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Trajan Decius and Family


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Trajan Decius & family was a focal point of mine while collecting tetradrachms from Antioch, Syria. I managed to add several rarities of Decius & some high grade examples of the rest of the family. Posted below are some of my favorites.



Antioch-Syria. Trajan Decius, AD 249-251. Billon Tetradrachm: Officina 3, 14.05 gm, 26 mm, 11 h. McAlee 1125c (this coin); Ex Michel Prieur Collection.




1496269824_HostilianMcAlee1160(e).jpg.41dd9ee62d8530e08f1b66258c2a1bed.jpgAntioch-Syria. Hostilian as Caesar, AD 251. Billon Tetradrachm: Officina 7, 11.74 gm, 27 mm, 8 h. McAlee 1160e; Prieur 652 (2 coins cited). Very Rare.

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Silver Coin (AR Antoninianus) minted at Rome during the reign of TRAJAN DECIUS between 249 - 251 A.D. Obv. IMP.C.M.Q.TRAINVS.DECIVS.AVG.: Bust, rad., dr., cuir. r. Rev. PANNONIAE.: The two Pannonia, veiled, stg. front, turning r. and l. away from one another; each wears robe reaching to feet and holds standard: the one on r. raises r. hand. RCS #2699. RSCIV #86 pg. 26. RICIV #21b pg. 122. DVM #16/1. RCSVIII #9378.


Silver Coin (AR Antoninianus) minted at Rome during the reign of TRAJAN DECIUS between 249 - 251 A.D. Obv. IMP.C.M.Q.TRAINVS.DECIVS.AVG.: Bust, rad., dr., cuir. r. Rev. ABVNDANTIA.: Abundance stg. r., emptying cornucopia. RCS #2690. RSCIV #2. RICIV #S52. RCSVIII #9364.



Silver Coin (AR Antoninianus) minted at Rome for HERENNIUS ETRUSCILLA, Wife of TRAJAN DECIUS, between 249 - 251 A.D. Obv. HER.ETRVSCILLA.AVG.: Diad., dr., on crescent r. Rev. PVDICITIA.AVG.: Pudicitia veiled, std. l., with r. hand drawing veil and holding sceptre. RCS #2731. RSCIV #19 pg. 28. RICIV #59b pg. 127. DVM #5. RCSVIII #9495.



Silver Coin (AR Antoninianus) minted at Rome during the reign of HERENNIUS ETRUSCUS, as Caesar, between 250 - 251 A.D. Obv. Q.HER.ETR.MES.DECIVS.NOB.C: Bust, rad., dr. & cuir., r. Rev. PIETAS.AVGVSTORVM.: Sprinkler, Simplum, jug and lituus. RCS #2741. RSCIV #14. RICIV #143 pg. 139. DVM #10. RCSVIII #9521.



Silver Coin (AR Antoninianus) minted at Rome for HOSTILIAN, as Caesar, during the reign of TRAJAN DECIUS, in 251 A.D. Obv. C.VALENS.HOSTIL.MES.QVINTVS.N.C.: Rad. and dr. bust r. Rev. PRINCIPI.IVVENTVTIS.: HOSTILIAN in military dress, stg. l., holding standard and reversed spear. RCS #2759. RSCIV #34. RICIV #182. DVM #13/2. RCSVIII #9561.



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Nice coins and great presentation as usual, DR.  I was just handling and admiring my ex @dougsmit double sestertius of Decius last night.


AE Double Sestertius. 32.54g, 35.8mm.
Rome mint, AD 249-251. RIC IV 126a; Cohen 115.
O: IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust right.
R: VICTORIA AVG, Victory advancing right, holding wreath and palm branch; S-C across fields.
Ex Doug Smith Collection, acquired by him from Don Zauche at a coin show in September 2015

Edited by zumbly
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Hostilian and Herennius Etruscus are missing from my collection, haven't found yet some examples that would meet my requirements - interesting reverse + decent condition + decent price (all to be fulfilled as much as possible), but I found the parents.


Trajan Decius AD 249-251. Rome Antoninianus AR 21 mm., 2,28 g.
Date Range: AD 249 - AD 251
IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG. Bust of Trajan Decius, radiate, draped, cuirassed, right / DACIA. Dacia, draped in long robe reaching feet, standing left holding staff topped with a wolf's head (Draco)
RIC IV Trajan Decius 12b

Instead of getting a Herennia antoninianus, that tend to be very similar to other empresses antoninianii, I was happy to get this As instead



Herennia Etruscilla AD 249-251. Rome
As Æ
26 mm, 8,79 g
Date Range: AD 249 - AD 251
HERENNIA ETRVSCILLA AVG, bust of Herennia Etruscilla, diademed, draped, right / PVDICITIA AVG S C, Pudicitia, draped, veiled, seated left, drawing veil with right hand, holding sceptre in left hand
RIC IV Trajan Decius 136c

Edited by ambr0zie
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Nice presentation, as always


Here are some Trajan Decius examples:



Trajanus Decius
Syria, Antioch
Billon Tetradrachm
Obv.: AΥT K Γ ME KΥ TΡAIANOC ΔEKIOC CEB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, single pellet below
Rev.: ΔHMAΡX EΞOΥCIAC, eagle on palm, head right, tail left, wreath in beak, SC in ex
Billon, 25.1mm, 11.84g
Ref.: Prieur 577



Trajan Decius (249-251)
Billon Tetradrachm Alexandria
Obv.: A K Γ M K TPAIANOC ΔEKIOC , Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev.: Serapis standing facing, head turned right, holding scepter, L-A=Year 1 (249/250)
Billon, 11.26g, 23mm
Ref.: Kampmann/Ganschow 79.18, G 2815



Trajanus Decius
Obv.: IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG, Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Rev.: DACIA, Dacia standing left, holding staff with draco head
Ag, 4.03g, 22.7mm
Ref.: RIC 12b, C16



Trajan Decius, AD 249-251
Phyrgia, Philomelion
Obv.: AVΓ KΓ VЄCK TPAIA ΔЄKIOCЄ, Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right
Rev.: ΦIΛOMHΛЄωN ЄΠ ЄVTVXO B, River god Gallos reclining, holding amphora, from which water flows, and cornucopia
AE, 7.21g, 24.2mm
Ref.: BMC 39, SNG von Aulock 3931




Trajanus Decius
Sestertius, 249-251
Obv.: IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG, Laureate and cuirassed bust right.
Rev.: GENIVS EXERC ILLVRICIANI / S - C. Genius standing left, holding patera and cornucopiae; standard behind.
AE, 14.69g, 30.5mm
Ref.: RIC 117a, Cohen 53, Kankelfitz 17


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Great coins and presentation DR, as usual should I add

Like @Al Kowsky I have some fondness for the coinage of TD's family, particularly so for the DIVI series, as many of you already know



A few examples :

TD - Semis



Herennia Etruscilla - Sestertius



Herennius Etruscus - Tetradrachm



Hostilina - Antoninianus




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Impressive presentation, as always, @LONGINUS, and lovely coins! I have the whole family. Here they are in antoniniani.

Decius GENIVS EXERC ILLVRICIANI antoninianus.jpg
Trajan Decius AD 249-251.
Roman AR antoninianus, 4.25 g, 21.7 mm, 7 h.
Rome, 2nd officina, 2nd emission, AD 249.
Obv: IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Rev: GENIVS EXERC ILLVRICIANI, Genius, wearing polos on head, nude except for short cloak on shoulders, standing left, holding patera in right hand and cornucopiae in left hand; to right, standard.
Refs: RIC 16c; Cohen 49; RCV 9374; Hunter 11 var. (reverse legend).
Etruscilla PVDICITIA AVG seated antoninianus later coiffure.jpg
Herennia Etruscilla, AD 249-253
Roman AR Antoninianus; 4.30 g, 21.4 mm, 7 h
Rome, AD 249-251
Obv: HER ETRVSCILLA AVG, diademed and draped bust right on crescent, hair waved in horizontal ridges (Sear type a; Temeryazev and Makarenko type 1)
Rev: PVDICITIA AVG, Pudicitia veiled, seated left, with scepter
Refs: RIC 59b; RSC 19; RCV 9495 var (coiffure); CRE 545.

Herennius Etruscus as Caesar, AD 249-251.
Roman AR antoninianus, 3.83 g, 22.4 mm, 11 h.
Rome, 5th emission, early AD 151.
Obv: Q HER ETR MES DECIVS NOB C, radiate and draped bust, right.
Rev: PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS, Apollo seated left, holding branch and resting left elbow on lyre.
Refs: RIC 146; RSC 24a; Cohen --; RCV 9522; Hunter 9; ERIC II 40.

Hostilian PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS antoninianus Baldwin's.jpg Hostilian as Caesar, AD 250-251.
Roman AR antoninianus, 4.32 g, 20.5 mm, 5 h.
Rome mint, 5th officina. 5th emission, early AD 251.
Obv: C VALENS HOSTIL MES QVINTVS N C, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind.
Rev: PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS, Hostilian standing slightly left, holding signum and reversed spear.
RIC 181d; RSC 34; RCV 9561; Hunter 4.
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1 hour ago, Qcumbor said:

Great coins and presentation DR, as usual should I add

Like @Al Kowsky I have some fondness for the coinage of TD's family, particularly so for the DIVI series, as many of you already know



A few examples :

TD - Semis



Herennia Etruscilla - Sestertius



Herennius Etruscus - Tetradrachm



Hostilina - Antoninianus




Wow 😲! The DIVI coins are a showcase exhibit by themselves 🤩. You don't form a collection like that overnight 😏.

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4 hours ago, shanxi said:

Nice presentation, as always


Here are some Trajan Decius examples:



Trajanus Decius
Syria, Antioch
Billon Tetradrachm
Obv.: AΥT K Γ ME KΥ TΡAIANOC ΔEKIOC CEB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, single pellet below
Rev.: ΔHMAΡX EΞOΥCIAC, eagle on palm, head right, tail left, wreath in beak, SC in ex
Billon, 25.1mm, 11.84g
Ref.: Prieur 577



Trajan Decius (249-251)
Billon Tetradrachm Alexandria
Obv.: A K Γ M K TPAIANOC ΔEKIOC , Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev.: Serapis standing facing, head turned right, holding scepter, L-A=Year 1 (249/250)
Billon, 11.26g, 23mm
Ref.: Kampmann/Ganschow 79.18, G 2815



Trajanus Decius
Obv.: IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG, Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Rev.: DACIA, Dacia standing left, holding staff with draco head
Ag, 4.03g, 22.7mm
Ref.: RIC 12b, C16



Trajan Decius, AD 249-251
Phyrgia, Philomelion
Obv.: AVΓ KΓ VЄCK TPAIA ΔЄKIOCЄ, Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right
Rev.: ΦIΛOMHΛЄωN ЄΠ ЄVTVXO B, River god Gallos reclining, holding amphora, from which water flows, and cornucopia
AE, 7.21g, 24.2mm
Ref.: BMC 39, SNG von Aulock 3931




Trajanus Decius
Sestertius, 249-251
Obv.: IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG, Laureate and cuirassed bust right.
Rev.: GENIVS EXERC ILLVRICIANI / S - C. Genius standing left, holding patera and cornucopiae; standard behind.
AE, 14.69g, 30.5mm
Ref.: RIC 117a, Cohen 53, Kankelfitz 17


Nice "rainbow" patina on the sestertius ☺️.

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Nice coins! Decius' story is a tragedy - I feel that had he been born in better times, he would have gone down as one of the all-time greats.

I have a partial Decius denomination set, minus that pesky double sestertius











And the rest of the family

Herennia Etruscilla


Herennius Etruscus


Hostilian (Caesar)


Then shortly after dad and bro died, as Augustus


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Easily my favorite Decius is my antoninianus overstruck on a denarius of Geta doubling the value of the coin.  It is from the later period TRA DECIVS group with PANNONIAE reverse.  I have seen a few other coins of this period similarly overstruck on earlier denarii.  This suggests that it was not an accident but an official policy implemented for the profit. 




I am also fond of a couple coins with unusual style.  Portraits of Decius vary a lot.  This VICTORIA AVG is not plated but the style makes you wonder about the mint. 



The fourree VBERITAS AVG also has a strong portrait of a style you might think could have gained the cutter employment at the regular mint (considerably better than some of their cutters!).  It is late for a fourree.



At one point I had two antoniniani of the same DACIA  type that struck me as rather equal so I tried to sell the one I liked less in an auction where it was ignored and ended up given to a YN along with a few coins that probably deserved being ignored.  Today, I see lesser specimens being sold for twice that price and really never understood what was wrong that caused it to be refused for less than I had paid in years past.  These are common coins.  IMHO the factor to distinguish the better from the lesser is not grade but the style and strike of the Dragon head on the reverse. 





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I agree with the comment above, for the Dacia / Draco / Dragon head staff ones, what matters are the quality of the die and the strike. Case in point, the following is in a very high state of preservation but wouldn't be as desirable as a lesser example better struck with a fresher rev. die. As you may be able to tell, that's a Harlan Berk photo, which allows for the detail (and lack thereof on the the rev.) to be seen very clearly. Pretty good portrait, thought:


One redeeming quality is that it's probably from the Bill Behnen Collection (a very dedicated collector of Decius and family). After the first couple major offerings of Behnen coins in a couple Harlan J. Berk BBS and Gemini XIII, some of the future sales of the remnants didn't mention the collector, even when they mentioned where he had gotten them. But this one was reported as ex Christian Blom 3 Feb 1964, which is exactly where and when Behnen got many of his coins. Whenever I'm doing coin stuff in Chicago next, I may stop in and see if someone at HJB can figure it out without too much difficulty.

A fourree of this type. The engraver's talent was definitely not even second-tier by official mint standards:



And an Adventus (oops, just a small image...):


Edited by Curtis JJ
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A wonderful OP and some great coins.

Here is my Trajan Decius Denarius 





DATE AD 249 - 251
CATALOG SEAR 111 9391 RIC 16b






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