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My top "10" Imperial-Western-Eastern Roman Empires


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1/ Western Roman Empire

AV Solidus ND/ Rome Mint

Libius Severus III 461-65

Oslo Myntgalleri 37

II/ Imperial Rome

AV Aureus ND (255-57) Rome Mint

Gallienus (Joint Reign with Dad/ Valerian I) 253-60

R-5 (Unique) Calico Plate Coin

Teutonburger Auction

III/ Eastern Roman Empire

AV Tremissis ND (408-20)

Constantinople Mint

Theodosius II 402-50

Acquired Kornblum/ MA-shops

IV/ Eastern Roman Empire

AV Semissis ND (466)

Constantinople Mint

Leo I 457-75

Campostella Coll.


V/ Western Roman Empire

AV Tremissis ND (439)

Constantinople Mint

Valentinian III 425-55

VI/  Imperial Rome

AV Aureus ND (250)

Rome Mint

Trajan Decius 249-51


VII/ Byzantium

AV Hyperpyron ND

Constantinople Mint

Alexius I Comnenus 1092-1118


VII/ Western Roman Empire

AV Solidus ND 351-2

Aquileia Mint

Magnentius 350-53

GIN/ MA-shops

ex: Barry Feirstein Coll. NAC 2007

IX/ Byzantium

AV Solidus ND 

Constantinople Mint


X/ Imperial Rome

AR Denarius ND (257/8)

Colonia Agrippensis Mint

Valerian II 

Leo III "the Isaurian"/ Constantine V 717-41





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Thank you Donna😊

I agree with your pick / story is a bit strange. Teutonburger always send me letter after auction/ to have a look at their "unsolds". I have bought a lots of unsolds in past ten years/ but never anything from their auctions. Lucky for me that I did/ since that aureus grabbed my attention. It was offered at starting bid 7200e + fees/ also it was VZ-ST (EF-MS) Unikum 1 known. Took me split second to hit 'buy" button. Unique aurei in that quality are hard to find/ but for that price/ even more astounding. Bargains are rare but possible/ even today. Still wish I could go back in time to 1971/ snatch that AV 10 scudi Carmagnola🙄 


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Almost impossible to pick a favourite from that lot, they are all amazing! If pressed though, would choose the Gallienus aureus and the Magnentius solidus (because I like the design and I also have a coin from the Barry Feirstein collection).

Congratulations once again on your beautiful collection.

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9 hours ago, Di Nomos said:

Almost impossible to pick a favourite from that lot, they are all amazing! If pressed though, would choose the Gallienus aureus and the Magnentius solidus (because I like the design and I also have a coin from the Barry Feirstein collection).

Congratulations once again on your beautiful collection.

Thank you Di Nomos! Hate to admit this/ but before getting the coin/ I had never heard of Barry Feirstein/ do now! Probably no many ever heard of me....but then I am not a famous collector, but I do have many coins in my collection that once were in famous collections😏

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3 hours ago, Nerosmyfavorite68 said:


My one tiny suggestion would be to pair up the pictures with  the text.  I knew who these guys were, but not some of the Greek coins.

Thanks for pointing that out, its very important to line up photos  in proper sequence with descriptions, and nice commentary. I was fortunate to acquire some nice stuff/ esp. the Gallienus aureus from "unsold" buy now list!


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3 hours ago, Shea19 said:

Wow!  Excellent stuff as usual.  The Decius and Magnentius are my favorites, but all of these are beautiful.

Thank you! I have been getting some really good buys on MA-shops site. The AV Tremissis from Theodosius II are common/ but FDC ones are tough to get/ Kornblum (MA-shops) had a really exceptional example. Missed out on XXIX Roma  /Arcadius Tremissis/ John

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7 hours ago, Limes said:

Yes @panzerman, this is what I'm talking about! The Gallineus aureus is my favorite, great coin! 

Thanks Limes!


At a great price too! Imagine that same coin in upcoming CNG/ Triton event/ it would not have remained unsold. Less well known auctions give ordinary collectors like me a chance at competing with the more affluent elite.

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Thank so much Al! This year was truly eventfull. In May/ June I had to cope with the bad air due to smoke from forest fires.

Then got hammered by a hail downpour in July/ size of golf balls/ head looked like I had been scalped. Then got caught  close proximity to F-1 tornado touchdown in August. Thankfully the autumn was uneventfull. Guess doing yardwork can be hazardous.

However, the long tediious hours for 8 months reaped in a harvest of nice coins😉 I always made it a point to allocate 30 mins. @ day to checkout upcoming auctions for nice coins/ put down proxybids. I ended up adding 100+ coins/ a record for me! from all 27 centuries of coin making. I am now making precise data labels/ rearranging them in albums to historical eras.

I also make stick on labels for slabbed stuff/ data is always lacking detail!






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4 hours ago, Limes said:

Going through that album would make me feel like a kid in a candy store (or a grown up collector of ancient coins going through a map full of fantastic coins 😂

I used to have everything mixed up/ 18th century stuff with electrum coinage/ throw in Kushan/ Byzantine/ Indian just a mess! Now its at least organized. The slabbed stuff (400+) takes up a lot of space (20 NGC/ PGGS boxes filled) Luckily my Grande Light house album hold 40 pages/ so 800 coins=heavy album.🙃but a compact space/ imagine 800 extra slabs!

Plus coins are nicer to look at with album/ and well protected.


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3 hours ago, Qcumbor said:

Gallienus and Magnentius are the ones I like the most, plus the Libius Severus for it's so rare !!!


Thanks "Q"!

Its so different with our "ancients" compared with "US" coinage. Most of the ancient types we have in our collections would be unaffordable when compared with US coins rarity levels. A 1931 Double Eagle (125exs) slabbed/ most MS/ unknown numbers  raw. These go for $120K+++++

Many ancients/ less then 10 exs. known sell for fraction of that price.


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Thanks Simon, I am really happy that Teutonburger had me on their e-mail list. Since I never looked at their auction lots. I was shocked such a rare coin remained unsold/ since opening bid was very low. The consignee would have gotten better result with Leu/ CNG/ Ars Classica.....



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