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  1. Time Left: 1 month and 7 days

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    Macedon. Akanthos. Ar Tetradrachm (circa 430-390 BC). 26 mm. 14.1 gm. Struck under the magistrate Thersas. Obv: ΘEPΣAΣ, Lion to right, attacking bull collapsing to left. Rev: ΑΚΑ-Ν-ΘΙΟ-Ν in shallow incuse square around quadripartite square with central pellet and stippled quarters in relief. Desneux –; AMNG III/2, –; HGC 3, 391 var. (magistrate unlisted). Rare.


    Vancouver - CA

  2. Time Left: 18 days and 14 hours

    • For Sale
    • Good VF

    Troas. Ilium. (Troy) Caracalla (198-217). Ae 25 mm. 10.9 gm. Obv: AV KAI M AVP ANTΩNINOC, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev: ЄKTΩP IΛIЄΩN. Hektor advancing right, helmeted, holding shield and spear. Bellinger T255. Very Rare. Hektor.MOV


    Burnaby, British Columbia - CA

  3. Time Left: 18 days and 14 hours

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    • Good VF

    Trajan. 98-117 AD. Æ Sestertius 32 mm. 26.1 gm. Struck 116-117 AD. Obv: IMP CAES NER TRAIANO OPTIMO AVG GER DAC PARTHICO P M TR P COS VI P P, laureate and draped bust right Rev: ARMENIA ET MESOPOTAMIA IN POTESTATEM P R REDACTAE, S C across field, Trajan, laureate and in military uniform, standing facing, head right, holding reversed spear and parazonium; Mesopotamia seated left at feet, in attitude of mourning; to left and right, Tigris and Euphrates seated vis à vis, each leaning on inverted urn from which water flows, and holding reed. RIC II 642; Strack 472; Banti 29; BMCRE 1033; Cohen 39. Trajan's final campaign was sparked by Parthia's replacement of the pro-Roman king of Armenia with one of their own in 114 AD. Armenia had been a strategic and semi-independent kingdom which served as an important buffer between Parthia and Rome. The last conflict overt this region, during Nero's reign, resulted in a delicate balance that stabilized the situation for over fifty years. The move by Parthia now upset the balance and posed a threat to Rome's wealthy Syrian cities. Trajan’s campaign was swift and decisive; by 115 AD, Armenia was restored as a Roman client state. To secure the eastern frontier, he then moved southward through Mesopotamia, and captured the Parthian capital, Ctesiphon, in 116 AD. Although short-lived, these victories were celebrated on much of Trajan's later coinage.


    Burnaby, British Columbia - CA

  4. Time Left: 18 days and 14 hours

    • For Sale
    • Choice EF

    Sicily, Siculo-Punic AR Tetradrachm. Panormos (as Ziz), circa 370-360 BC. 25 mm. 16.9 gm. Obv: Charioteer holding reins and kentron, driving galloping quadriga to left, Punic ‘ṢYṢ’ below double exergual line. Rev: Head of Tanit right, wearing amypx, necklace and pendant earring; four dolphins around. Jenkins, SNR 57, Addenda p.57, 29a. GRA5528. Very Rare. Ex Numismatic Fine Arts Auction XXXI, March 18, 1993, lot 49.


    Burnaby, British Columbia - CA

  5. The only reverse lettering visible is T(?) A N O.
  6. Marcus Aurelius (161-180). Æ Sestertius. Rain miracle of the “Thundering Legion”. Rare. Aurelius Temple.MOV
  7. Brutus, † 42 BC. Ar Denarius, 18 mm. 3.7 gm. with L. Sestius, proquaestor, military mint moving with Brutus in southwestern Asia Minor, spring-early summer 42. Obv: L•SESTI•PRO•Q Veiled and draped bust of Libertas to right. Rev: Q•CAEPIO•BRVTVS•PRO•COS Tripod between sacrificial axe and simpulum. Babelon (Junia) 37 and (Sestia) 2. Crawford 502/2. CRI 201. RBW 1768. Sydenham 1290. From a collection formed in the Rhineland (with collector's ticket), ex Kölner Münzkabinett 45, 16-17 November 1987, 310. from Praefectus Coins.
  8. Phoenicia, Marathos. 228/7-224/3 BC. Æ 16 mm. 3.1 gm. Obv: Laureate head of Zeus(?) right. Rev: Trophy; date (in Phoenician) to left. Duyrat, Ateliers, Series 3 var. (unlisted date); HGC 10, 199 var. (same); DCA 828 var. (same). Extremely rare, the third known example of this series. From CNG coin on the right: The only previously known coin from this series was an example in the Berlin Museum reported by Imhoof-Blumer in NZ 1901 (p. 9, 2, pl. I, 13). The date on that example is unclear, but is at least year 33. The present coin is in much better condition, with a clear date. Interestingly, Imhoof-Blumer and others have described the obverse head as Zeus, but that piece was quite worn. The details are clear here, and show features more in line with a Hellenistic portrait than a stylized depiction of a deity. Whose portrait it may be, though, is uncertain.
  9. https://www.vcoins.com/en/stores/praefectus_coins/130/product/spain_carthago_nova_tiberius_with_gaius_caligula_as_caesar_ad_1437__as/1098951/Default.aspx
  10. https://www.vcoins.com/en/stores/praefectus_coins/130/product/phrygia_kibyra__aelius_as_caesar_ad_136138__18_extremely_rare/1214421/Default.aspx
  11. Here is an example of a more affordable Annia Faustina: https://www.vcoins.com/en/stores/praefectus_coins/130/product/phrygia_hierapolis_annia_faustina_augusta_221_ae_25_very_rare/2005567/Default.aspx
  12. Cilicia. Aegeae. Cornelia Supera, Augusta, 253. Tetrassarion Ae 26 mm. 11.42 gm. CY 299 = 253. Obv: ΓΑΙ ΚΟΡΝΗ ϹΟΥΠЄΡΑ ϹЄΒ, Diademed and draped bust of Cornelia Supera set on crescent to right. Rev: ΑΙΓЄΑΙⲰΝ ΝЄⲰΚΟ ΝΑΥΑΡ / C – O / Ч Tyche standing front, head to left, holding rudder in her right hand and cornucopiae in her left; at her feet to right, goat reclining right, head left. Haymann 233 corr. (reverse legend). RPC IX 1466 corr. (reverse legend). SNG Levante 1790. Very rare.
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