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Coin + quote of the day


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4 hours ago, antwerpen2306 said:



Socrates ?



Posted as an admonition at the entrance of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi, and before that attributed to others including Chilon, philosopher and councilor in the city-state of Sparta and one of the Seven Sages of Greece, "Chilon of Lacedaemon, son of Damagetus, said: 1. Know yourself (γνῶθι σαυτόν). 2. When you drink do not speak too much: for you will commit a wrong. 3. Do not threaten free men; for that is not just...." (Ref: Early Greek Philosophy: Reflections On Gods and Men)

"Solon, son of Execestides,1 an Athenian philosopher, lawgiver and leader of the people. He flourished in the 47th Olympiad (592/89), according to others in the 56th (556/3).2 When the tyrant Pisistratus plotted against him, he spent time abroad in Cilicia and founded a city which he called Soloi after himself. [SKIP] He is also one of the Seven Sages, as they are called. The maxims “Nothing in excess” and “Know yourself” are said to be his.Sages, as they are called. The maxims “Nothing in excess” and “Know yourself” are said to be his."

- Solon, Testimonium

there are others....


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"Vae, puto deus fio" (  Woe is me! I think I'm turning into a god! " , supposedly quipped Vespasian on his death bed.

Also , his famous "Pecunia non olet!" or money does not smell, defending his tax on public urinals to his  son Titus. To this day, public urinals are called "Vespasiani" in Rome. Romans have long memories.


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Augustus, the first Emperor of Rome, once famously stated, "Power is not given, it is taken." This profound quote encapsulates the nature of power dynamics and leadership.


AUGUSTUS. Æ. As. (Caesaraugusta, Zaragoza, Spain) 25-11 BC
Magistrates: Gnaeus Domitius Ampianus, Gaius Vettius Lancianus
Obverse: IMP. AVGVSTVS. TRIB. POTS. XX., laureate head of Augustus to the right.
Reverse: CAES. AVGVS (clockwise from 10-1). CN. DOM. AMP. C. VET. LANC (anti clockwise from 8-2). Priest ploughing with pair of oxen to the right. Below II (with horizontal line above) VIR. (*)
RPC volume I, #320
Leaded bronze,12.85g. 31mm. Reference: Vives 148–10, GMI 328, Beltrán 16, NAH 982, AB. 327.


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Seneca the stoic's famous quote about fate - Fate leads the willing and drags along the reluctant.

He was Nero's unfortunate teacher...



And speaking of Nero, he is famous for his dying words, which he most likely never uttered... " Oh, what an artist dies in me! "

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Antoninianus of Gallienus as co-emperor with Valerian, commemorating a victory over the Germanic tribes.  (This, along with better examples, attributions, and explications are already posted elsewhere on this forum.)

Right, Gallienus was a patron of Plotinus, who went on to be a profound influence on the cosmology of Augustine of Hippo, from over a century later.  ...This one works. 


(Edit: just since even this web page for Plotinus is so good, here's the link.  https://www.azquotes.com/author/18021-Plotinus )


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"It occurred to me that there have always been selkie women: women who did not seem to belong to this world, because they did not fit into prevailing notions of what women were supposed to be. And if you did not fit into those notions, in some sense you weren't a woman. Weren't even quite human. The magical animal woman is, or can be, a metaphor for those sorts of women."

Empress. Actress. Seductress. Saint. – Bluestocking Oxford


And her husband:

Justinian I, follis, Antioch, officina  Γ, year 13 (539/40 AD).

Sear 218

22.7 grams



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There's a great small museum in Dublin, the Chester Beatty Library - Alfred Chester Beatty didn't collect coins, he mostly collected Eastern manuscripts and Islamic art, but the museum of the collection he left the state is well worth a visit even by coin collectors:


He's quoted as saying "It is no good keeping things that are not first class, they simply keep the collection down."

I can't claim to collecy by his standards or motto, but I certainly enjoy an occasional nice coin 😄

Gens: Anonymous
Coin: Silver Victoriatus
- Laureate head of Jupiter right; bead and reed border
L - Victory standing right, placing wreath on trophy
Exergue: ROMA
Mint: Luceria (211-208 BC)
Wt./Size/Axis: 3.77g / 15mm / 7h
  • RSC 36e* (Anon)
  • Sydenham 121
  • Crawford 97/1a
  • RBW 395
Acquisition: CNG Online auction eAuction 512 #480 23-Mar-2022
Notes: Apr 11, 22 - In NGC encapsulation 4374448-107, graded MS – Fine Style


I haven't broken it free!


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