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About MrZun

  • Birthday 02/02/1999

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  1. I Just tought It was wierd that there is quite an amout of detail in the Beard and brow compared to the rest of the coin and It kinda looks "fresh"
  2. My dream to have a Trajan column too :0
  3. Let's share all our Coins of him!
  4. VID-20240909-WA0050.mp4
  5. I know the coin is Authentic, but i Wonder what can make ancients Coins have these random dots and details, is It from the die from using them todo much or dirt going in them? There is Also a slight elevation in the rev.
  6. Here is an interesting Coin, a sestertius from the republic, back when It was a tiny silver Coin. What i Wonder is If It is Authentic, since i don't have much information about this kind of coins. It has an Weight of 1,02 g and is 13mm of diameter VID-20240901-WA0002.mp4 VID-20240901-WA0003.mp4
  7. They are not exactly heavily worn in my opinion.
  8. Its Very rare. But there are some provincial ones that has the Stone and its not expensive or hard to find
  9. https://www.vcoins.com/fr/stores/yoshua_three_coins/315/product/publius_aelius_paetus_crawford_rrc_2331_date_138_bc_silver_denarius_rome_roma_dioscuri/1851024/Default.aspx I actually buyed from a Guy that buyed it here in Brazil. You can see the Solar Yllach being mentioned in the provenance. My Coin travelled from spain, Usa and is now here in Brazil.
  10. Their Weight: 1: 3,85g / 19mm 2: 3,1g / 18mm 3: 3,63 / 19,8mm
  11. Just started a few months ago. They are all Authentic, right?
  12. I was thinking of buying it since It seems unique and has parthico in the legends
  13. Found It interesting, since i never seen one like this
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