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Nobody would expect Nerva for this request, but it is what it is


28 mm, 11,46 g.
Syria, Seleucis and Pieria, Antioch. Nerva 96-98 AD. Ӕ.
IMP CAESAR NERVA AVG III COS, laureate head of Nerva, r. / S C, in laurel wreath of eight bunches of leaves; below S 😄 no letter.
RPC III, 3478; Wruck 137; CRS 183; McAlee 421(l).

Next - a smile on an ancient coin 

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Smiling Julia Mamaea.

Julia Mamaea, 222-235 CE.
Roman AR denarius, 3.15 g, 18.3 mm, 5 h.
Rome mint, 7th emission, 227 CE.
Obv: IVLIA MAMAEA AVG, diademed and draped bust right.
Rev: VESTA, Vesta standing left, holding patera and transverse scepter.
Refs: RIC 362; BMCRE 440; Cohen 85; RCV 8218.

Next: Vesta.

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19 mm, 2,83 g.
Vitellius 69 AD. AR denarius. Rome. A VITELLIVS GERM IMP AVG TR P - laureate head of Vitellius right / PONT MAXIM - Vesta, veiled, seated on throne right, holding patera and scepter. RIC 107.

Next - one of the rulers from the year of 4 emperors

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Galba 68-69 AD

Egypt, Alexandria

Obv: Laureate head right; LB (date) below chin

Rev: Eleutheria standing left, leaning on column, holding wreath and scepter; star to left.

Next; Same


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41 minutes ago, Octavius said:

next, same theme.


Otho, Denarius - Rome mint, 69 CE
IMP M OTHO CAESAR AVG TR P, Bare head of Otho right
SECURITAS PR, Securitas standing left
3.50 gr
Ref : RIC # 8, RCV #2162, Cohen #17

Next : Vespasian 


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12 mm, 0,77 g.
Moesia, Istrus. AR obol or trihemiobol. 280-256/255 BC.
Facing male heads, the left one inverted / IΣTΡIH, Sea-eagle left on dolphin, ΔI beneath dolphin.
Dima, Tabelul III, Grupa IV, Subgrupa VII, II – Pl XXI, 10.

Next - dolphin

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1 minute ago, ambr0zie said:

Next - dolphin


Titus, Denarius - Rome mint, 80 CE
IMP TITUS CAES VESPASIAN AVG PM, Laureate bust of Titus right
TRP IX IMP XV COS VIII PP, Dolphin entwined around anchor
3.56 gr
Ref : RIC # 26a, RCV # 2517, Cohen # 309

Next : Domitian


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14 hours ago, Octavius said:

Next, As of Germanicus...


Germanicus, Dupondius - Posthumous issue of Caligula, in honour of his father (died AD 19)
Rome mint, AD 37-41
GERMANICVS CAESAR, Germanicus in triumphal quadriga right
SIGNIS RECEPT DEVICTIS GERM, Germanicus standing left, rising right arm, holding legionnary eagle
17.79 gr
Ref : RCV #1820, Cohen #7

Next : a 1st century dupondius please


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Dupondius, Rome Mint
Obv.: ANTONIA AVGVSTA, draped bust right.
Rev.: TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP / S - C, Claudius, veiled and togate, standing left, holding simpulum.
AE, 11.62g, 27.8 mm
Ref.: RIC 92, C. 6, BMC 166


Next: veiled

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Herrenia Etruscilla, wife of Trajan Decius. 249-251 AD.
AR Antoninianus
Obverse: HER ETRVSCILLA AVG. Diademed and draped bust right on crescent.
Reverse: PVDICITIA AVG. Pudicitia seated left holding sceptre and drawing veil from her face.
RIC IV 59b. Hunter 5; RSC 19
 Rome mint, A.D. 250.  3,8 g – 20,5 mm


NEXT: Trajan Decius

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7 minutes ago, expat said:

NEXT: Trajan Decius


Trajan Decius, Semis - Rome mint, AD 249-250
IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG Laureate and draped bust right
Mars standing left, holding spear and shield. S|C in field
19 mm, 4,71 gr
Ref : RIC # 128, Cohen # 102, RCV # 9433

Next : one of their sons, either Herennius Etruscus or Hostilian


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Taras, Calabria

333-331/30 BC (Period IV - Archidamos and the Third Lucanian War)
AR Didrachm (20mm, 7.54g)
Signed by the Kal... engraver. 
O: Nude horseman right, wearing shield on left arm and holding two spears in left hand, preparing to thrust third spear held in right hand; |- behind, Δ before, ΚΑΛ and Δ below.
R: Phalanthos astride dolphin right, holding crested helmet; stars flanking, ΤΑΡΑΣ to left, ΚΑΛ below.
D'Andrea XXXII, 657; Vlasto 545; Cote 215; McGill II, 41; Evans IV, H3; HGC I, 794; HN Italy 896; SNG ANS 971; Sear 345
ex Monarch Beach

Next: odd denomination


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Attica. Athens
Tritetartemorion (454-404 BC)
Obv: Helmeted head of Athena right.
Rev: A Θ Ε within three crescents
Ag, 6mm, 0.48g
Ref.: Kroll 21b, SNG Copenhagen 57


Next: diameter less than 7mm

Edited by shanxi
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Taras, Calabria

272-235 BC
AR 3/8 Obol (6mm, 0.16g)
O: Two cresents back to back; two pellets above and below.
R: Two cresents back to back; two pellets above and below.
D'Andrea XLIV, 1609c (this coin); Vlasto 1758; McGill II, 216; HN Italy 1077; Sear 361v
ex Roma Numismatics

D'Andrea plate coin, Series XLIV, 1609c

Next: a fish (not dolphin)


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Athens, Attica

454-431 BC
AR Tetradrachm (24mm, 16.95g)
O: Head of Athena with archaic eye right, wearing Attic helmet decorated with palmette and olive leaves.
R: Owl standing right, head facing; olive sprig and cresent moon above, AΘE to right, all within incuse square.
SNG Cop 31; Kroll 8; Sear 2526
ex Steven Battelle

With her almond eye and Mona Lisa-like grin, along with her companion owl (Athene Noctua), these classic 5th century tetradrachms from Athens are truly THE iconic ancient coin.

Next: facing head


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Weeks of researching fakes of this type before I was happy to buy it from a Spanish dealer. It since had the OK from one of our specialist members here.


NEXT: Another Gorgon

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