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Timeline Auctions problem


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I placed two bids on lots in the recent Timeline Auctions sale, via biddr, as prebids.  The two lots are listed as “hammered” for less than my prebid in both instances.  When no invoice was forthcoming, I emailed the company and received a terse note than I had not won the two lots.  Any speculation as to what is going on here?  If there was a hidden reserve, I think they should let customers know that was the cause of the failed bid.  But my understanding is a hammer price is a sale.

As matters stand now, I will never look at another Timeline sale.  


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Maybe follow-up with them and ask not if you won the lots but if they received your bids on the lots? My first guess is that the bids weren't received, for whatever reason, but it's possible they have a secret reserve system that they don't seem to make apparent.

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They are dopes as well as scammers. They apparently also don't want your $.

I have bought from them in the past, but have stopped due to awful service, overcharges that they refused to fix and then finding out the amount of fakes they sell is disturbing. Look them up online and see some of the reviews others have left. They are knowingly selling fake antiques. At least the fake coins they sell they list as fake. Though, I have no illusions that they would have zero problem selling fake coins as well.

Count yourself lucky not to win from them...though, I do feel for you as they do sell some amazing early English coinage. bastards.

Edited by Ryro
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I'm not adding  much to what Ryro says,  but  I just will not  deal with them again. Far too many fakes and pseudo-knowledge spouted.

I tried following up one of their expert's claimed academic  backgrounds once and it quickly became clear it was - let's say - optimistically described.

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From a post of mine in December, in another thread -- touching, appropriately enough these days, on fake provenances as well as fake artifacts!

I know nothing about TimeLine's reputation with respect to ancient coins, but I would be extremely reluctant to purchase anything from them given their very poor reputation with respect to antiquities -- specifically, for being extremely careless (to give them the benefit of the doubt) and consistently selling large numbers of fake or misattributed (and/or unprovenanced) artifacts. If you want details, join  https://groups.io/g/AncientArtifacts and do a search for TimeLine. There are 609 results, the substantial majority of them negative. Be sure to watch out for their common "property of a Surrey gentleman" provenances!

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Its possible this is an innocent situation.  I had a similar problem with my last auction and Biddr.  My auction was hosted at VAuctions, but pre-bids were available through Biddr.  On biddr for some reason (an oversight?) one could bid in single dollars.  I dont recall the actual bids, so I'll give an example).  Two bidders, one at $100 and one at $101.  The $100 bid won.  The reason?  I had bid increments set for $5, so while $101 is technically more than $100 is was not enough to 'win'.  They would have had to bid $105 to win, and even then they may not have gotten is as I have no idea what the high bid was.  The losing bidder never did quite understand it, but these kind of issues to arise.

As for Timeline?  No idea.  Never bid with them.  They are like Heritage, the buyer fees are so absurdly high I simply wont bid.

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On 3/12/2023 at 11:48 AM, KenDorney said:

Its possible this is an innocent situation.  I had a similar problem with my last auction and Biddr.  My auction was hosted at VAuctions, but pre-bids were available through Biddr.  On biddr for some reason (an oversight?) one could bid in single dollars.  I dont recall the actual bids, so I'll give an example).  Two bidders, one at $100 and one at $101.  The $100 bid won.  The reason?  I had bid increments set for $5, so while $101 is technically more than $100 is was not enough to 'win'.  They would have had to bid $105 to win, and even then they may not have gotten is as I have no idea what the high bid was.  The losing bidder never did quite understand it, but these kind of issues to arise.

As for Timeline?  No idea.  Never bid with them.  They are like Heritage, the buyer fees are so absurdly high I simply wont bid.

Perhaps there is an innocent explanation, but my bids were in round numbers, as my screenshot above shows.  Biddr states my bids were executed by the auction house, and my high bids were a fair bit above the hammer.   

I believe Timeline was not happy with the amounts the coins reached.  It is difficult to postulate a good reason why a 350 bid would fail to win a coin that “hammered” for 302.   


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I never heard about this company (not that I want to, judging after the replies) but I had a similar situation years ago with a different house. 



Result - lost of course.

I contacted them. I was told I lost because my bid was smaller than the winner's! 

I explained again and in the end they apologized and offered me as an apology gesture, wait for it,  2% discount from buyer's fees on their next auction. 

Not sure if this was trolling, incompetence or dumbness, I decided to forget about that house completely. 

I think you should do the same. 

Note - Simon from biddr is a polite and professional person, inform him as well. There could be an incompatibility on Biddr's side or on the house's side, but again, I wouldn't complicate myself after seeing some opinions about this house. 

Edited by ambr0zie
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  • 1 year later...

Timeline Auctions  is the worst possiblle auction house in all my years of coin collecting. i found that without any communication to me they would not respond to the fact they would not verify me after taking a photo of my drivers license. I am now waiting for their identity theft to take place.  

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