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I love dual portrait types. This is one of my favorites. Let's see yours!

Philip I and Otacilia Severa, AD 244-249.
Roman Provincial Æ Pentassarion; 12.50 g, 26.1 mm, 7 h.
Moesia Inferior, Marcianopolis, Legate Prastina Messallinus, AD 244-246.
Obv: ΑVΤ Μ ΙΟVΛ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟC ΑVΓ Μ | WΤΑΚ CЄΒ-ΗΡΑ CЄ, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Philip I right, vis-à-vis diademed and draped bust of Otacilia left.
Rev: VΠ ΠΡΑCΤ ΜΕCCΑΛΛΕΙΝΟV ΜΑΡΚΙΑΝΟΠΟ | ΛΕΙΤΩΝ, Sarapis wearing kalathos, standing left, extending arm and holding scepter; E (denomination) in left field.
Refs: AMNG I 1194; Moushmov 852; Varbanov 2082 (die match); Hristova & Jekov; SNRIS Marcianopolis 75.
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I only have a couple of these, but not for lack of trying: 


Caracalla and Julia Domna by Quintilianus     Æ Pentassarion (c. 213-216 A.D.) Moesia Inferior, Marcianopolis [ANT]ΩNINOC AVΓOVCTOC IOVΛI[A] | ΔOMNA, vis à vis draped busts / [VΠ KY]NTIΛIANOY MAΡKIANOΠOΛEITΩN, tetrastyle temple with Tyche within holding rudder and cornucopiae, Є in exergue. Attribution, Dimensions and Provenance: Hristova & Jekov; Varbanov 1052. Moushmov 500; AMNG I 693; (12.48 grams / 26 mm) eBay Sep. 2018  Die Matches:  Wildwinds, obv./ rev. "Varbanov 1052 (this coin)" obv. CNG auct. 228, Lot: 175 Note flaw:  ΔOMNA



Philip II  Æ 25  (c. 244-249 A.D.) Mesembria, Thrace M AP IOVΛIOC Φ[IΛIΠΠOC] KAICAΡ (AP in ligature), bare head of Philip II right, facing draped bust of Serapis left, in modius / MECAMBΡIANΩN, Concordia-Homonoia standing wearing modius, holding patera and cornucopiae. eBay Feb. 2022    Attribution and Size: BMC 23; SNG Cop 668; Moushmov 4039. (10.32 grams / 25 x 24 mm)




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I have owned quite a few confirtend bust coins over the years. Here are the most recent two.....

Gordian III, AE25

Obv:– M ANT GORDIANOC AVI, AVT K below, Confronted draped busts of Gordian & Serapis
Rev:– UP MHNOFILOU MARKIANOPOLITWN, Homonoia standing left holding patera & cornucopiae, Retrograde E to right
Minted in Markianpolis under Magistrate Menophilus.
Reference:– AMNG -. Varbanov 1994 var. (volume I, pg 190) but this legend is slightly different with just ANT instead of the full ANTWNIOC. (legend C instead of E) Varbanov 1994 is also an AE27 and the reverse E is in the left field


Gordian III and Tranquillina - AE27

Obv:- AVT K M ANT GORDIANOC AVG CEB, TPANKVLLEINA Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian right vis-à-vis diademed and draped bust of Tranquillina left.
Rev:- VP TEPTVLLIANOV MARKIANOPOLITWN, Homonoia standing facing, head left, wearing kalathos, holding patera over lighted altar and cornucopia; E in left field.
Minted in Markianpolis under Magistrate Tertullianus.
Reference:– Varbanov 2046.

13.58 gms. 27.13 mm. 0 degrees



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@maridvnvmlovely Gordians. I need to get me the full collection of Marcianopolis Gordians, with each Governor that ruled during his reign: Tullus Menophilus, Sabinius Modestus and Prosius Tertullianus.


Fun fact: 
Governor Tullus Menophilus was the leader of the defenders' side during the  Siege of Aquileia that managed to hold out long enough for the besieging army to mutiny against Maximinus Thrax and his son Maximus, paving the way for Gordian III to rise.

Sadly, Menophilus got ridden of in 242, posisbly by Timesitheus and possibly because he feared his popularity.

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Here are what I believe are the only four I have. Obviously, confronted heads were popular in Bulgaria!

Macrinus & Diadumenian, Hermes reverse, Pentassarion [5 Assaria], Marcianopolis Mint, Moesia Inferior [now Devnya, Bulgaria]


Elagabalus & Julia Maesa, Hera reverse, Pentassarion [5 Assaria], Marcianopolis, Moesia Inferior [now Devnya, Bulgaria] 


Gordian III & Tranquillina, Apollo reverse, Thracia, Anchialus [Pomorie, Bulgaria]
Gordian III - Tranquillina Anchialus (Thrace) - jpg version.jpg

Philip I & Otacilia Severa, Nemesis reverse, Mesembria, Thrace [Nessebar, Bulgaria]


Edited by DonnaML
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Only 1 in my collection but I liked this coin from the moment I saw it and impatiently waited for the auction


Moesia Inferior. Marcianopolis. Septimius Severus, with Julia Domna AD 193-211.
Pentassarion Æ
28 mm, 11,42 g
Septimius Severus, with Julia Domna. AD 193-211. Moesia, Marcianopolis.
Flavius Ulpianus, legatus consularis. Struck AD 210-211. Æ Pentassarion .
AV K Λ CEΠ CEYHΡOC IOYΛIA ΔOMNA CEB; Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus and draped bust of Julia Domna facing one another / ΥΦΛ ΟΥΛΠΙΑΝΟΥ ΜΑΡΚΙΑΝΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ; Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia; Є (mark of value) to left. H&J, Marcianopolis; AMNG I 601; Varbanov 868; Moushmov 411.



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I got my first Caracalla and Julia Domna the other day:



Obverse: ANTΩNINOC AVΓOVCTOC IOVΛIA ΔOMNA, Caracalla, laureate facing Julia Domna, draped 

Reverse: VΠ KYNTIΛIANOY MAΡKIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Hygieia standing, feeding a snake in arms from a patera, E in left field


I also bought another one from the same seller featuring father and son dynamic duo Macrinus and Diadumenian with a nice Athena on the reverse.


Macrinus and Diadumenian

Æ 27

Marcianopolis, Moesia Inferior

217-218 AD

Pontianus, consular legate.

Obverse: AY K OΠEΛ CEV MAKPEINOC K M OΠEΛ ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head of Macrinus to right, facing bare head of Diadumenian to left 

Reverse: YΠ ΠONTIANOY MAPKIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Athena standing to left, holding owl and spear, shield behind; E to right


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Ok one last one....I bought this at the Baltimore Whitman show in a non-ancient coin dealer's box of stuff for $4.  It looks to have a Nike reverse and a male and female on the obverse. I haven't been able to figure it out though...If anyone has any clues, I'd greatly appreciate it.


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15 minutes ago, Furryfrog02 said:

Ok one last one....I bought this at the Baltimore Whitman show in a non-ancient coin dealer's box of stuff for $4.  It looks to have a Nike reverse and a male and female on the obverse. I haven't been able to figure it out though...If anyone has any clues, I'd greatly appreciate it.


Nero and Agrippina II of Smyrna, RPC I, 2478. That's winged Nemesis on the reverse.


Edited by Roman Collector
To clarify which Agrippina is depicted.
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A new Roman Provincial with confronted busts arrived yesterday, to go with the four I already had and posted above in this thread. I bought this one from yet another new dealer on VCoins, which I wouldn't ordinarily do, but in this case I confirmed the stated provenance before I made the purchase.

I really like these coins with confronted busts: they're among the few types of Provincial coins for which the obverses almost always are more interesting than the reverses.

Septimius Severus and Julia Domna, AE Pentassarion [5 Assaria], AD 209-211, Marcianopolis, Moesia Inferior [now Devnya, Bulgaria]; Flavius Ulpianus, Consular Legate for Moesia Inferior from 209-212 (see https://www.wikiwand.com/de/Liste_der_Statthalter_von_Niederm%C3%B6sien). Obv. Confronted busts of Septimius Severus, laureate, draped, and cuirassed, right, and Julia Domna, draped, left; around, ΑΥ Κ Λ ΣΕΠΤ ΣΕΥΗΡΟΣ ΙΟΥΛΙΑ [ = Imperator Caesar Lucius Septimius Severus Julia]; cont. in exergue in two lines, ΔΟΜΝΑ |  ΣΕΒ [ = Domna Augusta] / Rev. Tyche standing left wearing modius, holding cornucopiae in left arm and rudder with right hand; around, YΦΛ ΟΥΛΠΙΑΝΟΥ MΑΡΚΙΑΝΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ [ = Flavius Ulpianou Markianopoleiton]; E [mark of value for “5”] in left field. 28 mm., 10.79 g.  AMNG I/I 601, obv. leg. var. [Pick, Behrendt, Die antiken Münzen von Dacien und Moesien, Die antiken Münzen Nord-Griechenlands Vol. I/I  (Berlin, 1898) at p. 210; available at https://archive.org/details/p1dieantikenmn01akaduoft/page/210/mode/2up?view=theater]; Hristova & Jekov [Nina Hristova & Gospodin Jekov, The Local Coinage of the Roman Empire - Moesia Inferior, I - III c. A.D., MARCIANOPOLIS  (Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria 2006)]; Varbanov (Eng.) Vol. I, 868 [Ivan Varbanov, Greek Imperial Coins And Their Values, Volume I: Dacia, Moesia Superior & Moesia Inferior (English Edition) (Bourgas, Bulgaria, 2005)]; Moushmov 411 (rev. ill. Pl. X No. 29) [see http://www.wildwinds.com/coins/moushmov/markianopolis.html for English translation of catalog portion of H. Moushmov, Ancient Coins of the Balkan Peninsula (1912); see http://www.wildwinds.com/coins/moushmov/plates/large/X.jpg for reproduction of Pl. X]. Purchased July 2022 from YOTHR (Yoshua Three Coins), Herrenberg, Germany; ex Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung, Online Auction 268, 29.03.2022, Lot 4308.


Does anyone believe I need to be concerned by the absence of any visible sign of a "lathe dimple" on either side? That's rather unusual for Moesia Inferior during this period, I think.

Edited by DonnaML
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42 minutes ago, DonnaML said:

Does anyone believe I need to be concerned by the absence of any visible sign of a "lathe dimple" on either side? That's rather unusual for Moesia Inferior during this period, I think.

I think - no. This coin is an Ex-Coin from the collector Erwin Link from Stuttgart. As far as I know, he was very conscientious as a collector and also exchanged ideas with many experts concerning the provincial coins from Moesia. According to my information, he had his coins in his collection for 10, 20 or more years. So the coin did not pass through several hands, dealers or auctions. It is therefore unlikely that something was done. He had a collection of over 6,000 coins, which were sold at various auctions in recent years. Like your current coin.

In addition, the coin was in the Gorny & Mosch auction - coins that have been tooled are normally also listed as such here.

Edited by Prieure de Sion
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Very nice looking coin Donna..

Lovely portrait interpretations..

I'm no expert but the patina looks quite thick and just in front of Severus's beard there looks to be the remnants of a dimple?...Reverse again on the cloth just below the naval of Tyche?

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1 hour ago, Prieure de Sion said:

I think - no. This coin is an Ex-Coin from the collector Erwin Link from Stuttgart. As far as I know, he was very conscientious as a collector and also exchanged ideas with many experts concerning the provincial coins from Moesia. According to my information, he had his coins in his collection for 10, 20 or more years. So the coin did not pass through several hands, dealers or auctions. It is therefore unlikely that something was done. He had a collection of over 6,000 coins, which were sold at various auctions in recent years. Like your current coin.

In addition, the coin was in the Gorny & Mosch auction - coins that have been tooled are normally also listed as such here.

Thanks! I forgot to mention the provenance to the  Erwin Link collection.

Edited by DonnaML
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