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HD's slightly belated Top Ten for 2023!

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Happy New Year!

I'll begin by wishing everyone a very warm welcome to my top 10 and a good start to the new year. I hope that 2024 has some great things in store for all of us!

I'd also like to say a massive thank you to the whole of NVMIS FORVMS for an amazing year of collecting. Early November marked my first full year in the forum and I can't stress enough how happy I am to be a part of such a kind and helpful community. Since joining, I feel I have really progressed as a collector but there is still a long way I hope to go!


In no particular order, here's the list:


Completing a goal:

As many of you already know, I love to collect coins from the Roman Imperial Era and I am yet to branch away from this collecting area (maybe I will in the coming year). I like the fact that it is quite a long period in time, packed full with history. This makes it a very broad area to collect with many 'sub-areas' that grab my attention. Going into 2023, one of my main goals was to, not only collect new emperors, but also collect coins from empresses too. I look to do that same in 2024.

Each making their forum debut, this is how the first three coins came into my collection:



I visited the city of Bath earlier this year and I really enjoyed my time there. I highly recommend visiting this historical city and, more specifically, the Roman Baths.

As for the coin, I was given it as a free gift from the Bath Stamp and Coin Shop; I bought some other coins while I was there and the owner allowed me to take one unidentified Roman coin for free. I was extremely happy with the purchases and would also recommend this shop if anyone visits the city.

This is arguably one of my favourite coins in this list. I love the look of the coin in general, although I must confess that my photo makes the coin look more vividly green than it appears in-hand. However, more than that, I love this coin because of how much time I spent trying to identify it. So much effort went into this coin and I was extremely happy with the outcome. It also introduced me to a new part of the empire.




This coin was fairly high on my watch list; it was another example of an empress who I wanted to add to my collection. I already had several coins of the Severan Dynasty but none depicting an empress, who played very important parts through the course of this time. I thought this coin was the perfect fit for my collection and so I bought it. 




I'd like to thank @Roman Collector for kindly helping me with this attribution. I was having some difficulty identifying this coin as I couldn't distinguish the coin between other fairly similar examples. 


Completing a 'set' of mine

The next few coins saw the completion of my 'set' for the Nerva-Antonine Dynasty. What began as the '5 good emperors', soon expanded into the whole of the dynasty. Needless to say, I am extremely happy with the current coins that make up this set but I am always looking for potential improvements as well as acquiring the coins of much rarer figures of this time and coins of empresses.

I was able to find examples of Hadrian and Trajan in 2022 and so I was already part-way finished before 2023 began. Without further ado, here are the coins.

4) Nerva



5) Antoninus Pius



6) Marcus Aurelius



7) Lucius Verus


Many people may recognise this as a former 'coin of the day' from @Prieure de Sion's store. I would like to thank @Prieure de Sion for excellent service and an amazing coin!


8 ) Commodus


This was a coin high on my wish list and I made a post about it when it arrived.





This was one of my most recent purchases. It wasn't necessarily high on my wish list but I like this 'iconic' reverse and the story it holds.



Finally on my Top Ten list is a Caracalla denarius as an Augustus.

To provide some context, I already had an example of a Caracalla denarius as a Caesar and I had wanted a coin depicting the emperor as an Augustus. This led me to search for potential purchases and this coin was just about perfect.Screenshot2024-01-0221_16_46.png.cd1728afbc78c720960945266918786e.png


To conclude, I was very happy with my collecting in 2023 and I can't wait to see what 2024 has in store!

Thank you all for reading




Edited by Hughie Dwyer
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The ones I like the most are #1 (yes, I concur, identifying a coin is a very satisfying experience, after spending a lot of time, but it's an excellent way to learn); #4 for a great portrait and one of my favorite reverse types and #8 because these types are one of the most interesting from Imperial numismatics. 

Special mention for #5 - excellent portraits, especially Marcus Aurelius, but I lost similar types in auctions so many times that I simply don't like them anymore =)) so I got myself a sestertius. 


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If I had to choose one, it would be 4) Nerva.

I like the handshake. Our children may soon not know what it means in the increasingly 'no touch' society.

A nice selection.

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Thanks for showing us all your very nice 2023 acquisitions! My favorites: #'s 5, 7, and especially # 8 -- a type I'd love to have, and a specimen I'd be very happy to own.

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