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First ancient gold...
This solidus.

Ruler: Constans II (Augustus)
Coin: Gold Solidus
DN CONSTANTINUS PP AVG - Crowned facing bust with long beard, holding globus cruciger
VICTORIA AVGU H - Cross potent on three steps
Exergue: CONOB
Mint: Constantinople (652 - 654)
Wt./Size/Axis: 4.40g / 20mm / -
  • Sear 956
Acquisition: Baldwins London Coin Fair 9-Jun-2007


Next - a solidus

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Eastern Roman Empire, Arcadius (son of Theodosius I and older brother of Honorius), 383-408 AD, AV Solidus 397-402 AD, Constantinople Mint (9th Officina). Obv. Helmeted and cuirassed bust facing three-quarters right, holding spear over right shoulder and shield on left arm bearing image of horseman right; D N ARCADI-VS P F AVG / Rev. Helmeted Constantinopolis seated facing on throne, head right, with right knee bare and right foot resting on prow, holding long scepter with right hand and, on left hand, Victory with wreath standing on globe; CONCORDI-A AVGG Θ [Theta, for 9th Officina]; in exergue, CONOB [for Constantinople Mint]. RIC X 7 at. p. 240 (1994); Depeyrot II Constantinople 55/1 Arcadius at p. 246 (55th emission for city since AD 337) (30 examples of type from 9th Officina; 285 overall) [Depeyrot, George, Les Monnaies d'Or de Constantin II à Zenon (337-491) (Wetteren 1996)]; Dumberton Oaks Catalogue, Late Roman 207-217 (217 = 9th Officina) and Plate 8 [P. Griessen. & M. Mays, Catalogue of Late Roman Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection, etc. (1992)]; Sear RCV V 20706 (ill. p. 431) (1994). 20 mm., 4.44 g. Purchased from Dr. Busso Peus Nachf., Frankfurt, Germany, 1 April 2021. Ex. Auktionen Münzhandlung Sonntag Auktion 33 Lot 36 (23.11. 2020); ex. Auktion 116 München Münzhandlung Karl Kreß [Kress](Otto Helbing Nachfolger), Lot 729 (28.10.1960).


Next, another ancient Roman coin with a provenance back to at least 1960.

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Faustina I, AD 138-140.
Roman Æ as or dupondius, 13.77 g, 28.1 mm, 11 h.
Rome, AD 140.
Obv: DIVA AVGVSTA-FAVSTINA, veiled bust, right.
Rev: S C, crescent and seven stars.
Refs: RIC 1199b; BMC 1478; Cohen 276; Strack 1249; RCV --.
Notes: Ex Walter Neussel, Peus E-Auction 420, lot 5290, 18 Nov 2017, acquired October 1959, Maison Platt, Paris.
Researching its provenance online led me to the Busso Peus sale of the Walter Neussel collection back in 2017. Neussel purchased it in 1959.

Here's the Peus auction listing:

Next: Another provenance to before 1960.
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Faustina II
Egypt, Alexandria.
Tetradrachm circa 149-150 (year 13)
Obv.: Draped bust r.
Rev.: Athena standing, facing, head, l., holding Nike and long spear; beside, shield; in field, LI-Γ.
Ref.: RPC IV.4 13655-8 (this coin), Dattari-Savio Pl. 170, 9080 (this coin).
Billon, 21.90 mm, 13.80 g.
From the Dattari collection.



Next: Dattari collection

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3 hours ago, shanxi said:

Next: Dattari collection

Here is a coin that did not come with provenance - I looked it up in Dattari-Savio yesterday, and was pleased to find my coin as 10561:


Next: provenance restored

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8 hours ago, Sulla80 said:

Next: provenance restored

If by that you mean a provenance that had been lost and was found again, then this coin would qualify. The 1938 provenance -- which had been lost by 2017 when the coin was sold by Triskeles -- was discovered in 2021 by Arete Coins, the dealer from whom I made the purchase, with the aid of the Ex-Numis company.  I established the 1910 provenance myself, with the help of several fellow-collectors, most notably Mike Braunlin through his association with the John Miller Burnam Classics Library at the U. of Cincinnati. (Since the description of the coin and explanation of the provenance are rather lengthy, I'll put the "next" prompt first: another coin for which you discovered the provenance, in whole or in part.)

Vespasian AV Aureus, 75 AD (Cos VI), Rome Mint. Obv. Laureate head right, IMP CAESAR - VESPASIANVS AVG [counter-clockwise from 5:00] / Rev. Victory holding palm branch in left hand and wreath in outstretched right hand, standing left on cista mystica flanked by two coiled serpents with heads pointing upwards*, PON MAX - TR P COS VI [clockwise from 8:00]. Two small edge dents/cuts on obverse at 3:00 and 6:00 (possibly from old jewelry mount). 19 mm., 7.22 g. RIC II-1 Vespasian 775 (2007 ed.), old RIC II Vespasian 82 (1926 ed.), BMCRE 168, Cohen 370, Sear RCV I 2254 (ill. p. 431). Purchased from Arete Coins, Seattle, WA, Dec. 2021; ex. Triskeles Auctions Sale 21, Lot 392, 29 Sep. 2017; ex. Ars Classica XVIII (“COLLECTION TRÈS IMPORTANTE MONNAIES ROMAINES FORMÊE PAR UN DIPLOMATE ÉTRANGER DEPUIS LONGTEMPS DÉCÉDÉ” [Collection of Vicomte de Sartiges]), Lot 144 [ill. Pl. 6], 10 Oct. 1938, l'Hôtel Schweizerhof, Lucerne, Switzerland (Experts Dr. Jacob Hirsch & M. Lucien Naville);** ex. Collection of Louis, Vicomte de Sartiges (1859-1924), published in Sartiges, Vicomte de, “Collection du vicomte de Sartiges. Séries grecque et romaine, en 1910, ainsi que les acquisitions depuis cette date”
(Paris, D.A. Longuet; Plates I-XLIII published 1910; undated supplement contains five additional plates), Pl. XXVI, No. 105 [this coin, acquired before 1910]. ***


*See Sear RCV I at p. 431: “The reverse type is inspired by the triumviral cistophoric coinage of Provincial Asia” (citing Sear RCV I 1512-1513, issued by Mark Antony). See also similar reverse on silver quinarius issued by Octavian, RIC I 276, Sear RCV I 1568.

**The Ars Classica 1938 catalogue (I was able to find and buy a copy of it for myself, in addition to the copy available online) with photo and description of this coin, sold as Lot 144:







***See Provenance Glossary, p. 14, Numismatica Ars Classica Auction 91 Catalogue, 23 May 2016,  Zurich, Switzerland:


This coin as illustrated & described in the 1910 catalogue of the de Sartiges Collection, Pl. XXVI, No. 105:






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With some help from coin friends I got the plate from the auction of this coin and a forget provenance1380053_1600340160.l-removebg-preview.png.d543c56afb4d7b86745971c08511bb99.png849628467_Hirsch221Lot219.jpg.7e2fbe73e28256c11297c0ddb8a5503d.jpg

EUBOIA. Histiaia. 3rd-2nd centuries BC. Tetrobol (Silver, 15 mm, 2.06 g, 9 h). Vine-wreathed head of nymph Histiaia to right, wearing pendant earring and necklace. Rev. IΣTIAIE-ΩN Nymph seated to right on stern of galley, holding stylis in her left hand and resting her right on the deck; on the side of the stern, wing; below to left, monogram, labrys. ANS 1944.100.24022. BCD Euboia -. Lovely style; well-struck and rather uncommon. Minor die break on reverse, otherwise, very fine.
From the Vineyard Collection, ex Hirsch, March 2002 ,219 (part of lot). Ex: Nomos Obols

next: nymph or nymphs 

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This is a coin you might remember, @Ryro. We both participated in the same auction (without knowing) and we got an example of this coin each. If I remember correctly, yours had a better centering.


9 mm, 1,26 g
IONIA. Phokaia. Circa 521-478 BC. Diobol. Head of a nymph to left, wearing a sakkos adorned with a central band and circular earring. Rev. Quadripartite incuse square. Rosen 596-597 var. SNG von Aulock 1813-1815

Next - a coin with centering issues, but attribution is still possible without doubts.

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"another 1st century AD coin"

Domitian. Æ Quadrans

Rome mint

AD 81-96

Struck AD 90-91

Diameter: 18 mm

Weight: 2.11 grams

Obverse: Laureate and draped bust of Apollo right; laurel branch before

Reverse: Raven standing right on laurel branch

Reference: RIC II 715

Other: 6h … brown surfaces, minor roughness


Domitian AE Quadrans Raven.jpg


NEXT => a raven, or a crow 

... ummm, after 4 hours, I'll accept an eagle as well 



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6 hours ago, Steve said:

NEXT => a raven


Freiburg im Breisgau
AR Brakteat
Stebler or Hälbling = 1/2 Rappen
AD 1387
Obv.: Head of raven left, crescent? to left
Rev.: -
AR, 0.162g, 16mm (max)
Ref.: Freiburger Münzen und Medaillen No. 10, Jubiläumsschrift des Freiburger Münzsammelvereins 1997, No. 18


Next: central europe medieval coin

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1 hour ago, Ryro said:

next: rare



Marcus Antonius Gordianus III, Antoninianus of the Roman Imperial Period 239/240 AD, Material: Silver, Diameter: 21mm, Weight: 4.47g, Mint: Antiochia ad Orontem, Reference: RIC IV Gordian III 172, Obverse: Bust of Gordian III, radiate, draped, cuirassed, right. The Inscription reads: IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG for Imperator Caesar Marcus Antonius Gordianus Augustus, Reverse: Providentia, draped, standing left, holding globe in extended right hand and sceptre in left hand. The Inscription reads: P M TR P II COS P P for Pontifex Maximus Tribunicia Potestate Secunda Consul Pater Patriae (High priest, holder of tribunician power for the second time, consul, father of the nation).
Gordianus III from Antiochia - little bit rare. Gordianus and Antiochia and Bust to left. Extremely rare.
Next: a coin from Antiochia ad Orontes please... 
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Trajan, AD 98-117.
Roman Provincial Æ 29 mm, 15.86 g, 12 h.
Syria, Seleucis and Pieria, Antioch, late AD 115 - early AD 116.
Obv: ΑΥΤΟΚΡ ΚΑΙϹ ΝΕΡ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΑΡΙϹΤ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚ, laureate head, right. Countermark: laurel branch in incuse rectangle, Howgego 378 (69 sp.).
Rev: S·C in laurel wreath; Є below.
Refs: RPC III 3616; cf. BMC 20, p. 185, 286 (with same countermark); Wruck 196; McAlee 489(e).

Next: Countermark.

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I'll post a countermark from the same city


Syria, Seleucis and Pieria. Antiochia ad Orontem. Otho. A.D. 69. Æ 14.97gr

IMP M OTHO CAE(S) AVG (clockwise), laureate head of Otho, r. / S C, inscription in a laurel wreath of eight leaves. Countermarked - Howgego 245 - Athena facing right with shield and spear

RPC I 4318, BMC 207, 209–11, McAlee 321c

Next - another Antioch coin

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5 minutes ago, ambr0zie said:

Next - another Antioch coin


Gordian III, Antoninianus - Antioch mint, 2nd emission, AD 242-244
IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III seen from behind
SAECVLI FELICITAS, Gordianus standing right in military attire, holding globe and transverse spear
3,43 gr
Ref : Cohen # 319, RIC # 216, RCV # 8659, Michaux #610

Next : follow up with Gordian (any of them)


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42 minutes ago, Qcumbor said:

Next : follow up with Gordian (any of them)


Marcus Antonius Gordianus III
Antoninianus of the Roman Imperial Period 240 AD
Material: Silver
Diameter: 22mm
Weight: 5.06g
Mint: Rome
Reference: RIC IV Gordian III 34
Bust of Gordian III, radiate, draped, cuirassed, right. Inscription: IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG for Imperator Caesar Marcus Antonius Gordianus Augustus.
Personification of the Aequitas, draped, standing front, head left, holding scales in extended right hand and corncuopiae in left hand. Inscription: AEQVITAS AVG for Aequitas Augusti (Equity of the emperor).
Next: a coin of his wife please…
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Gordian III with wife Tranquillina, AE 26 mm., 241-244 AD, Thracia, Anchialus [Pomorie, Bulgaria]. Obv. Confronted busts of Gordian III right, laureate, draped and cuirassed, and Tranquillina left, draped and wearing stephane; ΑVT Κ M ANT / ΓOPΔIANOC AVΓ clockwise around; CEB TPAN // KVΛΛINA in exergue; border of dots/ Rev. Apollo standing left, holding patera in right hand; left arm resting on column; ΟΥΛΠΙΑΝωΝ / ΑΓXΙΑΛEωΝ clockwise around; border of dots. RPC Online VII.2 48961; Moushmov 2939 [H. Moushmov, Ancient Coins of the Balkan Peninsula (1912)], Varbanov II 668 [Ivan Varbanov, Greek Imperial Coins And Their Values, Vol. II, Thrace (from Abdera to Pautalia) (English Edition) (Bourgas, Bulgaria 2005)], AMNG II 656 [F. Münzer & M. Strack, Die antiken Münzen von Thrakien, Die antiken Münzen Nord-Griechenlands Vol. II (Berlin, 1912)]. 26 mm., 11.91 g.


Next, another Roman Provincial from Thrace or Moesia with confronted busts on the obverse.

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Gordianus III with Tranquillina
Moesia Inferior, Markianopolis
AD 238-244
Obv.: AVT K M ANT ΓOPΔIANOC AVΓ CE TPANKIΛΛEINA, Confronted draped busts of Gordian III and Tranquillina.
Rev.: YΠ TEPTYΛΛIANOY MAPKIANOΠIΛITΩN, Temple with cult statue of Tyche; E in left field.
AE, 11.75g, 26.6mm
Ref.: Varbanov 2059


Next: more Roman Provincial coins with confronted busts 

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