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Bulls/hit hard on Parade


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Some coins we get for their historicity, others for their beauty and others still we get due to their baddassness! And sometimes all 3!!! As witnessed by my Bull snack from today's Demos auction:


(Bronze.4.18g 18mm) KINGS OF PAPHLAGONIA. Pylaimenes II/III Euergetes(Circa 133-...

Pylaimenes II/III Euergetes(Circa 133-103 BC). AE. (4.18g 18mm) KINGS OF PAPHLAGONIA.
Facinghead of a bull.
SNG BM 1555. SNG vonAulock150

"The issuer of this coin was almost certainly Pylaimenes III Euergetes, son of the Bithynian king Nikomedes III Euergetes (c. 127-94 BC) - as their shared epithet suggests."

Paphlagonia - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia




I'd love to see your bulls! No bullshit! So, please post em up along with any thoughts or other coins of Paphlagonia or a perfect trifecta coin!

Edited by Ryro
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Not many bulls in the Frog collection. This is one of my favorite though:

Kabul Shahi Dynasties
750-900 AD
Obverse: Bull to Left, Legend Above - Translation: Sri Spalapati Deva
Reverse: Horseman to the right


Side note - I've loved RATM for just about ever but have never seen them live. They finally were going on tour in 2020 and I bought tickets in August 2019 to see them in August 2020. Fast forward 3 years and a whole pandemic later...Going to see them in August of 2022. Can't wait!

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 Trying to throw out as much bull as possible . Looks like I'm just full of bulls tonight!

1. RR Ae quadrans


2. Ae Teanum c. 225 BC / bull with victory above.



3. Julian II maiorina / bull reverse ...




4. Ae as , Caracalla with Luna in biga of bulls...




5. Ar denarius of Caesar Augustus with charging bull


6. Aes Grave , semis of bull / wheel.




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Some Artemis Tauropolos coins with bulls.

Augustus, 27 BC - AD 14.
Roman provincial AE 23.
Macedon, Amphipolis, 10.25 g, 23.3 mm, 1 h.
Obv: ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΘΕΟΥ ΥΙΟΣ, bare-head, right.
Rev: ΑΜΦΙΠΟΛΙΕΙΤΩΝ, Artemis Tauropolos with inflated veil, riding on bull galloping right.
Refs: BMC 5, p. 52, 73; Sear Greek Imperial 29.

Macedonia, Amphipolis, ca. 187-131 BCE
Æ 21.4 mm 7.57 gm
Obv: Head of Artemis Tauropolis, right
Rev: ΑΜΦΙΠΟ-ΛΙΤΩΝ, bull bounding right
Refs: SNG ANS 113.7.83; Lindgren Europe 933; BMC 35; SNG Cop 72

Macedon, Pella, ca. 187-131 BCE
Æ 17.5 mm, 4.99 g
Obv: Helmeted head of Artemis Parthenos, right
Rev: ΠΕΛ-ΛΗΣ, bull grazing, right; monograms below and above.
Refs: SNG Cop 266 ff.; BMC 97, 17 ff.; Moushmov 6453.

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18 hours ago, Octavius said:

4. Ae as , Caracalla with Luna in biga of bulls...

Nice coin! The bulls are beautiful and energetic on that coin. Bigas of animals other than horses are neat (horses are neat, too, but more common). A mini-collection of all the species would be interesting. 

To keep with the bull theme:image.jpeg.2cd776a3a38d6b145c0141f1a2992d45.jpeg

29-28 mm. 6.99 grams. 
Sybaris, Lucania, Italy. 
Bull standing left, head turned back (possibly licking his side?)
Incuse version of the same design.

Sear Greek 245. HN 1729. SNG Cop I 1388 "c. 560-510"  The city was destroyed in 510 BC so we are sure the type is from before that.
Hoover HGC I 1231. 
This coin came with an NGC photo certificate, so I didn't have to crack it out. 

Rutter, in Greek Coinages of Southern Italy and Sicily, says it may be the very first coin type from the region (There is no clear evidence which among Sybaris,  Metapontum, and Kroton, was first). 


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1 hour ago, Steve said:



... here's Round-1

A Postumius Af Sp n Albinus.jpg



ant 1a.jpg

ant 1b.jpg

Antoninus Pius AE Diobol Bull.jpg

Augustus AE As Celsa Bull.jpg

balbus a.jpg

balbus b.jpg

bull & dolphin.jpg

bull butting.jpg

bull siglos.jpg

Byz Cow & Dolphin.jpg

Campania Cales Manbull.jpg

Caracalla bulls.jpg

cow suckling b.jpg

cow suckling.jpg

Illyria Dyrrhachion Brockage Error.jpg

India Kushan.jpg

Indo-Scythian Kings - Azes.jpg


Just an all out assault on the senses! Thanks Smokin bro Frazier!

Anyone whoes ever said Steve, or I, is full of bull... would be 100% correct!

(That has got to be the sexiest look on a man-faced bull that I've seen in my life! Steve, your AR MFB is doing Zoolander's Magnum!!! Wonderful Bes a well)


A bit more of my BS:

2397956_1638184646.l-removebg-preview.png.cd279d647c97c2d8c1135c24595df364.pngIMG_4243.PNG.f09c72a4523f52952222b463c6a33af2.PNG nonchalant MFB:



And thanks to everyone for the kind buds, words, I mean kind words, and AMAZING bulls!



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1 hour ago, Steve said:



Phokis Federal Coinage Bull & Pig.jpg






I'm more frightened of that demon boar than any of the bulls posted so far! 😧

Edit - apologies for the double post. I was trying to quote the picture too and somehow messed up.

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Sweet bulls everyone. :classic_rolleyes: Here are a few more.


Greek Cities in Illyria
Dyrrachion AR Stater, struck ca. 450-350 BC
Dia.: 21.5 mm
Wt.: 9.78 g
Obv.: Cow suckling calf
Rev.: ΔΥΡ around star pattern within linear square; club in field
Ref.: BMC 22, SNG Copenhagen 421
Ex Numismatica Ars Classica 64, lot 2214 (May 2012)


Thessaly, Krannon
AE Chalkous, struck ca. 350-300 BC
Dia.: 15.4 mm
Wt.: 2.41 g
Obv.: Thessalian rider and horse, rearing right
Rev.: KPAN Bull butting right, trident above
Ref.: BCD Thessaly II 118.5; HGC 4, 391
Ex zumbly collection; Ex BCD collection with tag stating “V. Ex Thess., Apr. 94, DM 35”; Ex AMCC 2, Lot 5 (Nov. 9, 2019)


Crete, Gortyna
AR stater, struck ca. 330-270 BC
Dia.: 27.5 mm
Wt.: 11.58 g
Obv.: Europa seated right in lefeless plane-tree, holding branches of tree with both hands
Rev.: Bull standing right, head turned back, scratching muzzle with hoof.
Ex Karl Kress (before 1969)


Roman Empire
Julian II (AD 360-363)
AE1, Antioch mint, struck ca. AD 361-363
Dia.: 28 mm
Wt.: 8.7 g
Obv.: D N FL CL IVLI-ANVS P F AVG: Diademed, cuirassed bust right.
Rev.: SECVRITAS REI PVB; Bull, head facing, standing right. Two starts above
Ref.: RIC VIII 216, pg 532
Ex Frank S. Robinson Collection, Purchased from David Micheals (Palladium) in the 1990s, ex FSR Auction 107 lot 389 (Jan. 2019), ex FSR Jan. 2010 sale. 


Roman Empire
Philip I, AD 244-249
AE30, Viminacium mint, MOESIA SUPERIOR
Dia.: 30 mm
Wt.: 17.4 g
Ref.: Martin 2.10.1, Varbanov 132

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A great thread! Herewith some bulls, or possible bulls. I am omitting the write-ups, as well as known cows, heifers, and oxen.




Possible bull:


Bull with Lion:




And, finally, my ancient Egyptian bronze Apis bull, from the thread about my antiquities collection:


Hixenbaugh description of bronze Apis Bull.jpg

My photos:




Apis bull new 6 (495x800).jpg
Apis bull new 29.jpeg
This shows how the bull looks on its shelf with some other artifacts to give an idea of relative size, with the glass dome removed from the bell jar to make it easier to photograph:
Apis bull in dome 1.jpeg
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@Steve, I think the better argument is that that's most likely a heifer, not a bull, given the small size of the animal and the absence of certain accompaniments:

Roman Republic, A. Postumius A.f. Sp.n. Albinus (Aulus Postumius Albinus, son of Aulus [mint magistrate ca. 96 BCE], and grandson of Spurius [Consul 110 BCE]), AR Serrate Denarius, 81 BCE. Obv. Draped bust of Diana right, with bow and quiver over shoulder, figure of stag’s head at end of bow (horns to left), bucranium above [off flan] / Rev. Roman priest standing facing on rocky ground (on Aventine Hill), head left, with right arm extended holding aspergillum, sprinkling heifer [Harlan, RRM I*], bull [Crawford & Sear], or ox [RSC] which he is about to sacrifice, a lighted altar between them, A POST - AF - SN • ALBIN [AL in monogram] around. RSC I Postumia 7, Crawford 372/1, Sydenham 745, Sear RCV I 296 (ill.), Harlan, RRM I Ch. 1 at pp. 1-7, BMCRR 2836. 18.54 mm., 3.85 g.  Ex. Spink & Sons Ltd. (before 2000 because of address on Spink coin tag; probably before 1974 given citation to Sydenham but not Crawford.)


* See Michael Harlan, Roman Republican Moneyers and their Coins, 81 BCE-64 BCE (2012) (“RRM I”) (using this coin-type as the cover illustration for his book). At pp. 3-4, Harlan argues (persuasively in my opinion) that in the legend which, as Crawford acknowledges, is the basis for the reverse of this coin -- namely, the sacrifice to Diana on the Aventine Hill founding her temple there ca. 500 BCE, establishing Rome as the caput rerum for all of Italy [and symbolizing the victory of Sulla over the rebel Italians in 82 BCE] -- the sacrificed animal was a heifer with wondrous horns, not a bull or an ox.  (Citing Livy, The History of Rome, Book 1, ch. 45 [available at http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.02.0145%3Abook%3D1%3Achapter%3D45].) 

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That's an amazing Paphlagonian bull and you definitely got the pick of the herd at DEMOS for 65% off the most expensive in that auction, @Ryro! An impressive array of cattle from all contributors to this thread.  Here are my favorite coins in from this popular theme for ancients - cattle were useful for sacrifice, food, games, cults, symbols of strength and work.  (more notes on Greeks & Cattle)




and here's a portrait coin of Pylaimenes (notes on this coin : Pylaimenes II/III Euergetes


more coins here @ https://www.sullacoins.com/post/of-greeks-and-cattle

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I have trouble keeping up on what was posted before and know most of my bulls would be duplicates.  Has anyone shown the Caligula sestertius honoring the new temple for Augustus?  Mine could be more clear on the bull but high grade examples of this are not cheap. 



There is this Alexandrian bull on a diobol of Domitian but it is not as great as Steve's holey Pius


which explains why I bought it.  Can you see a trace of the crescent on the Domitian?


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Here's a bull obverse and reverse, if you accept the theory that Elagabalus's "horn" is a bull's pizzle strapped to his head.  Strange boy!  The second bull is lying down behind the altar, reverse - and actually, that might be a second bull's pizzle strapped to Elagabalus's head on the reverse.  Three bulls (or parts) on one coin, in that case:


Elagabalus   Denarius (221-222 A.D.)  Rome Mint IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate, draped and horned bust right / INVICTVS SACERDOS AVG, Elagabalus in Syrian robes standing l. with club, sacrificing over altar with patera, bull lying behind altar, star in left field RIC IV 88b; BMCRE 212.  (2.27 grams / 19 x 18 mm) eBay June 2022   

Notes: "On denarii, it is clear that the "horn" was introduced in 221 at the same time as the four rev. types showing the emperor in Syrian priestly dress sacrificing to his sun-god Elagabalus, and that it was the standard obv. type until sometime early in the next year, TR P V = 222, when it was eliminated until the end of the reign a month or two later, in Mar. 222." Curtis Clay FORVM

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Not bulls, but probably they would have liked to be bulls 😐


Vespasian (69-79) AR Denarius, Rome, 77-78
IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG - Laureate head right
Rev: Pair of oxen under yoke left, In exergue, COS VIII.
C 133. BMC 206. RIC 943. CBN 184
2,67 g, 18 mm


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Just remembered I have 2 coins that are not ancient, but quite interesting anyways and probably unknown to most collectors here.  An aurochs - being the symbol of the medieval principate of Moldova/Moldavia (now split between Romania and Republic of Moldova)


MOLDAVIA. Stephen III the Great (1457-1504). Groat ca 1488
Facing bull's head (aurochs); star above, crescent and rosette flanking face.
Cf. MBR 610.



Alexandru cel Bun (1400 - 1432)
Obol (copper).
Type V
Obv: Bull's head, left of it rosette, right of it crescent, between horns star.
Rev: Split coat of arms, horizontal bars on the left, lilies on the right.
16mm 0.57g
MBR (as half groat) 418 ff.

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