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The Alphabet game, for anything Greek


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We are starting two days per letter a chance to showcase or show off your Greek coins, good, bad or indifferent. Have fun everyone. I will start things off with

Apameia of Hellenisitic Phrygia

Bust of Athena right in crested helmet
Text above and beneath eagle alighting right on maeander pattern between two pilei with stars above, and a star upper middle..
AΠAME KΩKOY, Kokos (magistrate)
PHRYGIA, Apameia. SA24. (Ae. 7.76g)- 88-40 BC Kokos. SNG Copenhagen 161-2; BMC 78-82; HGC 7, 670, SNG von Aulock 3466-3467; Walcher 2746.



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How about Artemis on a coin of Augustus from Amphipolis?

Augustus, 27 BC - AD 14.
Roman provincial AE 23.
Macedon, Amphipolis, 10.25 g, 23.3 mm, 1 h.
Obv: ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΘΕΟΥ ΥΙΟΣ, bare-head, right.
Rev: ΑΜΦΙΠΟΛΙΕΙΤΩΝ, Artemis Tauropolos with inflated veil, riding on bull galloping right.
Refs: BMC 5, p. 52, 73; Sear Greek Imperial 29.

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Alexander III. Macedonia, also called Macedon, was an ancient kingdom on the periphery of Archaic and Classical Greece, which later became the dominant state of Hellenistic Greece. The kingdom was founded and initially ruled by the royal Argead dynasty, which was followed by the Antipatrid and Antigonid dynasties.

Obverse: Macedonian shield with thunderbolt on boss.
Reverse: B – A either side of Macedonian helmet with chinstrap. ^E Monogram upper right.
Price 404 var (monogram upper instead of lower).   Uncertain mint in Macedon, ca. 326 BC.  4,65 g - 16 mm.



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Aeolis, Autokane. Æ8 (3rd century BC).

Obv: Laureate head of Zeus right.
Rev: AYTOKA / Helmeted head of Athena left.
8mm., 0.58g.



Argolis, Argos. Æ9 (Circa 400-375 BC).

Obv: Head of Hera left, wearing stephane.
Rev: Head of wolf right.
BCD Peloponnesos 1120



Attica, Athens. 87/86 BC. AE18.

Obv: Head of Athena, wearing Corinthian helmet.
Rev: Zeus standing, hurling thunderbolt; star between crescents to right.
18mm., 8.7 gm.
Struck under Mithradates VI of Pontos, c. 105-85 BC.
Mithradatic war issue w/ King Mithradates & Aristion as magistrates.
Kroll 97



Cyclades, Andros. AE12. 300-100 BC.

Obv: Bearded head of Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy.
Rev: A-N to left and right of amphora or kantharos.
BMC 6.



Mysia, Atarneos. AE11. Apollo/ Forepart of horse.

Obv: Laureate head of Apollo right.
Rev: ATAP / Forepart of horse right, serpent behind.
11mm., 0.75 gm.
SNG France 129; SNG Copenhagen 25.



Pamphylia, Aspendos. AE14.

Obv: Shield
Rev: Head of Athena r., O-Θ
14 mm., 2.62 g.



Phrygia, Apameia. AE13, 133-48 BC.

Obv: Laureate head of Zeus right.
Rev: AΠAME BABA, crested helmet right on Maeander pattern.
Magistrate Baba.



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Sicilian A -

Abakainon.  Circa 430-420 BC. AR Litra (13mm, 0.73 g, 5h). Laureate and bearded head of Zeus right / Boar standing right; acorn to right, ABA-KAINI (partially retrograde) around from exergue.




Adranon. Circa 339-317 BC. Æ (19mm, 7.29 g, 1h). Head of horned river-god left, wearing tainia / Bull charging right. ΑΔΡΑΝΙΤΑΝ around.




Agyrion. Circa 420-405 BC. Æ Hemilitron (17mm, 3.81 g, 9h). Head of young male (river god Chrysas?) right / Forepart of Acheloös Palagkaios, as man-headed bull, right.




ACRAGAS. Ca. 488--78 BC.
Silver didrachm, 8.37 g, 19 mm. Obv. AKPA-CAN  (written in the archaic, epichoric script), eagle with folded wings standing left. Rev. Crab.



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Taken from https://pontosworld.com/index.php/pontus/places/182-a-history-of-amisos-2 Mithradates VI Eupator chose Amisos as his royal residence where he built Eupatoria, a new quarter which was an extension to the old city.

My coin

Amisos, Pontos. AE20. Time of Mithradates VI. Ca 120-63 BC. AE 19mm. Helmeted head of Ares right / AMI-ΣOY across fields, sword in sheath, star in crescent at upper left, IB at upper right, ΦΠA monogram at lower left, no monogram at lower right.
19mm, 7.68g
Malloy 32a. Not in SNG BMC Black Sea


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Aegina  445/430BC

This one  came  to me from  Germany and while I speak some of the language I didn't know German for "tortoise". It was hyphenated  on the tiny description so came  out in the translator as Shielded Land Toad. Which is apparently  what they are called there. "Landschildkröte" Useless information sorry!







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I don't have many Greek coins but they all seem to begin with A. This is AAA. I'll have to be creative with the others.

Attica Tetradrachm, 454-404BC
Athens. Silver, 24mm, 17.19g. Helmeted head of Athena right, with frontal eye. Owl standing right, head facing, closed tail feathers; olive sprig and crescent to left; all within incuse square (Kroll 8; HGC 4, 1597).

Edited by John Conduitt
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Argos, Argolis

circa 3rd century BC
AR Triobol (15mm, 2.25g)
O: Forepart of wolf left.
R: Large A, eagle standing right on thunderbolt beneath; IP-EΩ-NO-Σ (Hieronos, magistrate) in corners, all within shallow incuse square.
SNG Cop 42; BCD Peloponnesos 1177; SNG Delepierre 2273; Sear 2795v

~ Peter 


Edited by Phil Anthos
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Ainos Ar Tetradrachm 405-399 BC Obv Head of Hermes right wearing petasos Rv Goat walking right Thrysos before. Obv May Group 28 247 A151 Rv May Group 39 324-332 16. 72 grms 22 mm Photo by W Hansen


This coin appears to have been struck on the siglos standard making it if true a triple siglos. This coin would have been struck during the collapse f the Athenian hegemony in the region.

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Achaia. Achaian League. Pallantion. Early 1st century BC. AR Triobol – Hemidrachm (16mm, 2.29g, 2h). Obv: Laureate head of Zeus right. Rev: Monogram of the Achaian League; Π to left, A above, Λ to right, monogram and trident below; all within laurel wreath. Ref: BCD Peloponnesos 1593.2; Benner 4; HGC 5, 969. Very Fine, toned. From the BLS Collection. Ex AG Collection (CNG eAuction 380, (10 August 2016), Lot 190. Ex CNG eAuction 476 (9 Sept 2020), Lot 86. 


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