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Top ten "Medieval-Renaissance" Eras


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1/ Mallorca

AV Florin d'oro ND

Mallorca Mint

Pedro III (Aragon) IV Mallorca

Roma Auction/ 

2 known

2/ Chios/ Genoese Lords

AV Ducato ND (Imitaion of Venetian AV Zecchino Andrea Dandalo)

Chios Mint

Varesi Auction

Genoa established many colonies in the Levant during period from Sack of Constantinople to when they were conquered by Mehmet II in 1453-67

Papal States/ Bologna

AV Scudo d'oro del sole ND

Paolo III (Alessandro Farnese) 1534-49

Reverse type with St. Peter holding sword angled towards foot/ type is R5

Nomisma Auction

Crusader States/ Constantinople

Baldwin II de Courtney 1240-61

AV Hyperyper ND (Imation of John III Vatatzes AV Hyperpyron)

Naumann Auction

Provence/ Comtes/ Anjevin Rulers

AV Franc à pied ND

Saint Rémy Mint

Louis II d'Anjou Comte de Provence 1360-84

Roma Auction

Provence/ Comtes/ Anjevin Rulers

Jeanne I  d'Anjou/ Queen of Naples/ Countess of Provence 1364-84

AV Florin d'or ND

Saint Rémy Mint

ex: Odyessus/ France (great dealer!)

France/ Valois Kings

AV Royal d'or ND

Tours Mint (pointe 6e)

Charles VII "le Victorieux" 1422-61

Numisor Auction


England/ Tudor Rulers

AV Half Sovereign ND (1549-51)

Tower Mint "Swan" mm.

Edward VI 1545-53

ex: Stückler/ Germany MA-shops (great dealer)


Piacenza/ Papal States

AV Scudo d'oro del sole ND

Piacenza Mint

Paolo III (Alessandro Farnese) 1534-49

Varesi Auction


Avignon/ Papal States

AV Scudo d'oro del sole ND

Avignon Mint

Julius II (Guiliano della Rovere d'Albisola) 1503-13

Please pick your favorite trio.....






2633_provence-jeanne-de-naples-florin-dor-2 (1).jpg

france-1422-61-1-rd-or-tours-9857243 (1).webp




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Thanks El Cazador! I would have picked those too!

Of all places/ I found the Edward VI by chance on Herr Stückler's listing/ took me a split second to hit the buy button. Seen a few of lesser quality exs. in last five years/ all went way higher/ thats without the 20 percent added comm. fees. I not seen coin with "swan"mm. yet. Here is one with "arrow" mm. Sovereign Rarities graded EF-45 sold for 5500UK pds + 20%.


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2 minutes ago, panzerman said:

Thanks El Cazador! I would have picked those too!

Of all places/ I found the Edward VI by chance on Herr Stückler's listing/ took me a split second to hit the buy button. Seen a few of lesser quality exs. in last five years/ all went way higher/ thats without the 20 percent added comm. fees. I not seen coin with "swan"mm. yet. Here is one with "arrow" mm. Sovereign Rarities graded EF-45 sold for 5500UK pds + 20%.


I think its my 4th comment on that coin, its absolutely beautiful 

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11 hours ago, Di Nomos said:

All beautiful coins. Narrowed down my favourites to 2, 7 & 8, with #8 being the absolute standout. Lovely portrait coin of Edward VI.

Thank you! We had someone do a presentation on medieval coinage at our coin club meeting. In a nut shell his analysis was that medieval coins are bland/ boring/ I disagree/ just look at the Spanish/ Italian/ German/ French/ Burgundian coinage....and English/ Scottish!

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5 hours ago, Qcumbor said:

Stunning coins !

I'll pick the Edward VI, the Avignon papal and the Provence florin, in that order. Please send them registered 😄 


You will be getting something even better!

I really like the Papal coinage from Avignon/ Piacenza/ Rome/ Ancona. However Bologna produced beautifull coins too!

The "Tyrant" has a out of this world coll. of Papal gold/ I could only dream off!

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John, Unsurprisingly you had another sensational year 🤩! You seem to be gravitating to more Renaissance coinage of high artistic merit. Many of these coins are of great rarity, many have been melted down, & they are difficult to fake. My favorites are #1, the Mallorca florin of Pedro III, #8, the gem grade Edward IV 1/2 sovereign, & #3, the Paolo scudo d'oro, depicting St. Peter holding a sword. Enjoy your holidays ☺️.

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5 hours ago, Al Kowsky said:

John, Unsurprisingly you had another sensational year 🤩! You seem to be gravitating to more Renaissance coinage of high artistic merit. Many of these coins are of great rarity, many have been melted down, & they are difficult to fake. My favorites are #1, the Mallorca florin of Pedro III, #8, the gem grade Edward IV 1/2 sovereign, & #3, the Paolo scudo d'oro, depicting St. Peter holding a sword. Enjoy your holidays ☺️.

Thanks Al! I actually was back at it Saturday/ trimmed a cedar hedge/ really warm for December. This year/ I added coin/ coins from every century. My top wins were from Roman era/ these I will post after Christmas. As for the Scudo d'oro del sole Paolo III there are 5 reverses according to my Nomisma 2 vol. Italian States gold coinage. The first 4 are listed as "common" while mine from Nomisma auction is rated R-5. 

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3 hours ago, DonnaML said:

Wonderful group! My favorite is the Edward VI.

Thank you Donna! Sometimes you really luck out. I happened to look at Herr Stücklers lists and saw it for a very reasonable price. I had gotten a "fast stempelglanz" 1798 AV Guinea last Sept. which in hand looks MS 67. So I pressed buy button!

Some of my best coins have come thru MA-shops.

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