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Two small coins before 500BC


Ephesos (550-500 BC)
AR Hemiobol
Obv.: Bee
Rev.: Incuse square punch.
Ag, 0.44g, 7.20mm
Ref.: Rosen 572



Lydia, Kings of Lydia, Kroisos
circa 560-546 BC
Obv.: On the left, forepart of lion with open mouth to right confronting, on the right, forepart of bull to left.
Rev.: Incuse square
Ag, 7x8mm,0.87g
Ref.: Berk 26–7. Traité I 413. SNG Kayhan 1020-1. SNG Aulock 8213.


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Troas Assos 500-450 BCE AR Tetartemorion 6.4mm 0,21g Griffin r Astragalos incuse Klein 475 Rare



Kolchis 5th-4th C BCE BI hemidrachm  11.5mm 1.8g Archaic female head possibly Georgian goddess Dali - Bull head  border SNG Cop 98



Kebren AR Obol Archaic hd Apollo Left  - Hd Ram in Incuse sq 5th C BCE 7.65mm 0.64g SNG Ash 1086 Ex: @Steve




Ionia Kolophon AR Tetartemorion 530-520 BCE Archaic Apollo Incuse Punch 0.15g 4.5mm- SNG Kayhan 343 Left old



Persia Achaemenid Empire Darius I 510-486 BC AR 0.11g 5mm 1-32nd Siglos Persian hero-king in running incuse Klein 758 R



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THRACO-MAKEDON TRIBES- MYGDONES or KRESTONES 480-470 BCE AR Obol 0.79g 11mm Goat Quadripartite incuse square AMNG III 14



Makedon Alexander I 498-454 BCE AR Obol 10mm 0.75g Horse - Quadripartite incuse sq SNG ANS 32 Rare



ARGOLIS Argos 490-470 BC AR Triobol 14mm 2.9g Forepart of wolf lying - A 2 incuse sqs pellet crossbar within shallow sq incuse BCD Peloponnesos 1009 RARE



Ionia AR Tetartemorion 4mm 0.13g 530-500 BCE Rosette - Incuse sq punch 5 pellets SNG von Aulock 1807




Ionia Klazomenai 480-400 BC AR Drachm Pentobol 3.5g 13mm Forepart  winged boar r gorgoneion incuse sq Cf SNG Copenhagen 12 Rare



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1 hour ago, shanxi said:

Two small coins before 500BC


Ephesos (550-500 BC)
AR Hemiobol
Obv.: Bee
Rev.: Incuse square punch.
Ag, 0.44g, 7.20mm
Ref.: Rosen 572



Lydia, Kings of Lydia, Kroisos
circa 560-546 BC
Obv.: On the left, forepart of lion with open mouth to right confronting, on the right, forepart of bull to left.
Rev.: Incuse square
Ag, 7x8mm,0.87g
Ref.: Berk 26–7. Traité I 413. SNG Kayhan 1020-1. SNG Aulock 8213.


I adore the Croesus coins! It's so weird to me that a semi-mythical figure is actually a real historical person 

1 hour ago, Alegandron said:


Troas Assos 500-450 BCE AR Tetartemorion 6.4mm 0,21g Griffin r Astragalos incuse Klein 475 Rare



Kolchis 5th-4th C BCE BI hemidrachm  11.5mm 1.8g Archaic female head possibly Georgian goddess Dali - Bull head  border SNG Cop 98



Kebren AR Obol Archaic hd Apollo Left  - Hd Ram in Incuse sq 5th C BCE 7.65mm 0.64g SNG Ash 1086




Ionia Kolophon AR Tetartemorion 530-520 BCE Archaic Apollo Incuse Punch 0.15g 4.5mm- SNG Kayhan 343 Left old



Persia Achaemenid Empire Darius I 510-486 BC AR 0.11g 5mm 1-32nd Siglos Persian hero-king in running incuse Klein 758 R



The Kebren obol is my favorite. I can't get enough of those Archaic portraits with almond eyes & elongated heads

1 hour ago, Alegandron said:


THRACO-MAKEDON TRIBES- MYGDONES or KRESTONES 480-470 BCE AR Obol 0.79g 11mm Goat Quadripartite incuse square AMNG III 14



Makedon Alexander I 498-454 BCE AR Obol 10mm 0.75g Horse - Quadripartite incuse sq SNG ANS 32 Rare



ARGOLIS Argos 490-470 BC AR Triobol 14mm 2.9g Forepart of wolf lying - A 2 incuse sqs pellet crossbar within shallow sq incuse BCD Peloponnesos 1009 RARE



Ionia AR Tetartemorion 4mm 0.13g 530-500 BCE Rosette - Incuse sq punch 5 pellets SNG von Aulock 1807




Ionia Klazomenai 480-400 BC AR Drachm Pentobol 3.5g 13mm Forepart  winged boar r gorgoneion incuse sq Cf SNG Copenhagen 12 Rare



Nice pentobol! The gorgon head is great. 


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Athens Ar Tetradrachm 500/490-485/480 BC, Obv Helmeted head of Athena right. Rv Owl standing right head facing Seltman Group Gi HGC 1590 17,09 grms 19 mm Photo by W. Hansen athens11.thumb.jpg.e556044c84096c055d04e3c5d9e0804e.jpgAccording to the most recent information available to me Athens commenced issuing the iconic "owl" coinage circa 525 BC, My coin exhibits a  number of interesting features that interest me however as I have thus far been unable to examine contemporary Athenian issues the question remains moot. Perhaps the most interesting feature is that my coin looks as if the metal needed to create the coin was folded over in order to create a thicker flan. This may indicate that this coin was at one time part of somebodies dinner set. It is an interesting question, one that I need to resolve. 

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Yes, there is something so very special about the archaics!  I wish I could afford beautiful great honking ones like @kapphnwn's amazing tet!

However I was pretty excited to receive this archaic "hemiobol" in the mail this week (7mm, 0.30g) :image.jpeg.30473056a91076db2ca432eae1a7c5a0.jpeg

The tiny unwreathed fractions from this early are generally all around 7mm but with a wide range of weights without much in the way of central tendencies... seems they were probably just used as bullion?  I think this one would fit Seltman group H or L, although Jasper Burns (The Early Coins of Athens) argues that the separation of unwreathed fractions into Seltman groups is impossible, and in fact doubts that any group H fractions were minted.  He would classify this coin as “AO-2”.  Still, the reversed organization on the reverse, non-standard berry + leaf (or 2 berries?), and nicely styled Athena would place this among the earlier fractions.  Maybe c. 500 BCE? Although if you're right, Terence, that the owls go back as far as 525 it could well be earlier... which I'd like.

There are very few left-facing unwreathed fractions on acsearch, all very expensive.  My winning bid: 65 EUR!! 🥳

Tail end of the archaic period, Mysia: Cyzicus (525-475 BCE) -



I also like throwbacks to archaic style.  This Mytilene hekte c. 454-427 BCE pairs a classical style river god with an archaic style one:



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I really like archaic coins, and have a few I've already shown in other threads, and kapphnwn beat me to showing an archaic Athens tetradrachm (very nice by the way), but I have something I haven't shown yet.

A drachm from Knidos in Caria in Asia Minor. c. 500 - 495 BC. Roaring lion on obverse and Aphrodite, wearing hair in a sakkos, within incuse square on the reverse. I think the image of Aphrodite is in very attractive, though obviously archaic style.


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This is an old timer from the collection, acquired in 1992 from Harlan Berk.

Athens archaic owl ,520-490 BC, ex M&M #6 1946 664.

17.52 grams



And one more, from my local coin dealer.

Athens  archaic owl circa 480 BC.

17.5 grams



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40 minutes ago, Severus Alexander said:

Believe me, we want to see yours too!!  And don't be shy about posting coins multiple times, especially beauties like yours. ☺️

What a fabulous Knidos Aphrodite!

Haha, ok Severus, you've talked me into it!

Here's my archaic Athens tetradrachm. This is the coin that actually set me on the path to having a smaller collection of higher quality coins. 

It's rare in so much as it is well centred and struck on quite a broad flan, with virtually complete design elements on obv. & rev. Has a few dings and marks, but very attractive for the type. The photo isn't the greatest,  but it's ok.


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Man, those are great examples, coin-gang ... winners

Here are a few of my old coins (I will update the info after I get back from date-night)




Mysia, Kyzikos AR Hemiobol (below)

Date: 600-480 BC

Diameter: 6.51 mm

Weight: 0.23 grams

Obverse: Tunny fish right

Reverse: Quadripartite incuse square


Other: Some deposits

Ex-stevex6 … but now it’s a Doug Smith/Mentor coin

Mysia Kyzikos Tunny Fish.JPG


Lydia AR Siglos (below)
Date: 545-520 BC
Diameter: 15.6 mm
Weight: 4.9 grams
Obverse: Confronted lion and bull.
Reverse: Two incuse square punches





ISLANDS off THRACE, Thasos (below)

AR Sixteenth Stater – Hemiobol

Circa 500-480 BC

Diameter: 8 mm

Weight: 0.56 grams

Obverse: Two dolphins swimming in opposite directions; pellets around

Reverse: Quadripartite incuse square

Reference: Le Rider, Thasiennes 9; HGC 6, 337

Other: toned, light porosity


Islands Off Thrace Thasos Hemiobol.jpg


Thasos, AR Archaic Stater. Satyr & Struggling Nymph (below)
Islands off Thrace, Thasos

c.525 - 463 BC

Diameter: 21.5 mm

Weight: 8.60 grams

Obverse: Satyr carrying off a struggling nymph, who raises her arm in protest

Reverse: Quadrapartite incuse square

Reference: SNG Cop 1010

Other: Nice metal with good facial detail. A classic archaic Greek type!




Troas, Assos (below)

AR Obol? => Hemiobol? => Tetartemorion?

Date: 500-450 BC

Diameter: 6.92 mm

Weight: 0.23 grams

Obverse: Griffin

Reverse: Head of lion


Other: Awesome


Troas Assos AR Obol Griffin & Lion.JPG


IONIA, Ephesos,  AR Tetartemorion (below)

Circa 500-420 BC

Diameter: 5 x 8 mm

Weight: 0.17 grams

Obverse: Bee

Reverse: Head of eagle right within incuse square

Reference: Karwiese Series IV; SNG Kayhan 126–34

Other: 12h … toned, Exceptional for issue


Ionia Ephesos Tetartemorion.jpg

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This one is at the tail end of the archaic period. I really like the style of both Apollo and Lion head.


Sicily, Leontini

AR Tetradrachm, 450-430 BC, 17.18g

Obverse: Fine archaic style laureate head of Apollo right.

Reverse: Lion head right surrounded by four barley corns, LEONTININ around.

References: SNG ANS 247.

Ex: ECIN, 1/11/2013, Winter FUN Show


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