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Link...Alexandria,  Egypt, Tetradrachm....


Antoninus Pius, 138 - 161 AD
Billon Tetradrachm, Egypt, Alexandria Mint, 23mm, 11.94 grams
Obverse: Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Antoninus right.
Reverse: Nilus reclining left holding reed and cornucopia from which emerges Nilus, crocodile below.
Emmerr 1413.13 // Dattari 2294 // Koln 1594 // K&G 35.426

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Link: seated left on rocks



Philippus II
Samosata, Commagene, Syria
August 247 - late 249 A.D
Obv.: AVTOK K M IOVAI ΦIΛIΠΠOC CEB / laureate draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev.: CAMOCATEΩN / Tyche seated left on rocks, Pegasus below
BMC 56
AE, 16.92g, 28.1mm

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Link ....Pegasus.


Iberia. Indigets. Emporia Æ AS...27.88mm/10.05grams..27-25 BC..
Obverse:Head of the goddess Pallas Athena wearing a Corinthian helmet with the visor raised and a large plume.
Reverse: Pegasos flying right, laurel crown above rump; EMPO below.
Villaronga, ACIP 1098 - R6
Ex Archer M Huntington Collection (HSA 1001.1.10234

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Link: Iberia.

Iberia. Kelse. Circa 45-44 BC. Æ As (30mm, 18.09g, 8h). Obv: Bare male head right; two dolphins to right. Rev: Horseman right, holding palm frond over right shoulder. Ref: ACIP 1490. Good Very Fine, dark green patina with earthen highlights. Ex CNG Inventory 723092 (2000). Ex CNG eAuction 431, Lot 5.


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Link: Rider


Thessaly, Pelinna
Æ Dichalkon (20mm, 7.49g, 12h)
late 4th to early 3rd centuries BCE
Head of Mantho veiled r. R/ Helmeted Thessalian rider wearing chlamys and short tunic, charging r. with couched lance on prancing horse.
BCD Thessaly 534.1; Rogers 432; HGC 4, 275
Ex London Ancient Coins

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Link: Thessalian rider


Larissa, Thessaly
AE Dichalkon
Obv.: Head of nymph Larissa facing, head turned slightly to left, wreathed with grain, wearing double strand plain necklace
Rev: ΛAPIΣAIΩN, rider on horse prancing right, lance in right, wearing Boiotian helmet, ∆A monogram
AE, 5.45g, 17.1mm
Ref.: BCD Thessaly I 1171.1, BCD Thessaly II 393.3, SNG Cop 140, cf. Rogers 285

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Link: tree. (Surely, that tree from Troas is a date palm, but the references say fir).

Simon Bar Kokhba Revolt, 132-133
Judaea. Bronze, 17.5mm, 5.92g. Grape bunch on tendril with branch and small vine leaf; שנת אחת לגאלת ישראל (year one of the redemption of Zion). Seven-branched palm tree with two bunches of dates; כ ה זנ רה א לע (ELAZAR HaKOHEN, Eleazar the Priest) (Meshorer 224).

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Link Grape bunch Ar Tetradrachm of Maroneia 168-48/45 BC Obv. Head of Dionysos right wreathed in Ivy Rv Dionysos standing left holding grape cluster and two spears Schonort-Geiss  1195 HGC 1556 15.98 grms 34 mm Photo by W. Hansenmaroneia11.jpg.0d6ae618ab71018eb9f324d4582f9254.jpg

I believe ths coin to be part of the earlier series of coins which were minting independently of Roman aegis. With the collapse of the Macedonian Kingdom two Thracian mints Thasos and Maroneia took over as the main suppliers of silver coins for the region. Later these coinages became key in the Trans Danubian trade.

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Pontos, Amisos. temp. Mithradates VI, c. 105-85 or 85-65 BC. Æ (16mm, 3.98g, 12h). Struck under Mithradates VI.
Obverse..Ivy wreathed head of Dionysos right.
Reverse..Filleted thyrsos, bell attached with fillet, AMI-ΣOY flanking across field, monogram lower right.
Mint..Amisos (Samsun, Turkey)
SNG Black Sea 1192-5; HGC 7, 251. Good VF

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Link: Dionysos and thyrsos.

Lydia, Philadelphia, AE 17, Late 2nd/Early 1st Centuries BCE, Hermippos, son of Hermogenes, archiereus [magistrate]. Obv. Head of young Dionysos right, wearing ivy-wreath and band across forehead, [Φ]ΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΕ[ΩΝ] vertically behind / Rev. Spotted pantheress [leopard] walking left, with head turned back to right, cradling thyrsos bound with fillet (ribbon) against left shoulder, right foreleg raised; ΑΡΧΙΕΡ-ΕΥΣ above, ΕΡΜΙΠΠΟΣ in exergue. Seaby II 4720 [Sear, D., Greek Coins and their Values, Vol. II, Asia & Africa (Seaby 1979), at p. 430 (ill.)]; BMC 22 Lydia 16 [Head, B.V. A Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum, Lydia (London 1901) at p. 189]; SNG Von Aulock II 3057 [Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Deutschland, Sammlung Hans Von Aulock, Vol. 2: Caria, Lydia, Phrygia, Lycia, Pamphylia  (Berlin 1962)];  Imhoof-Blumer 8 [Imhoof-Blumer, Friedrich, Lydische Stadtmünzen, neue Untersuchungen (Leipzig 1897) at pp. 114-115]; Mionnet IV No. 536 [Mionnet, Théodore E., Description de Médailles antiques grecques et romaines, Vol. IV, Lydie (Paris 1809) at p. 98] [My oldest catalogue citation, I believe; I was able to confirm it online]. 17 mm., 5.02 g.  [With old collector’s envelope.]


The copy in Paris, BNF. I like mine better!


PS: No fair posting a coin minted in Philadelphia, USA, and claiming that name as the link!

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Dionysus wreathed with ivy:

Phrygia, Eumeneia, c. 133-130 BC.
Greek Æ 21.1 mm, 6.66 g, 1 h.
Menekrates, son of Askle-, magistrate.
Obv: Head of young Dionysus wreathed with ivy, right.
Rev: Tripod-lebes with three handles surmounted by flat cover fringed with spikes, star above and on either side; to right, EYMENE and filleted laurel branch (thyrsus?); to left, MENEKΡA/AΣKΛH and labrys (double axe) with serpent-entwined handle.
Refs: BMC 25.212,14; SNG Copenhagen 382; SNG Tübingen 4008; Paris 1095; Mionnet IV, 563; SNG Oxford 1024-1025; Lindgren I 950; Istanbul 14718; Afyon 2973.

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Alexander or Seleucus as *Link Dionysos 16024484100126288246453856866947-removebg-preview.png.f7aaad101e5af613f1ec6faafc9440ed.png

Seleukos I Nikator,
312-281 BC. Drachm (Silver, 16.5 mm, 4.25 g, 12 h), probably Seleukeia on the Tigris, after circa 305/4 BC . Bust of Alexander the Great (Seleucus?) to right, as Dionysos, wearing helmet covered with a panther skin and adorned with a bull's horn and ear, and with a panther's skin tied around his shoulders. Rev. ΒΑΣIΛΕΩΣ [ΣΕ]ΛΕΥΚΟΥ Nike standing to right, placing wreath on trophy; between Nike and trophy, monogram. HGC 9, 35. SC 197. Toned. Very fine. Ex: Nomos Obols

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Link Nike/Victory crowning trophy


Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Clodianus 88 BC. Rome
Quinarius AR
Laureate head of Jupiter r.
Victory r. crowning trophy; in exergue, CN LENT
Crawford 345/2, RSC I Cornelia 51a, BMCRR 2443-2444, Sear RCV I 255 (ill.), Sydenham 703, RBW Collection 1313
14 mm., 1,65 g.


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Link: head of Jupiter an Victory


Anonymous issue, AR Victoriatus, after 211 BC
Obv.: Laureate head of Jupiter r.
Rev.: Victory r., crowning trophy; in exergue ROMA
Ref.: RSC 9, Crawford 53/1
Ag, 2.98g, 17.1mm

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Jupiter and Victory

Diocletian Follis, 295-299
Cyzicus, 3rd officina. Bronze, 21x22mm, 3.75g. Radiate & cuirassed bust right; IMP C C VAL DIOCLETIANVS P F AVG. Diocletian standing right receiving Victory from Jupiter standing left with long sceptre; KΓ in centre; CONCORDIA MI-LITVM (RIC VI, 15a).

Edited by John Conduitt
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Link: Cyzicus.

Faustina II, AD 147-175/6.
Roman provincial Æ 26.3 mm, 9.32 g, 1 h.
Mysia, Cyzicus (group 2), AD 169-175.
Obv: ΦΑVϹΤEΙΝΑ ϹEΒΑϹΤΗ; draped bust of Faustina II, r.
Rev: ΚVΖΙΚΗΝΩΝ ΝЄOΚΟΡ; nude Hermes standing facing, head left, holding purse, caduceus and chlamys.
Refs: RPC IV.2 699 (temp); SNG Cop 115; Mionnet Suppl. 5, p. 225, 270.

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For me this game is like Mornington Crescent (all lines lead to Mornington Crescent). Except it's Faustina II...

Faustina II Denarius, 145-161
Rome. Silver, 18mm, 2.68g. Bust of Faustina the Younger, band of pearls round head, hair waived and coiled on back of head, draped, right; FAVSTINAE AVG PII AVG FIL. Venus, draped, standing left, holding apple in right hand and rudder set on dove, in left; VENVS (RIC III, Antoninus Pius 515A (denarius)). Found Rossington, near Doncaster, South Yorkshire. Portable Antiquities Scheme: SWYOR-D8E6A8.

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