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Everything posted by rNumis

  1. Hi all - I've just started putting together a PDF list of auction catalogs, fixed price lists and books I have for sale. While I'd love to keep making detailed listings at rnumis, I just don't seem to ever find the time. So.... The initial pdf file is attached. It's a tiny fraction of what I have, but it's a start and it will get bigger. I'll post updated files in this thread. If you have questions or comments, message me directly or post them here. Each listing has only very brief information. You kinda have to know what you're looking at. Thanks for looking! Cheers, Steve p.s. With super-high international shipping costs these days, I'm guessing this list is only going to be of interest to US buyers. RNLIST01.pdf
  2. It's still not working. Just one step into creating a listing (right after I chose the category) I get: Sorry! You cannot create adverts in this category: missing PACKAGE INFO, TYPE or ITEM CONDITION. If you have already created them, edit your category and choose which ones the category will use. Contact the system administrator.
  3. I haven't tried re-listing yet, but it seems a little strange...it says I have an incoming shipment ( I certainly do not) and additionally that I should leave feedback, both with strange codes, and no further interaction available on those action items. I suspect it's not feeling 100% yet, but we'll see.
  4. Wait until they start joining NumisForums 😄. Or maybe they're already here.
  5. I see it fine in Chrome and Edge browsers.
  6. https://nnp.wustl.edu/library/auctionlots?AucCoId=512397&AuctionId=519435
  7. I attended this one (online) a couple of weeks ago. Very interesting! The paper was recently published in AJN. John Tatman was a huge help when rnumis was getting off the ground 12 years ago, mailing me volumes from his personal library, even though we'd never met. I'll always be grateful to him for that trust and kindness.
  8. rNumis


    Sorry to hear that, Donna. I dodged it too until last year. I feel that these days it's not so bad as it once was. Not great of course, but I hope that after a day or two of fever, you'll be over the worst. Fingers crossed 🤞
  9. https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bd6t53702510
  10. That auction is online at gallica. I just didn't add the link yet. Let me give it to you...
  11. It happens. As Roman Collector said, packages sometimes get delivered to me while status still shows it in Customs. It'll come.
  12. I honestly don't how it works. Mine was submitted here in the US, 30+ years ago. One of the three bound copies went off to a repository somewhere and that's the last I heard of it. The University library got a copy, as did I.
  13. Not me, but here's the link for anyone curious... Ancient Architecture on Classical Coins | Kolbe & Fanning (numislit.com)
  14. They can have mine for that kind of money. Signature thrown in. It's taking up valuable shelf space 😄
  15. I picked up a couple of things I needed. Nothing too crazy. The Sartiges collection would have been nice but went too high. Prices looked pretty strong generally. That said, I saw the big BMC set didn't sell...$5000 opening bid drew no interest. They let that sit open-for-bidding for a very long time before issuing fair warning. Understandable given they'd collect a 20% commission. Was that expensive for a BMC set? I don't really keep track of those.
  16. The first 50 of 75 catalogs (except #9) from ASTA INTERNAZIONALE DEL TITANO (G. Casolari), San Marino have now been scanned and posted online by archive.org member storico53. I've created entries and added links at rNumis, which you can find here. rNumis » Auctions of Titano These cover 1978-1992. I don't know this house very well. Lots of ancients, and well photographed, but sadly (for me) they didn't record coin weights for their catalogs, as far as I can see. Enjoy
  17. Hi, Sternbergs are online at archive. You can find the links at rNumis https://www.rnumis.com/house_auctions.php?house=STERN Cheers
  18. Came across this just now when compiling lists of Rauch auctions for the rNumis databases. Lot of related coins here https://www.numisbids.com/n.php?p=sale&sid=455 Cheers, Steve
  19. @DonnaML @AncientJoe A pleasure to meet both of you! Always nice to see the real person behind the avatar. Good hunting!
  20. I'll likely be there tomorrow (Friday)...late morning or early afternoon (not sure yet). If you see me, say hello. Badge should say something like Steve Moulding / rNumis
  21. I'm very sad to hear this. We had many long conversations - usually by phone. He was always very kind and was an enthusiastic supporter of my work, always ready with new ideas. I'll miss him.
  22. Buy the pass online before Friday and it's $20 (save $5) and your pass will be waiting at checkin
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