pythagorean and friend of Plato, and likely responsible for saving the latter from death at the hands of Dionysius II of Syracuse.

Next: torch


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Roman Republic, Anonymous, AR Denarius 143 BCE. Obv. Head of Roma right, wearing winged helmet ornamented with stylized representation of gryphon’s head, and earring of pellets in form of bunch of grapes; behind, X [mark of value, 10 asses, issued before re-tariffing of denomination to 16 asses ca. 141 BCE] / Rev. Diana, with quiver slung on her shoulder, in biga of stags galloping right; holding torch in right hand and reins in left; below stags, a crescent moon; in exergue, ROMA. Crawford 222/1; RSC I Anonymous 101 (ill. p. 8); BMCRR I 895; Sear RCV I 98 (ill. p. 92); Yarrow p. 42 (ill. fig. 1.36) [Liv Mariah Yarrow, The Roman Republic to 49 BCE: Using Coins as Sources (2021)]; RBW Collection 946 (ill. p. 199). 18 mm., 4.13 gr. Purchased from cgb.fr., 13 Feb. 2023.* [Footnote omitted.]


Next, Diana.

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Gallienus, AD 153-268.
Roman billon antoninianus.
Mediolanum, AD 264-265.
Obv: GALLIENVS AVG, Narrow radiate head right, both ribbons behind.
Rev: DIANA FELIX, Diana standing right, holding spear and bow; at foot, hound.
Refs: RIC 473K; Göbl 1146m(2): Cohen/RSC 173; RCV 10197; Hunter pl. lxvi.

Next: Mediolanum/Milan. 

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Lydia, Tripolis. AE15. Semi-autonomous. AD 14-37.

Obv: TΡIΠOΛEITΩN, laureate head of Apollo right, with lyre.
Rev: MENANΔΡOΣ ΦIΛO KAIΣAΡ TO Δ, four lines within wreath, Maeander pattern below.
Magistrate Menandros.


Next: Maeander pattern.

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Bust of Athena right in crested helmet
Text above and beneath eagle alighting right on maeander pattern between two pilei with stars above, and a star upper middle..
AΠAME KΩKOY, Kokos (magistrate)
PHRYGIA, Apameia. SA24. (Ae. 7.76g)- 88-40 BC Kokos. SNG Copenhagen 161-2; BMC 78-82; HGC 7, 670, SNG von Aulock 3466-3467; Walcher 2746.


NEXT: More meander pattern

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6-hour rule.

Great Britain, Ireland, Anti-slavery halfpenny token, 1795 (AE 30 mm., 9.4 g.), catalogued as No. 1039a at p. 304 of P. & B. Withers, The Token Book: British Tokens of the 17th 18th and 19th Centuries and their Values (Galata 2010). Obv: African slave kneeling right, hands raised together in chains, AM I NOT A MAN AND A BROTHER / Rev. Clasped hands, MAY SLAVERY & OPPRESSION CEASE THROUGHOUT THE WORLD (rosette before legend)/ Edge: PAYABLE IN DUBLIN CORK OR BELFAST.


Next: another 18th-century British token.

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