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Link - gryphon/griffin


IONIA, Phokaia. Circa 521-478 BC. AR Tetartemorion. Head of griffin left / Incuse punch. Cf. SNG Kayhan 514–6 (hemidrachms) and 1428 (diobol). It is possible that this issue may belong to Abdera or Teos, both of which also issued early silver coins with griffins on the obverse.
0,18 g, 7 mm

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Links: Apollo, Troas, horse, thunderbolt below!

Troas, Alexandria, 3rd-2nd c. BC.
Greek Æ 13.5 mm, 2.20 g, 11 h.
Obv: Laureate head of Apollo, right.
Rev: AΛEΞAN above horse grazing left, monogram beneath, thunderbolt in exergue.
Refs: Sear 4028; BMC 17.10,18-20; SNG Cop 81-82; SNG von Aulock 7546.

Edited by Roman Collector
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Link horse.


SICILY, Syracuse. Dionysios II. 367-357 BC. Æ Tetras(?) (24mm, 8,1 g, ). "Kainon" issue. Griffin springing left; below, grasshopper left / Horse prancing left, rein trailing; star above. Campana 3; CNS 10; HGC 2, 510 (all as Kainon).

009D3D4B-5376-4CFB-B74B-C0D8A94D8E11.jpeg.f7f8916c4884a64018188f7b6ec7b002.jpeg(This is a strange coin, sometimes attributed to Dionysius II, sometimes said to be from Halaesa/Halaesa Archonidea and also spelled Alaesa.)

Edited by Deinomenid
Stupidly forgot a page. Should still work as edited to link horse. Was a reply to Donna. Both horses though!
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14 minutes ago, Deinomenid said:

Link griffin.


SICILY, Syracuse. Dionysios II. 367-357 BC. Æ Tetras(?) (24mm, 8,1 g, ). "Kainon" issue. Griffin springing left; below, grasshopper left / Horse prancing left, rein trailing; star above. Campana 3; CNS 10; HGC 2, 510 (all as Kainon).

009D3D4B-5376-4CFB-B74B-C0D8A94D8E11.jpeg.f7f8916c4884a64018188f7b6ec7b002.jpeg(This is a strange coin, sometimes attributed to Dionysius II, sometimes said to be from Halaesa/Halaesa Archonidea and also spelled Alaesa.)

I like the grasshopper! Not something you often see on an ancient coin.

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28 minutes ago, Deinomenid said:

Link griffin.


SICILY, Syracuse. Dionysios II. 367-357 BC. Æ Tetras(?) (24mm, 8,1 g, ). "Kainon" issue. Griffin springing left; below, grasshopper left / Horse prancing left, rein trailing; star above. Campana 3; CNS 10; HGC 2, 510 (all as Kainon).

009D3D4B-5376-4CFB-B74B-C0D8A94D8E11.jpeg.f7f8916c4884a64018188f7b6ec7b002.jpeg(This is a strange coin, sometimes attributed to Dionysius II, sometimes said to be from Halaesa/Halaesa Archonidea and also spelled Alaesa.)

That's a nice coin, but you skipped all of page three. There's no griffin on the coin of Alexandria Troas that I posted. I guess you could change the link to "horse."

Edited by Roman Collector
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I have a feeling we can go for a while on horse links. 🙂


Kings of Bithynia. Nikomedes I
circa 280-250 BCE
AE Bronze, 23 mm, 8.75 g, 6 h
Diademed head of Nikomedes I to right.
Rev. BAΣIΛE - NIKOMH Horse prancing right; above, wreath; below foreleg, spearhead.
RG 7. SNG von Aulock 242
Ex Leu

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link horse


Aiolis, Kyme
AE 19
Diodoros, magistrate
Obv.: Head of the Amazon Kyme right, wearing taenia
Rev.: Horse advancing right; KY above, jug below raised leg; ΔIOΔΩPOΣ magistrate in ex
AE, 19 mm, 6.57g
Ref.: Ashton, Classical, Series IVa; SNG Ashmolean 1364-5; SNG Copenhagen 96, SNG München 494

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Link = Horse's head


AE Dichalkon. 3.72g, 18.5mm.
THESSALY, Gyrton, early-mid 4th century BC.
Cf. Rogers 228; BCD Thessaly II 78 var. (ethnic); HGC 4, 370.
O: Bare head of the hero Gyrton right; to right, head and neck of bridled horse right.
R: ΓΥΡΤOΝΙΩΝ, head of the nymph Gyrtone left.
Ex BCD Collection (with handwritten tag stating "G/ni ex Thessaly, May 95, SFr. 40")

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Link: King with the same name


Kingdom of Elymais
Æ Drachm
Obv.: bearded bust wearing tiara, anchor with one crossbar right, APΠ; left
Rev.: BACIΛ ΦΡATH.., Artemis radiate standing right, drawing arrow from quiver with right, bow in left
AE, 3.88g, 15.4mm
Ref.: Van't Haaff Type 14.1, Subtype 1-2A var. (legend details)

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Link - Artemis standing


Bronze AE
Lydia, Saitta, Faustina II, AD 147-175
16 mm, 3 g
Obv : ΦΑVϹΤƐΙΝΑ ϹƐΒΑϹΤΗ, draped bust of Faustina II, r. / ƐΠ Φ ΗΡΚΛΑΝΟV ϹΑΙΤΤΗΝΩΝ, Artemis standing, r., drawing arrow from quiver at shoulder, holding bow; to r., dog
RPC IV.2, 11561


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Link: Faustina II



Faustina II
Obv.: ΦΑVϹΤΙΝΑ ϹƐΒΑϹΤΗ, draped bust right
Rev.: draped bust of Selene, right, crowned with crescent on taenia, torch over shoulder
L – H = year 8 of Marcus Aurelius (167/168).
Billon, 12.88, 21mm
Ref.: RPC IV.4, 16994 (temporary) = this coin

Edited by shanxi
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Link - SAECVLI in legend


Julia Maesa (grandmother of Elagabalus) AR Denarius Rome, ca 218-222
IVLIA MAESA AVG - draped bust to right
Rev: SAECVLI FELICITAS - Felicitas standing to left, holding long caduceus and sacrificing over lighted altar; in left field, star.
RIC IV 272 (Elagabalus); BMCRE 81-82 (Elagabalus); RSC 45b
2,27 g, 20 mm


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Link : Victory/Nike



Sicily, Agathokles.

Tetradrachm; Sicily, Agathokles; 317-289 BC. Syracuse, c. 310-308 BC, Tetradrachm,Obv: Head of Kore-Persephone r., wearing single drop earring, hair wreathed with barley, ΚΟΡΑΣ behind head.

Rx: Nike standing r., draped from hips, wings spread on either side; she holds in r. hand a hammer, in l. hand a nail, with which she is about to fix helmet to trophy; to r., counterclockwise triskeles; [ΑΓΑΘΟΚΛΕΟΣ] 


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link triskeles

SICILY. Syracuse. Agathokles, 317-289 BC.  Tetradrachm (Silver, 25 mm, 16.79 g, 1 h), circa 310-305. Wreathed head of Arethusa to left, wearing triple pendant earring and pearl necklace; around, three dolphins; below neck, monogram of NK. Rev. ΣYPAKOΣIΩN Charioteer, holding kentron in right hand and reins in left, driving galloping quadriga to left; above, triskeles to left; in exergue, monogram of ΑΙ. Ierardi 12 (O2/R8), but incorrectly listed as 28g. SNG Lloyd 1477 (same obverse die). SNG ANS 637 (same obverse die).

Ars Classica XVII, 3 October 1934, 273, ex Egger [XXIII], 23 November 1909, 263







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