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Everything posted by ominus1

  1. ..i'm sure a Faustina pro will be able to (RC)
  2. haha! no, but most have problems picking just 3 ..we like'em all ^^
  3. ..well, lQQks like the Gonesh folks already found one earlier..^^
  4. ..i have to say this was an educational thread for me...:)
  5. ...well things with the Teutoburger folks are ok now, heck, my 1st auction buy was THEM & that was local talent (but with Rome in mind! 😛 Karl Becker Aemillian(s)
  6. ...interesting passage Seth...here's 2 of ole Theo and one Gratian..
  7. ..truly a historic battle ..a couple of siglos from 'on or about (or a little after:P) that time..
  8. i have a coin that hit the tracking the 5th and i guess i broke the dang thang checking to see if its moved since that date (heavy sigh)
  9. ..i'm kinda fuzzy on this...can you explain this to me of how you can tell...i know i have a coin of Postumus minted by Aureolus recognized by the reverse...enquiring minds want to know 🙂
  10. ..it does lQQk like a horse looking back, but i think its time and wear creating the effect and @GinoLR hit the mark...:)
  11. ...those are nice ones! 3 favs in my collection, Brutus Albinus (48BC), one by L. Rubrius Dossenus (minted for Marius) and i liked Sulla's coin so much i got 2 ^^
  12. ..well, now i feel compelled to show mine, which still has the dirt on it from when it was found...some really nice ones shown here 🙂
  13. ..contrary to popular belief, not everyone wanted to be conquered by Rome.. :P...
  14. I stumbled across this beauty(not my coin) while looking at HRE"s its about the best i' ve seen what's your opinion?,,:)
  15. ,,very nice DR!..everyone should have a Helena or 2 in the collection! :)...i bought mine because it reminded me of any one of older ladies who came to the festivals at the small town of my youth (hey, everyone has a reason)...^^ Helena 15mm, 1.06gms..
  16. ..that sounds like a rule of 'NO DICE" in a floating crap game...
  17. I sent my peso of Maximillian l of Mexico to Leu and they sold it in auction 26 for 350 SF and was supposed to receive payment by wire the 28th of August, but it never came....they claimed to have sent it, but my bank couldn't find it i've contacted them many times since that 28th date with no clear remedy so far and i was wondering where i should go next...
  18. i gotta agree wid ya on dat pally....i bought a coin last Saturday and it 'posted' the 5th and ain't moved SINCE!....i realize now that's part of the fun(drug) is watching it move towards ya....9_9... so much for up to the minute tracking...what good is it???...
  19. ..you give new meaning to the term 'rabbit-hole DR....^^very nice!...
  20. ..yup...Julius Germanicus & i were bidding on a coin of Lucilla on ebay back in the day...he won it in the last seconds (he posted it when he got it in)...but hey, that's how it goes...1st your money then your clothes...:P.....
  21. ..i didn't know there was such a creature as 'a inexpensive Carausius' ^^
  22. ..now that's what i'd call a specialist's coin1 ^^...great pick up Ryro..
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