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Completely blown out!


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Quite a sad day for me!....😔

Very few big lots come up for sale, in the major auction houses, of Kashmir bronzes...This one I really wanted!

Kashmir. Lot of medieval AE Panchi. Mostly Harsha (1089-1101), but also some other rulers. VG-Fine. (80).

Estimate: $50 - $75


It was with Spink...

66 Harsha coins (So common)! and 14 others...I put in what I thought was a strong bid of 340$..I really did my homework on this one and my bid was actually 20% higher than what I thought....

It sold for 745$!!!!...I wasn't even close...Shame really as I hoped to use the 66 Harsha coins along with the 15 or so I already have in my collection as an article for the new Koinan publication. Die links ,weights  anomalies etc...Can't believe it went for this price!...The other 14 coins weren't that special either...I must have missed something here?....

Back to ebay and slowly start picking up a few at a time for a few bucks I guess....

Anyone have any similar frustrating auctions?

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Ah yes, who doesnt have a case of the auction frusties? Funny thing is, every time I make the same mistakes again. Its a never ending case of self inflicted torment. And I think over the years i have learned to enjoy the pain.

Anyway, it goes something like this. A few weeks before the auction starts, the catalogue is posted. I drewl over all the amazing coins, select a big list of targets, start the research process and decide my tactic. Which is then basically the idea i can get a few main targets cheap because supposedly im the only person on the planet who follows this auction and is interested in the coins. (Haha) Then, the first pre bids come in. No problem, I expected those, and they are manageable. (I tend to forget again and again that a pre bid does not show) someone s max bid. A week before auction date, more pre bids follow. Ok, that is trouble, some high bids already, I have to cancel some targets from my main list. But luckily theres always a second, not main target list and I just go for those. A day before the auction starts the last pre bids come in. By then I cancel almost all my main targets and secondary targets. I can always focus all my funds on one or two coins, right? Auction day arrives: pre bids are just the beginning of the misery. My primary and even secundary targets are getting away on such high prices, i start wheeping a bit. This is not what realized prices told me!! But then comes that one main target left on my list.... I get all my hopes up, go full in.... aaaaaand its gone. Enter: the pain. I start contemplating my lifes choices, open a beer or two and start eating a lot of chips, sometimes followed by frustated shopping on ma shops (and still find nothing).

Luckily theres always another auction around the corner. Eat, sleep (rave) repeat, and sometimes you get lucky. 

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11 minutes ago, Limes said:

Ah yes, who doesnt have a case of the auction frusties? Funny thing is, every time I make the same mistakes again. Its a never ending case of self inflicted torment. And I think over the years i have learned to enjoy the pain.

Anyway, it goes something like this. A few weeks before the auction starts, the catalogue is posted. I drewl over all the amazing coins, select a big list of targets, start the research process and decide my tactic. Which is then basically the idea i can get a few main targets cheap because supposedly im the only person on the planet who follows this auction and is interested in the coins. (Haha) Then, the first pre bids come in. No problem, I expected those, and they are manageable. (I tend to forget again and again that a pre bid does not show) someone s max bid. A week before auction date, more pre bids follow. Ok, that is trouble, some high bids already, I have to cancel some targets from my main list. But luckily theres always a second, not main target list and I just go for those. A day before the auction starts the last pre bids come in. By then I cancel almost all my main targets and secondary targets. I can always focus all my funds on one or two coins, right? Auction day arrives: pre bids are just the beginning of the misery. My primary and even secundary targets are getting away on such high prices, i start wheeping a bit. This is not what realized prices told me!! But then comes that one main target left on my list.... I get all my hopes up, go full in.... aaaaaand its gone. Enter: the pain. I start contemplating my lifes choices, open a beer or two and start eating a lot of chips, sometimes followed by frustated shopping on ma shops (and still find nothing).

Luckily theres always another auction around the corner. Eat, sleep (rave) repeat, and sometimes you get lucky. 

Every month I do this. My budget gets increasingly concentrated until it’s all in one lot I’m desperate to have, which them goes for double what I have.

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@Limes....Thanks made me feel better...

I usually don't frequent auctions but obviously this lot called!

Strangely it wasn't just a coin, as I already own at least one example of each, but what I really wanted to achieve with the group of Harsha examples...I do hope the new owner will reveal something but probably not.


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Sorry to read my friend. And I do feel for you. I get blown out of the water often in this hobby.

On the other end of the spectrum; I could only see common types in the pic, but there had to be at least a couple rarities etc. I was willing to pay an honest price and believe you me, I did😡


Some fun coins with fun patinas, but not a single one that I didn't anyway have and only about ten different types total. 

Sometimes getting what you want means getting what you deserve:/

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@Ryro....Thanks.....Sorry to hear there wasn't  a little gem hidden in that group...☹️...Nice selection though.

I just wanted a large amount in hand of the same ruler to be able to assimilate and record certain criterias that I've been working on over the last couple of years within a much smaller number and alas it ain't gonna happen now!..

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2 minutes ago, Spaniard said:

@Nick....Thanks I hadn't thought of that....Really good idea and will give it a try...

I have been contemplating who would pay this much for what seems a deluge of one ruler....The person " must" have an interest right?

Yes there are only 2 reasons to buy a lot like that. For research, or to sell individually. But they’d need to sell for $25 per coin when the estimate was $1 per coin.

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Weird coincidence, I spent this afternoon attributing a little group of Kashmir bronzes (and another small group of Ceylon Kandy Kings bronzes) that I've had sitting around for a while as a "rainy day" project.  (About half the Kashmiris were Harsha.)  I don't usually bid on large lots, but I often have similar experiences in auctions.  In the latest Steve Album auction I had about ten lots that I was interested in, and carefully followed them through the pre-bidding phase.  Many ended up going for far more than I'd considered bidding, but fortunately one coin, the one I was most interested in, was still under my personal max even though it was well above estimate.  So I ended up paying a considerable sum for one coin, but it is at least a pretty cool and important one, which I will post as soon as it arrives.

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9 hours ago, Limes said:

Ah yes, who doesnt have a case of the auction frusties? Funny thing is, every time I make the same mistakes again. Its a never ending case of self inflicted torment. And I think over the years i have learned to enjoy the pain.

Anyway, it goes something like this. A few weeks before the auction starts, the catalogue is posted. I drewl over all the amazing coins, select a big list of targets, start the research process and decide my tactic. Which is then basically the idea i can get a few main targets cheap because supposedly im the only person on the planet who follows this auction and is interested in the coins. (Haha) Then, the first pre bids come in. No problem, I expected those, and they are manageable. (I tend to forget again and again that a pre bid does not show) someone s max bid. A week before auction date, more pre bids follow. Ok, that is trouble, some high bids already, I have to cancel some targets from my main list. But luckily theres always a second, not main target list and I just go for those. A day before the auction starts the last pre bids come in. By then I cancel almost all my main targets and secondary targets. I can always focus all my funds on one or two coins, right? Auction day arrives: pre bids are just the beginning of the misery. My primary and even secundary targets are getting away on such high prices, i start wheeping a bit. This is not what realized prices told me!! But then comes that one main target left on my list.... I get all my hopes up, go full in.... aaaaaand its gone. Enter: the pain. I start contemplating my lifes choices, open a beer or two and start eating a lot of chips, sometimes followed by frustated shopping on ma shops (and still find nothing).

Luckily theres always another auction around the corner. Eat, sleep (rave) repeat, and sometimes you get lucky. 

This is exactly the same for me, except, in my frustration at not winning any lots, I manage to buy a "cheap" coin that I didn't particularly want instead, and end up paying an extra 2x the cost of the coin to have it posted to me!

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I have concluded, after much introspection, that how one views and values the aspects of life certainly colors behavior. What does it mean to be swayed by emotions over an imamate object such as a coin, a mere lump of metal, indifferent, cold and lacking in the wonders of the living natural world. Yes! Life is much more than auctions, coins and the shallow measures of well being that define our modern existence!  I see the truth!  It shines with an illumination of wisdom and meaning!  So, goodbye to auctions, farewell to pre-bidding!  Adieu to the vain collecting  and pursuit of that which can't be pursued!   Hence forth, I am taking a new leaf in life, foreswearing coins forever!  I see the Light!  I see the Light!

But, whoa, what this I see in the Roma auction?  Hey, uh sorry, gotta go.  Boy, that's a low opening bid! 

Edited by robinjojo
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