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My only coin addition of 2022


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For me 2022 was not a successful year in terms of numismatics, my time and finances were focused on the renovation of my house. I am sure this will change for next year. Nevertheless I still got this only coin (so far) in 2022, it is a coin that is not entirely in my collection focus, but I always wanted to have a Celtic imitation based on a Greek coin and this one shouts a lot except Greek!

I got it for a very good price when I saw for how much it went for in previous auctions, and the coin is also from the Hermann Lanz Collection and published in M. Kostial, Kelten im Osten - Gold und Silber der Kelten in Mittel- und Osteuropa - Sammlung Lanz (Staatlichen Münzsammlung München, 1997).


Celts in Eastern Europe. AR Tetradrachm. Thasos Type. Circa 2nd - 1st century BC.

Obverse: Celticised head of Dionysos to left, wearing ivy wreath.

Reverse: Stylised Herakles standing to right; legends reduced to pellets around, four pellets-in-annulets around.

Reference: Cf. Göbl, OTA pl. 50, class V/A, 8 (rev.); Lanz/Kosital 996 (this coin).

15.05g; 35mm


Dionysos is almost unrecognizable, and Herakles is not much better as well! It looks more like a Barbarian naked fanatic.

Just to give a comparison this is the 'original' Greek design (NOT MINE, courtesy of CNG):


Thank you all for looking! 


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Thank you all for the nice comments!


On 12/18/2022 at 2:22 PM, The Pontian said:

@Pavlos Dionysos seems to have been a quite popular God in Thasos . It was depicted in a lot of coins from different periods and even when he wasn't depicted , a satyr and a nymph was used . Satyrs and Nymphs were followers of Dionysos so the island seems to have been a Dionysos fans area 😄 .

Here are some examples , (none of them are mine ) :BMC_73.jpg.b20a31f12e82e7c650d743e04d9eb5ac.jpgBerlin_08var.jpg.c9292a0ad1191321e445f60545eb4cb0.jpgBMC_028.jpg.19c643bfe8eb94c5f401d4c3a575aa75.jpgBMC_57.jpg.04e3f322b2b42fcb8ed2688541e1e0aa.jpg


Indeed, Dionysos is very popular in Thrace, there were different oracles and cults there.

I have this nice tetradrachm of Maroneia in Thrace, featuring Dionysos on both sides of the coin!


Thrace, Maroneia. AR Tetradrachm, struck circa 189/8-49/5 B.C.

Obverse: Head of youthful Dionysos to right, wearing ivy wreath.

Reverse: ΔΙΟΝΥΣΟΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ ΜΑΡΩΝΙΤΩΝ Dionysos, nude but for chlamys draped over his left arm, standing left, holding grape bunch in his right hand, two narthex stalks in his left; flanking his feet, two monograms.

Reference: HGC 3.2, 1556. Cf. Schönert-Geiss 1347-9 (dies not recorded).

13,55g; 31.5mm

From the Vineyard Collection, ex I. Vecchi FPL 7, October 1997, 260. 


I also have another example on Lesbos island, there is a cult worshipping a wooden mask! Pausanias relates a story of Methymnaean fishermen dragging up in their nets a xoanon (Archaic wooden cult image) of olive wood which was pronounced by the Delphic oracle to be Dionysos Κεφαλλήν (head). The people of Methymna started to offer sacrifices to it and sent a bronze copy to Delphi. This led to a cult on the island and Dionysos was worshipped as an important deity on the island. The cult figure is standing on a prow because obviously the xoanon has been found by a ship. See my related coin below.


Lesbos, Mytilene. 3rd-2nd centuries BC. AE Tetrachalkon.

Obverse: Head of Zeus-Ammon to right.

Reverse: M-Y/T-I Terminal figure of Dionysos facing on prow; grapes to left. Reference: BMC 134. HGC 6, 1048.

7.8g; 18mm

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On 12/18/2022 at 2:59 AM, Pavlos said:

For me 2022 was not a successful year in terms of numismatics, my time and finances were focused on the renovation of my house. I am sure this will change for next year. Nevertheless I still got this only coin (so far) in 2022, it is a coin that is not entirely in my collection focus, but I always wanted to have a Celtic imitation based on a Greek coin and this one shouts a lot except Greek!

I got it for a very good price when I saw for how much it went for in previous auctions, and the coin is also from the Hermann Lanz Collection and published in M. Kostial, Kelten im Osten - Gold und Silber der Kelten in Mittel- und Osteuropa - Sammlung Lanz (Staatlichen Münzsammlung München, 1997).


Celts in Eastern Europe. AR Tetradrachm. Thasos Type. Circa 2nd - 1st century BC.

Obverse: Celticised head of Dionysos to left, wearing ivy wreath.

Reverse: Stylised Herakles standing to right; legends reduced to pellets around, four pellets-in-annulets around.

Reference: Cf. Göbl, OTA pl. 50, class V/A, 8 (rev.); Lanz/Kosital 996 (this coin).

15.05g; 35mm


Dionysos is almost unrecognizable, and Herakles is not much better as well! It looks more like a Barbarian naked fanatic.

Just to give a comparison this is the 'original' Greek design (NOT MINE, courtesy of CNG):


Thank you all for looking! 


Yes, I know what it is like going through a lean year numismatically.  I am glad that you have finally acquired and moved into your home - that was a long hard road for you.

That Celtic tetradrachm is a very interesting coin, in a style that I have not seen before.  One of the fun aspects of this coinage is the wide range of styles, from literal to abstract imitations of Greek designs.  

I'm looking forward to seeing your posts and coins in 2023!

Here's an example of an Eastern Celts tetradrachm that I picked up in 2020 from Roma E-Sale 68, lot 2.


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On 12/18/2022 at 5:59 AM, Pavlos said:

For me 2022 was not a successful year in terms of numismatics, my time and finances were focused on the renovation of my house. I am sure this will change for next year. Nevertheless I still got this only coin (so far) in 2022, it is a coin that is not entirely in my collection focus, but I always wanted to have a Celtic imitation based on a Greek coin and this one shouts a lot except Greek!

I got it for a very good price when I saw for how much it went for in previous auctions, and the coin is also from the Hermann Lanz Collection and published in M. Kostial, Kelten im Osten - Gold und Silber der Kelten in Mittel- und Osteuropa - Sammlung Lanz (Staatlichen Münzsammlung München, 1997).


Celts in Eastern Europe. AR Tetradrachm. Thasos Type. Circa 2nd - 1st century BC.

Obverse: Celticised head of Dionysos to left, wearing ivy wreath.

Reverse: Stylised Herakles standing to right; legends reduced to pellets around, four pellets-in-annulets around.

Reference: Cf. Göbl, OTA pl. 50, class V/A, 8 (rev.); Lanz/Kosital 996 (this coin).

15.05g; 35mm


Dionysos is almost unrecognizable, and Herakles is not much better as well! It looks more like a Barbarian naked fanatic.

Just to give a comparison this is the 'original' Greek design (NOT MINE, courtesy of CNG):


Thank you all for looking! 


Pavlos, I think our coins are cousins 😂. 443522352_EasternCelticTetradrachm(2).jpg.100b931dfed1bddb44e4f2831cfb9cbc.jpg

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@Pavlos, it's Fantastic to see you on this forum!!!  I for one am kicking myself for not having sent you an invitation here, via the other one.  Congratulations on the house renovation --especially getting the worst of it done!

With the dramatic stylistic departure from the prototypes, I have to chuckle at how, regarding the anatomical details, the Celts just kind of 'cut to the chase.'  :<}

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On 12/25/2022 at 3:19 PM, Simon said:

Love it, Celtic coinage is becoming more interesting to me. So thank you for sharing your 2022 pick and I wish you a successful and Happy 2023. 

Thanks a lot Simon! A happy 2023

22 hours ago, robinjojo said:

Yes, I know what it is like going through a lean year numismatically.  I am glad that you have finally acquired and moved into your home - that was a long hard road for you.

That Celtic tetradrachm is a very interesting coin, in a style that I have not seen before.  One of the fun aspects of this coinage is the wide range of styles, from literal to abstract imitations of Greek designs.  

I'm looking forward to seeing your posts and coins in 2023!

Here's an example of an Eastern Celts tetradrachm that I picked up in 2020 from Roma E-Sale 68, lot 2.


Thanks a lot for your support! I hope next year I will be more abundant in coins. Also a very nice coin, that reverse is so abstract, even more than mine. Your engraver did manage to engrave Herakles his head mirrored so the coin would turn out the same as the original.

20 hours ago, Al Kowsky said:

Pavlos, I think our coins are cousins 😂. 443522352_EasternCelticTetradrachm(2).jpg.100b931dfed1bddb44e4f2831cfb9cbc.jpg

Haha indeed, lovely obverse, some real celtic art.


16 hours ago, JeandAcre said:

@Pavlos, it's Fantastic to see you on this forum!!!  I for one am kicking myself for not having sent you an invitation here, via the other one.  Congratulations on the house renovation --especially getting the worst of it done!

With the dramatic stylistic departure from the prototypes, I have to chuckle at how, regarding the anatomical details, the Celts just kind of 'cut to the chase.'  :<}

Thanks a lot! 🙂 Glad to see you on the forum!

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