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Tacitus became Emperor at age 75 and died aged 76

TACITUS Antoninianus. Ticinum mint.
Obverse: IMP C M CL TACITVS AVG. Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right.
Reverse: PAX AVGVSTI. Pax standing left, holding olive branch and transverse sceptre; P in exergue.
RIC 150, Cohen 72.  Ticinum mint, early-June 276.  3,5 g - 22,5 mm

Marcus Claudius Tacitus was Roman emperor from 275 to 276. During his short reign, following the death of Aurelian, he campaigned against the Goths and the Heruli, for which he received the title Gothicus Maximus
Born: 200 AD, Terni, Italy
Died: June 276 AD Tyana, Cappodocia, Turkey.
Siblings Florianus
Reign: c. December 275 – c. June 276.
His Regnal name is shortened in the obverse Legend: IMPerator Caesar Marcus CLavdius TACITVS AVGustus.

NEXT: Another old personTacitus.jpg.b7f0ef0b8f248af919d71e25c1954ea5.jpg

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Tiberius was 78 when he died. 

Tiberius, AD 14-37.
Roman AR Denarius, 3.87 g, 18.5 mm, 5 h.
Lugdunum, AD 16-37.
Obv: TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS, laureate head, right.
Rev: PONTIF MAXIM, Female figure seated right, holding long olive branch and inverted spear; legs of chair ornate, triple line below.
Refs: RIC 28; BMCRE 42-44; RSC 16b; RCV 1763 var.
Notes: The identity of the female figure on the reverse is uncertain and has been variously identified as Livia, Justitia or Pax.

Next: More old people. 

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Vespaian was 79 when he died

Vespasian Denarius, RIC 360, (RIC [1962] 50), RSC 574, BMC 71 SEAR 2316
IMP CAES VESP AVG P M COS IIII, laureate head right / VES-TA to either side of Vesta standing left, holding simpulum & scepter.


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Alexander III of Macedon, AE15. Salamis Mint, Cyprus, struck c. 323 - 315 BC, Facing gorgon with lolling tongue at center of ornamented Macedonian shield with alternate 5 pellets and double crescents. / B-A to left and right of Macedonian helmet, caduceus below left. Price 3158


NEXT: More gorgons

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Fun and luxury


17 mm, 3,60 g.
T. Carisius. AR denarius. Rome. 46 BC.
Head of Sibyl Herophile r., hair elaborately decorated with jewels and enclosed in a sling and tied with bands / T CARISIVS above, [III VIR in exergue], sphinx seated r.
Crawford 464/1; RBW 1613; RSC Carisia 11.

Next - a RR coin without horses, bigas, trigas, quadrigas. 


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41 minutes ago, ambr0zie said:

Next - a RR coin without horses, bigas, trigas, quadrigas. 


Julius Caesar, Denarius - minted in North Africa 46 BCE
COS TERT / DICT ITER, head of Ceres right
AVGVR / PONT MAX, simpulum, sprinkler, capis and lituum, D in right field
3,81 gr
Ref : HCRI # 57, RCV # 1403/1, RSC # 4a, Cohen # 4


Next : imperatorial


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Roman Empire - Julius Caesar. Silver denarius (4,06 g. 18 mm.) Military mint travelling with Caesar (48-47 B.C).

Diademed and wreathed female head right; LII behind. Roman graffity TARNA in obverse.

CAESAR. Gallic trophy, holding oval shield and carnyx; securis to right.

C-18; Craw-452/2; BMC-3955; RRC-1009.

next: Carnyx or a celtic shield


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L. Licinius Crassus and Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus with L Pomponius, 118 BC.
Roman AR denarius serratus, 3.91 g, 19.6 mm, 1 h.
Narbo, 118 BC.
Obv: L POMPONI CNF, head of Roma, right, wearing Attic helmet; X behind.
Rev: Naked Gaulish warrior in biga, right, holding shield, carnyx and reins in left hand and hurling spear with right hand; L·LIC·CN·DOM in exergue.
Refs: Crawford RRC 282/4; BMCRR 1191-93; Sydenham CRR 522a; RSC Pomponia 7a; RCV 158.

Next: Serrate. 

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20 mm, 3,74 g.
Mn. Aquillius. AR serrate denarius. Rome. 71 BC.
VIRTVS / III VIR, helmeted, draped bust of Virtus / MN AQVIL / MN F MN N / SICIL, warrior, holding shield and raising up fallen figure (or the consul Man. Aquillius raising Sicilia).
Cr. 401/1; RSC Aquillia 2; BMC 3364.


Next - warrior doing an action. 

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These games lost their popularity. 6 hour rule. A coin from Constnatius II 


14,3 mm, 1,6 g.
Constantius II 347-348. Ӕ follis. Cyzicus.
D N CONSTAN-TIVS P F AVG, head of Constantius II, rosette-diademed, right / VOT/XX/MVLT/XXX within a wreath. MintMark: -/-//SMKA.
RIC VIII Cyzicus 49.

Next - reverse without graphical elements (except wreaths), just text 

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RPC Volume: I №: 400
Reign: Caligula Persons: Caligula (Augustus) Magistrate: Gaius Cornelius Refec— (duovir); Marcus Helvius Fronto (duovir)
City: Bilbilis  Region: Hispania Province: Tarraconensis
Denomination: Leaded bronze (27 mm) 11.92gr
Obverse: G CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS IMP; laureate head of Caligula, right
Reverse: MVN AVG BILBIL C COR(N) REF(EC) M HELV FRO(NTO); oak wreath containing II VIR
Reference: Vives 139–10, GMI 552, NAH 1131 Specimens: 36


NEXT: 1st century AD with 2 magistrates names (duo vir) as reverse legend

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22 hours ago, expat said:

NEXT: 1st century AD with 2 magistrates names (duo vir) as reverse legend

Too obscure. 22 hours.

Gallienus APOLLINI CONS AVG griffin Antoninianus.jpg
Gallienus, AD 253-268.
Roman billon antoninianus, 2.63 g, 20.5 mm, 12 h.
Rome, 4th officina, 10th emission, AD 267-268.
Obv: IMP GALLIENVS AVG, radiate head, right.
Rev: APOLLINI CONS AVG, gryphon walking left, Δ in exergue.
Refs: RIC 165K; Göbl 718z; Cohen 77; RCV 10180 var.; Hunter 101; Cunetio1348.
Notes: 88 examples in the Cunetio hoard.

Next: Gallienus

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19,4 mm, 1,86 g.
Gallienus 253-268 AD. Billon antoninianus. Mediolanum.
GALLIENVS AVG, radiate head right / VIRTV-S AVG, soldier, helmeted, in military attire, standing left, resting right hand on shield and holding spear in left hand.
RIC V Gallienus 534.

Next - Virtus

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OBVERSE: IMP POSTVMVS AVG, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Postumus right

REVERSE: VIRTVS EQVIT, Virtus advancing right, holding transverse spear and shield; T in ex.

Struck at Mediolanum, 268 AD

3.17g, 19mm

RIC V 388

Next: Britain 

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Carausius, AD 286-293.
Roman billon antoninianus, 2.91 g, 21.2 mm, 3 h.
Uncertain British mint.
Obv: IMP CARAVSIVS P F AVG, radiate (draped and cuirassed?) bust, right.
Rev: PAX AVG, Pax standing left, holding olive branch and cornucopiae.
Refs: RIC --; RCV --.
Next: More Carausius! 
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7 hours ago, Roman Collector said:

Next: More Carausius! 


Carausius, Antoninianus - Colchester mint ?
IMP CARAVSIVS P F AVG, radiate bust right
MONITA (sic) AVG, Moneta standing left, holding scales and cornucopia
3,64 gr
Ref : RCV # 13629v, Cohen # 178 var, RIC, cf #867


Next : spelling error


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This is wrong on many levels  (but not unusual for this mint and this period)



Pisidia, Antioch. Volusian 251-253 AD. Ӕ.
IMP CAE RASLLOVNAHNIR, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Volusian or Valerian right, seen from behind / ANTIOC- H- IOCLA [R], aquila between two legionary standards.
SNG France 1294; SNG Copenhagen 85; BMC 135


Next - either a coin of the great emperor Caeras Llovnahnir, or another coin with a spelling error. 

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Novody has a coin from the great emperor Caeras Llovnahnir (I was hoping we can create a fan club) so I will post another well known emperor - Severus Alexandrv


25 mm, 5,26 g.
Troas, Alexandreia. Severus Alexander 222-235. Ӕ.
M AV S ALEXANDRV (sic), laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, r. / COL ALEX AVG TROA, Apollo nude standing, l., placing foot on pedestal, holding laurel branch.
RPC VI, 4031 (temporary); Bellinger A334.

Next - Apollo 

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