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Snacking on Obols and main target acquired! / Centering? What's that??/ Let's see your Obols!


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Snacking pun intended, as some ancients would hide their small variety coins in their mouths! Pray to Zeus nobody gets the hiccups. 


I like it when auction houses don't give full and or proper attributions. It gives me a chance to learn more about the type, and steal up some rarities😉

Though off center, on both sides, and missing the top of a really wild Zeus hairdo, I really like the Herakles portrait:


CILICIA. Uncertain mint, probably Tarsos. Circa 370-334 BC. Obol (Silver, 11.58 mm, 0.57 g, 9 h). Obv. Bearded head of Zeus to left, wearing laurel wreath . Rev. Head of youthful Herakles to left, wearing lion skin headdress. SNG Levante 198. SNG von Aulock 5429 (this coin). Off centered. Very rare. Purchased from "Young Collectors 2" Astarte March 2024

While the facing Herakles is cartoonish, off center and has two test cuts, the eagle (Stymphalia bird?) on the deer is epic:


Greece, Asia Minor, Cilicia, Tarsos, Obol, (12MM, 0.57 gr)

Obverse: bust of facing Herakles 

Reverse: eagle standing left, on the head of a deer with large antlers

Obverse has two cuts and is off-centered. Toned. Good VF. Purchased from "Young Collectors 2" Astarte March 2024

Another very rare coin and one that no one else wanted!? I am guessing nobody noticed the janiform head:


CILICIA, Mallos. Circa 440-390 BC. AR Obol (8mm, 0.82 g, 11h). Bearded janiform head / Swan standing left; lotus to left, monogram to right. Gökturk 30; SNG France –; SNG Levante 134. Good fine, toned, porosity. Very rare. Purchased from "Young Collectors 2" Astarte March 2024

The only coin so far that isn't very rare is a mystery to me. How/why does this gorgon have Farah Fawcett hair??


I know some of these have clear Gorgons but I wonder if this isn't Helios? Also, next to the astragalos is this an unknown symbol, just a die break or something else?


PISIDIA, Selge. Circa 250-190 BC. AR Obol (9.68mm, 0.87 g, 1h). Facing gorgoneion / Helmeted head of Athena right; astragalos to left, unknown symbol, possible die break. SNG BN 1948–54 var. (symbol); SNG Ashmolean 1546–50. Purchased from "Young Collectors 2" Astarte March 2024

And then my main mark...


that I acquired for this auction was to replace the CSC (Celtic Shield Coin) I'd gifted Spainish coin aficionado and pal @bcuda. At just under 30mm she a bit big for an Obol:


Augustus, Hispania, Uncertain mint.. 27 B.C.-A.D. 14 Æ as (29.38 mm, 13.01 g). 'Moneta castrensis'. Mint in northewestern Spain, Probably struck before 23 B.C. [IMP] AVG DIVI F, bare head left; palm branch before, winged caduceus behind / Round shield with four linear outer panels and round central boss. ACIP 3301; RPC 3. RPC I 4; SNG Copenhagen 414. About VF. Purchased from "Young Collectors 2" Astarte March 2024

"The 'Moneta castrensis' coinage, lacking any sort of ethnic or magistrate, is impossible to place with certainty. Most examples are found in northwestern Spain, and stylistically show some affinity to the Spanish issues of Carisius. The obverse legend places the coinage after 27 B.C., and the fact that the coins lack any indication of the tribunican power suggest a terminus post quem of 23 B.C. It is most likely that the 'moneta castrensis' coinage was struck to finance Rome's efforts during the Cantabrian Wars, which brought an end to Spanish self-determination and finalized the province's subjugation."

 Thanks for taking a look and please share your itty bitty Obols!

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I love Greek silver fractions. I remember I bought my first ones in December 2020 from an auction. They were correctly attributed and the size and weight were mentioned, so I knew what to expect, but it was still shocking (in a good way) to see what level of detail and artistry they offer. 

I kinda prefer even smaller denomination, but if you prefer obols, here are my favorites


7 mm, 0.65 g.
Korkyra, Korkyra. AR Obol. Circa 525-490 BC.
Scallop shell / Floral-stellate pattern within incuse square.
SNG Copenhagen 149; HGC 6, 57.


7 mm, 0,52 g.
Troas, Tenedos circa 480-450 BC. AR obol.
Janiform head of female, facing left, and bearded male (Philonome and Tenes), facing right / Labrys (double axe) within shallow incuse; T-E across fields.
SNG München 340; SNG Copenhagen 509; HGC 6, 387; SNG von Aulock 7666.


10 mm, 0,88 g.
Pisidia, Selge. AR obol (or trihemiobol). Circa 350-300 BC.
Facing gorgoneion with protruding tongue / Head of Athena to left, wearing crested Attic helmet; behind, astragalos.
SNG France 1928; SNG von Aulock 5281.

Archaic style and a scarce variety with Athena portrait left. Possibly pre-dating the usual date of 350-300 BC typically assigned to this type.


9 mm, 0,55 g.
Cilicia, Kelenderis. AR obol. Circa 425-400 BC. Horse prancing right within beaded circle / ΚΕ, Goat kneeling right, head turned to look back.
Göktürk 9; Cf. SNG BN 116-7 (obol, goat left); Cf. SNG Levante 29 (obol, goat left).


11 mm, 0,56 g.
Cilicia, Nagidos. AR obol. Circa 400-380 BC. Head of Aphrodite facing slightly right; [N] to left / Wreathed head of young Dionysos facing slightly left; [N] to left. Göktürk 2; SNG France –; SNG Levante 6.

Here is a medieval obol:


15 mm, 0,95 g.
Moldova. Alexandru cel Bun 1400-1432. Ӕ obol.
Auroch head, left rosette, right crescent, between horns star / Split coat of arms, horizontal bars on the left, lilies on the right, ᴙ in left.
MBR (as half groats) 418 (type V).

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1 hour ago, ambr0zie said:

I love Greek silver fractions. I remember I bought my first ones in December 2020 from an auction. They were correctly attributed and the size and weight were mentioned, so I knew what to expect, but it was still shocking (in a good way) to see what level of detail and artistry they offer. 

I kinda prefer even smaller denomination, but if you prefer obols, here are my favorites


7 mm, 0.65 g.
Korkyra, Korkyra. AR Obol. Circa 525-490 BC.
Scallop shell / Floral-stellate pattern within incuse square.
SNG Copenhagen 149; HGC 6, 57.


7 mm, 0,52 g.
Troas, Tenedos circa 480-450 BC. AR obol.
Janiform head of female, facing left, and bearded male (Philonome and Tenes), facing right / Labrys (double axe) within shallow incuse; T-E across fields.
SNG München 340; SNG Copenhagen 509; HGC 6, 387; SNG von Aulock 7666.


10 mm, 0,88 g.
Pisidia, Selge. AR obol (or trihemiobol). Circa 350-300 BC.
Facing gorgoneion with protruding tongue / Head of Athena to left, wearing crested Attic helmet; behind, astragalos.
SNG France 1928; SNG von Aulock 5281.

Archaic style and a scarce variety with Athena portrait left. Possibly pre-dating the usual date of 350-300 BC typically assigned to this type.


9 mm, 0,55 g.
Cilicia, Kelenderis. AR obol. Circa 425-400 BC. Horse prancing right within beaded circle / ΚΕ, Goat kneeling right, head turned to look back.
Göktürk 9; Cf. SNG BN 116-7 (obol, goat left); Cf. SNG Levante 29 (obol, goat left).


11 mm, 0,56 g.
Cilicia, Nagidos. AR obol. Circa 400-380 BC. Head of Aphrodite facing slightly right; [N] to left / Wreathed head of young Dionysos facing slightly left; [N] to left. Göktürk 2; SNG France –; SNG Levante 6.

Here is a medieval obol:


15 mm, 0,95 g.
Moldova. Alexandru cel Bun 1400-1432. Ӕ obol.
Auroch head, left rosette, right crescent, between horns star / Split coat of arms, horizontal bars on the left, lilies on the right, ᴙ in left.

ambr0zie that Nagidos is remarkable! 

It really is amazing that some of these engravers could capture so much detail on such a small canvas.

Here are a couple of late 6th century obols from Velia and Sybaris...





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2 hours ago, Ryro said:


Greece, Asia Minor, Cilicia, Tarsos, Obol, (12MM, 0.57 gr)

Obverse: bust of facing Herakles 

Reverse: eagle standing left, on the head of a deer with large antlers

Obverse has two cuts and is off-centered. Toned. Good VF. Purchased from "Young Collectors 2" Astarte March 2024

This coin is absolutely fantastic. Herakles is wearing the lion skin (I do not remember seeing a facing Herakles too often especially on fractions!) and the reverse is simply superb. The almost perfect centering AND the excellent condition make it a fantastic addition. 

The catalogue references -  SNG Levante 229, SNG von Aulock 5424, SNG France 2473. 

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My only obol:

Pisidia; Selge; c. 250 - 190 BCE; AR Obol; 0.89 grams; Obv: Facing gorgeoneion; Rev: Helmented head of Athena right,
astragalos to left; SNG Ashmolean 1546 - 50, SNG BN 1948-54

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3 hours ago, Ryro said:

know some of these have clear Gorgons but I wonder if this isn't Helios? Also, next to the astragalos is this an unknown symbol, just a die break or something else?


PISIDIA, Selge. Circa 250-190 BC. AR Obol (9.68mm, 0.87 g, 1h). Facing gorgoneion / Helmeted head of Athena right; astragalos to left, unknown symbol, possible die break. SNG BN 1948–54 var. (symbol); SNG Ashmolean 1546–50. Purchased from "Young Collectors 2" Astarte March 2024

I see why you wonder if it's not Helios as this representation of a gorgon is atypical and not what we expect, but it seems it is, indeed, a gorgon, as this is how they depicted gorgons in Selge for these types.  (if it's not Cleopatra, I am pretty sure it is in fact)   (note for other members - I am not insane, this is an inside joke) 

This idea is old - quoting the BMC (catalogue entries - BMC Pisidia, Selge 29-31) : "This head is regarded by Waddington (Rev. Num., 1853, p. 47) as that of Apollo or Helios. But it is more in accordance with the continuity of the series to call it the head of Medusa. "

For the second question, yes, there is something near the astragalos - most likely a monogram. Another catalogue entry for your coin - SNG von Aulock 5280 

Check this and you'll understand better - https://www.acsearch.info/search.html?term=5280+selge&category=1-2&lot=&date_from=&date_to=&thesaurus=1&images=1&en=1&de=1&fr=1&it=1&es=1&ot=1&currency=usd&order=1


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I have only one obol, which I bought for its connection to Pytheas the Greek, ancient explorer extraordinaire:


GAUL, Massalia
AR Obol (11.04mm, 0.73g, 2h)
Struck circa 300 BC
Obverse: Youthful male bust left
Reverse: Four-spoked wheel, MA in two quadrants
References: De La Tour 689
Lightly toned. Struck on a flan of good quality.
Massalia was a Greek colony founded around 600 BC on the southern coast of modern-day France. Notable natives of Massalia include the great explorer Pytheas the Greek (fl. c. 320 BC), who travelled up the British Isles and as far north as Iceland, and later described his travels in a book entitled
On the Ocean.

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3 minutes ago, CPK said:

Pytheas the Greek

On  his way west, he  probably stopped here, in Emporion,  now Spain  but then the next "main" Greek base west of Marseilles/Massalia.

Obverse : Man-headed bull protome   Reverse : Geometric incuse
Obol, 5th century BC, Emporion
Silver Weight 0.90 g, Diameter 10.5 mm


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A couple of obols for you Ryro.



Pisidia, Selge, c. 350-300 BC. AR Obol

Obv: Helmeted head of Athena r.
Rev: Gorgon facing sticking out tongue.
10mm. and 0.9gm.




Lexington, Kentucky, c. 1977. AE60 Obol.

Obv: Farrah in swimsuit r.  Signature in field r.

Rev:  Hinge and hook buckle.

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8 hours ago, Ryro said:

Facing gorgoneion

...i was browsing my movies to watch earlier  and Logans Run is on the menu..and i agree, it lQQks to me to be Helios....nice coins dude!  🙂

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I never bought in on the 'coins in mouth' theory, coming as it did from a comedy. I believe it was Aristophanes coining (pun intended) the phrase "put your money where your mouth is". 🙂

Here's a few more Tarentine obol/litrae, all with a Dionysian influence...




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Sharing a few obols.


Troas, Neandria
Circa 350 BCE
AR Obol .57g, 9mm
Laureate head of Apollo right
Ram standing right "NEA-N", all within an incuse square
SNG Cop 446



Boeotia. Tanagra
4th Century BCE
AR Obol 10.44mm .64g
Obverse: Boeotian shield
Reverse: T-A, forepart of horse galloping right
SNG Copenhagen 229



Cilicia, Holmoi
c. 375 BCE
AR Obol 10mm 0.68g 6h
Description avers : Tête d’Athéna casquée à droite.
Description revers : Tête diadémée d’Apollon à droite.
Levante34 var - Aulock- - GC.- - SNG France 2/121 var



Cilicia, Soloi
400 - 350 BCE
AR Obol 10mm 0.66g
Helmeted head of Athena right /
ΣΟ; grape cluster with tendril, star right.
SNG Levante 47 var. (reverse), SNG BN 184-187 var. (reverse)



Cilicia, Kelenderis
Circa 350 BCE
AR Obol .79g, 8mm
Horse prancing right
Goat kneeling right, head left "KE" above
SNG France 116

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I started on last sunday taking foto's from my Greek coins, a side collection build over a period of 40 years . Here are some little ones. I have not attributed them yet.

















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Thanks for all the positive replies and AMAZING coins you all have shared. I'll keep the fun going with some of my older obols or old-bos. 

I'll start with some nudity and gambling on an ancient coin (which frankly is how all ancient posts and threads should start):


CILICIA, Tarsos. Circa 370 BC. AR Obol. Female kneeling left, casting astragaloi / Youthful male head right.
Condition: Very Fine
Weight: 0,4 gr
Diameter: 10 mm
Purchased from NBS Aug 2021


Mysia. Kyzikos, 480 BC. Obol AR 11mm., 0,71g. Forepart of boar left , E (retrograde) on shoulder, with tall mane and dotted truncation, dotted line on shoulder, to right, tunny upward / Head of roaring lion left with bristling mane, outstretched tongue, and dotted truncation, all within incuse square.

Ex Silicua Subastas


THEBES, Boeotia AR Obol, 371-338 BCE, Boeotian shield with club across end /Young Herakles head r, BMC. 169-170, somewhat off-ctr, dark patination worn off in center of shield; ex BCD with his meticulous detailed tag (bought from Baldwin's 1976). Rare Ex: Frank Robinson 


Lycaonia. Laranda 324-323 BC. Obol AR 10mm., 0,67g.Baaltars seated left, holding grain ear, grape bunch, and sceptre / Forepart of wolf right; inverted crescent above; all within circular border of pellets.nearly very fine Göktürk 82; SNG BN 443 (Cilicia); SNG Levante 223 (Cilicia). 



Here is what may be my favorite obol of all time (sorry if you have seen it 2,000 times:


CILICIA. Uncertain. Circa 400-350 BC. Obol (Silver, 10 mm, 0.58 g, 1 h). Female head facing, turned slightly to left, wearing earrings, necklace and flowing hair. Rev. Facing head of Bes. Göktürk 44. SNG Levante 233. SNG France 486. Fine metal and attractive on both sides. Very fine


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