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Everything posted by airhead1983

  1. Before I decided to focus on ancient coins, I dabbled in a bit of fossil collecting. Here is my very small collection, along with a piece of a meteorite. The Spinosaurus tooth is my favourite. Erin
  2. Awesome coins, as always! Good to see you back in the game. 😃 Erin
  3. Donna, Your antiquities collection never ceases to amaze me! Thanks so much for sharing! Erin
  4. My brother’s daric that randomly ended up on Instagram one day. And the king represented, King Squidward. Who would have thought! 🤨 Erin
  5. It’s so good to see you here! Your collection is boss!😎 Erin
  6. Here are a couple of ours. My brother's Corinth stater with a cool dolphin. My lion diobol. My Ephesus bee and stag. Finally, my brother's classic elephant and the poor snake. Erin
  7. My avatar is of this guy, Herbert. He was my bearded dragon. He passed away unexpectedly a couple of months ago. He was 11. He was an awesome guy who just liked to hang out on his hammock and eat hornworms. I just sold his tank a few days ago and it was hard to swallow. I can’t have pets where I live and my parents were gracious enough to take him in. I won’t be having another one for a while. 😢 He’s inspired me to focus on getting more ancient coins with reptiles on them for a while. 😃🦎 Erin
  8. It’s good to see you, @PlanoSteve! Welcome home! 😃 Erin
  9. Fantastic! Thanks so much, @Restitutor! You’re a boss.😎 Erin
  10. Thumbs up! This is my brother’s bronze thumb from a Roman statue. It was found in Cordoba, Spain. Erin
  11. It’s so good to see you again, Steve!! Erin (Johndakerftw on CT)
  12. The coin formerly known as the Shekel of Tyre. 🤪 (see: Erin
  13. Here is my brother’s frog. I used to have a pair of fire belly toads that lived in my brother’s room because I already had 4 lizards in mine. He would complain about the croaking at night. He also wanted to name them, one was Ben and the other was Dover. Despite his complaints, I’m sure he became attached to them, even though he would never admit it. Erin
  14. I definitely will! Still trying to figure the forum out. Lol Erin
  15. Electrum coins are so fun! Here is my brother’s 1/96th electrum stater. It’s so tiny. He has on his list to get the first EL coin with a blank obverse and stamped reverse at some point. Erin
  16. Love cats! And lizards Here are Bear and Gus Gus. When I moved, Bear went to live with my parents and Gus Gus went to live with friends of mine. I miss having them around. Here is my Thrace hemidrachm featuring a big kitty and a little lizard. Erin
  17. Thanks everyone! Although the coin isn’t what I thought it was, I’m definitely happy with it. Tetradrachms don’t fall into my price range, so, it’s exciting to actually own one. My brother does a bit of collecting now and then and he has a couple of Tetradrachms that are dint to hold. This one I don’t have to make a weekly visit to, it’ll be with me all day everyday. Lol I appreciate the kind words @Curtisimoand @ominus1. I’m not sure where it came from. I don’t think it has a whole lot to do with what’s between the ears, more like ‘er’ and ‘air’ have the same pronunciation. I’m certainly not the brightest bulb, but, I’m totally ok with the nickname. Erin
  18. Here’s my ‘unique’ coin on the left. It’s a worn AE Shekel of Tyre. The right is nothing unique in the ancient world because it’s a foureé Tribute Penny. 🤪 David Hendin wrote an article for the Celator back in the 90s about a handle of AE shekels that were found that weren’t foureés because they had no traces of silver on them and were struck just as well as their silver counterparts. There is mystery surrounding the purpose of a bronze shekel, but, it’s pretty neat and I’m happy to have it in my collection. Erin
  19. Hi everyone, Just signed up. Formally known as Johndakerftw, aka, Erin. Airhead has been my lifelong nickname. Lol So happy to be here! Erin
  20. Hi Everyone, My name is Erin (johndakerftw on CT). I just heard about this great place and thought I’d pop over. I’m a bottom feeder collector of ancient coins from ancient Israel. But, thanks to incredible generosity, I’ve become more of a general collector. My latest purchase is of a coin that I thought was a Shekel of Tyre (one of my top wish list coins). It’s in pretty rough shape, having lived most of the past couple thousand years in the sea. But, once I got it in hand, something caught my EYE. The obverse more closely resembles a Demetrios II tetradrachm rather than the Melquart of the shekel. Its a bummer that it’s not my dream coin, but, I’m going to hold onto it. It’s nice and hefty. I think I’m going to use it as a pocket piece to show others if they express interest in ancients when I’m out and about. Anyway, thanks for having me here! I look forward to meeting new friends and learning from them! Have a great day! Erin
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