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Phil Davis

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I won this in Peus last month, Cr-314/1c; a lovely example of a scarce-ish coin.

Ex Sternberg 17, 9-10 May1986, Lot 491.

Ex NAC 70, 16 May 2013, Lot 74.

It's been hung up in customs for over a week, but the coin waited 2000 years; I guess I can wait too. Tap tap tap.



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Hi guys!!  Looking forward to this new forum :).  Thanks for starting it, @Restitutor!

Super coin, Phil-- love that pedigree too.

Here's a fourree version that is quite nice.  In recent times someone filed the edge giving a nice peek at the layers.

Roman Republic, Lucius Aurelius Cotta
105 BCE
Fourree AR serrate denarius, 20 mm, 3.8 gm
Obv: draped bust of Vulcan right, wearing laureate pileus; tongs and star behind; all within wreath and dotted border
Rev: eagle standing on thunderbolt, head left; L·COT below, V to right; all within laurel wreath and dotted border
Ref: c.f. Crawford 314/1c; Sydenham 577a; Aurelia 21b
formerly slabbed, NGC ChVF, 5/5 strike, 3/5 surface



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38 minutes ago, Alegandron said:

Greetings and Salutations!

An old coin, but one of my favorites.


Makedon Alexander III Lifetime Tet Myriandrus mint-Alexandria near Issus




Makedon Philip II Tet Pella LIFETIME 353-349 Zeus Horse star spearhd Le Rider 102

Was thinking of you when I picked up this bad boy:


And his big brother:


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Getting this train back on track. Per the title here's a new RR.

A notoriously ugly coin telling a beautiful story... so why the heck spend 3,4 hundo on one? And this one is surprising well centered. Probably part of the reason it circulated so long:2733134_1649690294.l-removebg-preview.png.8ebe2489c2021d6d75ea3e9c7bf3c326.png


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9 hours ago, Ryro said:

Getting this train back on track. Per the title here's a new RR.

A notoriously ugly coin telling a beautiful story... so why the heck spend 3,4 hundo on one? And this one is surprising well centered. Probably part of the reason it circulated so long:2733134_1649690294.l-removebg-preview.png.8ebe2489c2021d6d75ea3e9c7bf3c326.png


There is a lot going on on this coin. What all am I seeing? A camel, Victory?, maybe a serpent? A quadriga driven by what looks to be an upside down bird?
Maybe I shouldn't look at coins before I've had my morning caffeine. 

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21 hours ago, Phil Davis said:

Hey-- Not only is this the first post, but I won a "Conversation Starter" badge! Go me!

AND a "First Post" badge. Cointalk never showered me with these accolades!

I've been promoted to Rookie. 🤷‍♂️

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On 5/23/2022 at 3:53 PM, Spaniard said:

Really pleased to be here....

Great coins!.......Lovely photography....

Still trying to acquire a Vulcan in bronze for my 12 Olympian set!......

I'm up to 9 and stuck.....But there are some in the pipeline...1701036747_9olympiangods-ccfopt(1).thumb.jpg.90d31ed8e7c8158b0c73e347496a5812.jpg

Aha! - you need a dodrans, then!



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