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When Display Cases Become Storage Bins

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Picked up these two display cases this past year. At some point along the line, they transitioned from pleasing displays to overpacked storage bins. I admit, though: as problems go, this is a nice one to have. My initial stopgap was to purchase the acrylic boxes to put on top. Helped, but only for a while (since the collecting bug continues). Hoping to pick up another case at some point in the next few months, to alleviate the crowding. Where it’ll go, I don’t quite know yet…




















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I've thought of buying a roman arrowhead in the past before but A) would have no place to properly display it and B) it would be rather pathetic. Your collection is amazing and I personally like how it is displayed.
I'm assuming you know info about each piece (where it was discovered, time frame attributed to, etc...)? If it were my collection, I'd have to make a little placard for each piece with that info on it.  Your own little museum.  🙂
Thanks for sharing!

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14 minutes ago, Furryfrog02 said:

I'm assuming you know info about each piece (where it was discovered, time frame attributed to, etc...)?

If interested, info about each piece is in these galleries:



Thanks for the comments, all.

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That's an amazing collection! Thanks for the links - I will definitely be giving them a look!

You have a lot of very nice bronze weapons. And I also like that barnacle-encrusted fragment of an amphora! 

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12 minutes ago, CPK said:

You have a lot of very nice bronze weapons. And I also like that barnacle-encrusted fragment of an amphora!

Thanks, all.

For some background about the weaponry:


And for info about the amphora fragment:




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Wow what a collection! I think it looks well organised and while it might be considered "crowded" if it were in a museum, you also don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on cabinets and display cases and take over an entire room, so you've struck a good balance.

Have you considered installing some LED light strips or similar for inside the cabinets?

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@Kamnaskires....Absolutely stunning Bob!...I remember us speaking about setting up our display cases a ways back 🙂..

You have a wonderful collection "museum worthy" which I've thoroughly enjoyed watching grow .

Also your photography skills are A+ allowing us to feel them in hand...

Looking forward to seeing the new cabinets (1 isn't enough)😅 fill quickly....,

Thanks for sharing your passion. 


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Thanks, Cam and Paul. Regarding the lighting - actually, I believe Paul had recommended that in earlier correspondence he and I had had. It's definitely something I will need to look into, down the line, at least for the bottom shelves. The upper shelves are fine with the room's lighting, but the vessels on the lowest shelves are usually partially in shadow - and I don't want to move those large vessels to upper shelves since they are relatively heavy.


Thanks for the feedback. Much appreciated.

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On 6/2/2022 at 2:52 AM, Kamnaskires said:

Picked up these two display cases this past year. At some point along the line, they transitioned from pleasing displays to overpacked storage bins. I admit, though: as problems go, this is a nice one to have. My initial stopgap was to purchase the acrylic boxes to put on top. Helped, but only for a while (since the collecting bug continues). Hoping to pick up another case at some point in the next few months, to alleviate the crowding. Where it’ll go, I don’t quite know yet…




















Wowwww! This is sooo cool - definitely going to take a look at what you've written, seems super interesting and I'd definitely like to get my hands on at least one antiquity - only got ancient coins at the moment. Also, one quick question, where do you recommend buying some lower end (cheaper) antiquities such as arrow heads?

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1 hour ago, Spaniard said:

What's  the 3 pronged example at the bottom front of the same case?


Paul, in my Forum gallery, that is “AE Dirk #01”:




There is often disagreement about the usage of certain types of blades from ancient Iran, and this is an example of that. Oscar White Muscarella (Bronze and Iron, Ancient Near Eastern Artifacts in the Metropolitan Museum of Art) and W. M. Flinders Petrie (Tools and Weapons) both list this type as a dagger. I am unclear how the tang would attach to the grip, and how the “wings” would physically relate to the hilt. Here are their illustrations:



However, Ezat O. Negahban (Weapons from Marlik) has a somewhat similar one illustrated as a spearhead:



All three of these authors agree about the attribution to the southwest Caspian area (NW Iran - where Marlik is located), and the dating to the Early Iron Age I and II in Iran, 1200-800 BC.


Having made the assumption that Muscarella and Petrie were on the right track, I referred to mine as a “dirk” in my gallery. Why “dirk” as opposed to their use of “dagger”? Well, edged ancient weapons are often classified by length. Although many catalogers do not differentiate between the terms “dagger” and “dirk”, if one measures 36 cm (14”) or less, it is, technically, a dagger. If one measures between 36 cm (14”) and 50 cm (19.6”), it is, technically, a dirk. If one measures greater than 50 cm (19.6”) it is a sword. My example is almost 15” sans hilt, comparable with those in the reference books – which I would call dirks as well.


1 hour ago, AncientNumis said:

where do you recommend buying some lower end (cheaper) antiquities such as arrow heads?


There are definitely sellers I would avoid like the plague. But you will do well to use a VCoins dealer - do searches on "arrowhead" (one word) and "arrow head" (two words) and you get a number of hits. There are a lot of legit - and cheap - arrowheads available through Ebay. But there are fakes there too - particularly among larger, tanged types. Most of the smaller, socketed bilobate and trilobate ones are kosher, IMO. You can always have them vetted here. Word of caution: Arrowheads are often misattributed. Also, sometimes similar types were used across distances/cultures - which can complicate the attribution process. 

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Ahh OK thanks Bob.I'd never heard of a dirk before. An interesting piece...

Been looking at your photos in close up, what an Alladins cave...

Love the little oil lamps but as you know I particularly like the " bird beak spouts" , wonderful design.

What are your most recent purchases?

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Well, the cabinets are relatively new and so I haven't yet done much dusting of the interior yet. When the time comes, though, I'll have to see how compressed air dusters work. I wouldn't enjoy having to remove each and every item to dust, but will do so if needed. The white shelving is just sheets of acid-free foam core board, which I cut and placed in the cabinets to cover the glass shelves. (I feared the potential of the metal weaponry scratching the glass - and also figured the mostly dark/bronze objects would "pop" nicely against white.) If and when I remove the foam core pieces, they will be easy to blow clean with dusters.

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Lovely little oil lamp Bob...I started to look around at what oil was used and interestingly although olive oil was the most predominantly used, animal fat, bees wax,sesame oil, and grape-seed oil were also used.


The spear butt looks deadly, giving you the ability to retaliate against anyone approaching from the side or rear without having to reverse the long spearhead ..

Beautiful pieces Bob...

Haven't the cabinets got glass doors to keep the dust at bay?...I've not had to dust mine yet...🙂


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On 6/6/2022 at 2:42 PM, Spaniard said:

The spear butt looks deadly, giving you the ability to retaliate against anyone approaching from the side or rear without having to reverse the long spearhead ..

Spear butts are rare and hard to come by.  I only had one in my antiquity collecting years.  Should be sold at CNG some time this year.

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56 minutes ago, KenDorney said:

Spear butts are rare and hard to come by.  I only had one in my antiquity collecting years.  Should be sold at CNG some time this year.

There's the very man who is to blame gets credit for my obsession with ancient weaponry. My first purchases in this direction, November 2018, two ancient Iranian arrowheads. From Mr. Dorney.


Ken, my wife may want to have a word with you.


Seriously, looking forward to your CNG sale.


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