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TTT - Time for a Tyche Thread

Prieure de Sion

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MESOPOTAMIA, Singara. Gordian III with Tranquillina, 238-244 AD. AE.
Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian and draped bust of Tranquillina, wearing stephane, facing one another.
Tyche seated left on rock, holding branch; above, centaur (Sagittarius) leaping left, discharging bow; river god below.
SNG Copenhagen 256; BMC 8-11.
Condition: About VF.
Weight: 29.88 g.
Diameter: 33.90 mm.


This is NOT my coin! 

I lost the bidding tonight at the Bucephalus auction 😞 ... because I quickly wrote an email on the side - I missed the lot - I was outbid by 15€ .... Congratulations to the buyer - if you are reading this! 

Now I am a bit sad and need distraction with your Tyche coins! Please show me your Tyche! No matter if on obverses with head or as figure on reverses. No matter if bronze, silver - no matter if Greek, Roman, Provincial - there are so many beautiful Tyches... 

Please show them - it's tychen time!

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Great idea! Amazing detail on that coin as well. I really love the Sagittarius jumping over her turrets. Sorry you missed it. 

Be warned: my Tyche is a bad bitch! My Tyche is so tough she beat up Mike Tyche-son, cured tourettes with her turrets and won a staring contest... with a mirror!


Edited by Ryro
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Sorry you missed out on that Singara special, @Prieure de Sion! I hate it when that happens!

YARN | I hate when that happens. | Addams Family Values (1993) | Video  clips by quotes | 2081238b | 紗

Here's one of my favorite Tyches.

Claudius, AD 41-54.
Roman provincial Æ 23.2 mm, 7.13 g, 12 h.
Cilicia, Caesarea (formerly Mopsuestia), AD 50/1.
Obv: ΤΙΒЄΡΙΟϹ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ; bare head of Claudius, right.
Rev: ΚΑΙⳞΑΡΕΩΝ ΕΤΟΥⳞ Ε; veiled Tyche, seated right, on rocks and holding ears of corn; below, river god.
Refs: RPC I 4086; SNG von Aulock 6348 (Caesarea in Cappadocia); SNG Copenhagen 177 (Caesarea in Cappadocia); SNG Schweiz II (Righetti) 1759 (Caesarea in Cappadocia); SNG Österreich (Caesarea in Cappadocia) 2759-60; RG 4744-45; BMC 21.31,4 (Anazarbus?).

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Aigai Ar Tetradrachm 32-31 BC, Obv. Veiled head of Tyche right wearing mural crown. Rv   Athena standing left holding Nike RPC 4028 14.44 grms 26 mm Photo by W Hansenaegeae3.jpg.4248b50333906dc00c0a5bcff007b2ed.jpg

Surprisingly over the last 50 years some five articles have been written on this coinage. At the beginning only some three coins were known however in 1997 a hoard of slightly less that 200 of these coins were found.

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Great thread! Here are some more Tyches. (Footnotes omitted in all cases.)

Trajan AR Tetradrachm, 112 AD, Seleucis & Pieria, Antioch Mint. Obv. Laureate head right, club below to left and eagle (standing right) below to right, AYTOKP KAIC NER TPAIANOC CEB ΓEPM ΔAK / Rev. Tyche of Antioch, wearing mural crown, seated on rocks, right, holding two ears of wheat and a poppy-head in her right hand, river god Orontes at her feet in river swimming right, looking up at Tyche, left arm extended and left forefinger pointed, ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΙϚ ΥΠΑΤ Ϛ [= TR POT XVI, COS VI]. RPC [Roman Provincial Coinage] Vol. III 3543 (2015); RPC III Online 3543 at https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/3/3543, McAlee 471 (ill. p. 205) (Group 6) [Richard McAlee, The Coins of Roman Antioch (2007)]; Prieur 1499 [Michel and Karin Prieur, Syro-Phoenician Tetradrachms (London, 2000)]; Sear GIC 1089 at p. 100 (ill.), attributed to Tyre [D. Sear, Greek Imperial Coins and their Values (1982)]. 25 mm., 13.88 g.


Hadrian, AR Tridrachm, AD 117-138 (undated), Tarsus Mint, Province of Cilicia (SE Anatolia, now in Turkey). Obv. Laureate head right, [ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΘΕ Τ]ΡA ΠΑΡ ΥΙ ΘΕ ΝΕΡ ΥΙ ΤΡΑI ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ϹEB / Rev. City-goddess Tyche, turreted and veiled, seated left on diphros [backless stool with four turned legs] (front leg & seat decorated as foreleg and wing of sphinx or griffin), holding palm branch in right hand and touching back corner of seat with left hand [type without cornucopiae in left hand]; at her feet to left, river-God Kydnos,* crowned with wreath of sedge-plant, swimming left with right arm upraised, [ΤΑ]Ρ-CΕΩΝ-ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩC. 23 mm., 9.39 g., 1 h. RPC [Roman Provincial Coinage] Vol. III 3262 (2015); RPC III Online at https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/3/3262; Prieur 761 [Michel and Karin Prieur, Syro-Phoenician Tetradrachms (London, 2000)]; BMC Vol. 21 Cilicia 148 at p. 187 [Hill, G.F., A Catalog of the Greek Coins in the British Museum, Greek Coins of Lycaonia, Isauria, and Cilicia (London, 1900)]; SNG France Cilicia 1401-1403 [Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, France Vol. 2, Cilicia (Paris 1993)]. Purchased from Leu Numismatik AG, Winterthur, Switzerland, Web Auction 20, 16-18 Jul 2022, Lot 2065.


Septimius Severus and Julia Domna, AE Pentassarion [5 Assaria], AD 209-211, Marcianopolis, Moesia Inferior [now Devnya, Bulgaria], Flavius Ulpianus, Consular Legate for Moesia Inferior from 209-212 (see https://www.wikiwand.com/de/Liste_der_Statthalter_von_Niedermösien). Obv. Confronted busts of Septimius Severus, laureate, draped, and cuirassed, right, and Julia Domna, draped, left; around, ΑΥ Κ Λ ΣΕΠΤ ΣΕΥΗΡΟΣ ΙΟΥΛΙΑ [ = Imperator Caesar Lucius Septimius Severus Julia]; cont. in exergue in two lines, ΔΟΜΝΑ |  ΣΕΒ [ = Domna Augusta] / Rev. Tyche standing left wearing modius, holding cornucopiae in left arm and rudder with right hand; around, YΦΛ ΟΥΛΠΙΑΝΟΥ MΑΡΚΙΑΝΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ [ = Flavius Ulpianou Markianopoleiton]; E [mark of value for “5”] in left field. 28 mm., 10.79 g.  AMNG I/I 601, obv. leg. var. [Pick, Behrendt, Die antiken Münzen von Dacien und Moesien, Die antiken Münzen Nord-Griechenlands Vol. I/I  (Berlin, 1898) at p. 210; available at https://archive.org/details/p1dieantikenmn01akaduoft/page/210/mode/2up?view=theater]; Hristova & Jekov [Nina Hristova & Gospodin Jekov, The Local Coinage of the Roman Empire - Moesia Inferior, I - III c. A.D., MARCIANOPOLIS  (Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria 2006)]; Varbanov (Eng.) Vol. I, 868 [Ivan Varbanov, Greek Imperial Coins And Their Values, Volume I: Dacia, Moesia Superior & Moesia Inferior (English Edition) (Bourgas, Bulgaria, 2005)]; Moushmov 411 (rev. ill. Pl. X No. 29) [see http://www.wildwinds.com/coins/moushmov/markianopolis.html for English translation of catalog portion of H. Moushmov, Ancient Coins of the Balkan Peninsula (1912); see http://www.wildwinds.com/coins/moushmov/plates/large/X.jpg for reproduction of Pl. X]. Purchased July 2022 from YOTHR (Yoshua Three Coins), Herrenberg, Germany; ex Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung, Online Auction 268, 29.03.2022, Lot 4308; ex Collection of Erwin Link, Stuttgart, Germany.


Philip I AE Octassarion (8 Assaria), Second Issue, AD 247-249, Syria, Seleucis & Pieria, Antioch Mint. Obv. Radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right, ΑΥΤΟΚ Κ Μ ΙΟΥΛΙ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟϹ ϹƐΒ / Rev. Turreted and draped bust of Tyche right; above, ram leaping right with head turned back left; star below bust; ΑΝΤΙΟΧƐΩΝ - ΜΗΤΡΟ ΚΟΛΩΝ around; Δ – Ɛ [Delta – Epsilon] across upper fields; S - C across lower fields. 30 mm., 15.68 g. McAlee 990 (ill. p. 345) [Richard McAlee, The Coins of Roman Antioch (2007)]; RPC VIII Online (unassigned, ID 7493) (see https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/type/7493); BMC 20 Syria 526 [Warwick Wroth, A Catalog of the Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. 20, Galatia, Cappadocia, and Syria (London, 1899) at p. 215]. Purchased from Kenneth W. Dorney, Feb. 2022.*


Anonymous colonial civic issue, AE 23, 251 - 260 AD (Trebonianus Gallus to Valerian I), Troas, Alexandria Troas Mint. Obv. Draped bust of Tyche right, wearing mural crown, vexillum inscribed CO AV over right shoulder, CO ALEX TR / Rev. Horse (of Erichthonius?)* grazing to right, COL AVG, TROAD in exergue. RPC IX 505 (see https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/9/505); Bellinger A486 [Alfred A. Bellinger, Troy, The Coins (Princeton 1961)]; BMC 17 Troas, 46 var. [diff. legends]; see also id. 45, 47-50 var. [Warwick Wroth, A Catalog of the Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. 17, Troas, Aeolis, and Lesbos (London 1894)]; SNG Copenhagen 108-113 [Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Copenhagen, The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum, Part 20, Troas (1945)]. 23 mm., 5.80 g.  Ex: Pars Coins; Ex: Kenneth W. Dorney.


Salonina (wife of Gallienus), Billon Tetradrachm, 266-267 AD (Year 14), Alexandria, Egypt mint.  Obv. Draped bust right, wearing stephane (Milne obv. type t4), KOPNHΛIA CAΛѠNЄINA CЄB / Rev. Tyche wearing long chiton and peplum, crowned with modius, reclining left on lectisternium* adorned with double garland, resting right hand on rudder, resting left elbow on arm of lectistermium and supporting head with left hand, LIΔ (Year 14) in left field, palm branch in exergue. 23.6 mm., 10.94 g. Emmett 3865.14 (R2), Milne 4140 at p. 99, K&G 91.47 (ill. p. 323), BMC 16 Alexandria 2266 at p. 294, Sear RCV III 10716, Dattari (Savio) 5342, Köln (Geissen) 2982.  Purchased from Marc R. Breitsprecher Oct. 2021. Ex. Stack’s Coin Galleries Mail Bid Sale, Nov. 13, 1985, part of Lot 209 (with original coin tag). 


Anonymous civic issue, reign of Maximinus II, AE quarter follis [?][Sear] or 1/12 nummus [?][McAlee p. 106], Antioch Mint (3rd Officina), ca. 311-312 AD. Obv. Tyche (city-goddess of Antioch) wearing mural crown, seated facing on rock, holding wheat or  grain ears with right hand and, with left hand, holding a two-handled basket (filled with wheat or grain ears[?]) resting on ground to right, river god Orontes swimming below, GENIO ANTIOCHINI / Rev. Apollo standing left, pouring libation from patera held in right hand, and holding lyre in raised left hand, Γ [gamma, signifying 3rd Officina] in right field, APOLLONI SANCTO around; in exergue, SMA [meaning Sigmata Moneta Antioch (money struck at Antioch) or Sacra Moneta Antioch]. [Not in RIC; see http://www.notinric.lechstepniewski.info/6ant_civ_4v.html.]  Sear RCV IV 14927 (ill); Vagi 2954; McAlee 170(c) (ill. p. 107); Van Heesch Type 3 [Van Heesch, J. "The last civic coinages and the religious policy of Maximinus Daza (AD 312)" in Numismatic Chronicle (1993), pp. 63-75 & Pl. 11]; ERIC II, “Anonymous Religious Coinage of the Fourth Century,” pp. 1198-1199, No. 2. 16 mm., 1.35 g. [Struck either (1) to promote propaganda against Christians and aid in their persecution (and thus traditionally denominated the “Persecution issue”; or (2) as proposed by David Kalina, for use in festivals, including the Festival of Apollo at Daphne, held in conjunction with the Olympics in Antioch in 312 AD. See Kalina, David, “Anonymous Civic Coinage,” Series 1, at http://allcoinage.com/anonymous_civic.php.]


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Tyche appears pretty frequently on the reverses of Parthian coins (other than the drachms).  The most common reverse type on the tetradrachms is Tyche handing a diadem to the king.  Here's a representative example on a tetradrachm of Vardanes II (55-58):


Tyche also shows up on Parthian bronze coinage.  She is the usual subject of the reverse of bronze coins from Seleucia-on-the-Tigris (and even appears on the obverse of a few "pseudo-autonomous" coins), but she also makes appearances on other cities' coins.  Here she is on a bronze of Ecbatana, issued by Orodes II (57-38 BC).  The portrait style is pretty silly, with a wobbly three-tiered turret hat, nose too far up her forehead, and a facial expression that I once described as "the derpiest derp-face that ever derped."



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Trajan, Bronze - Laodicea ad Mare - c114-115 AD
ΑΥΤΟΚΡ ΝΕΡ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΑΡΙϹΤ ΚΑΙϹ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡ ΔΑΚ ΠΑΡ, laureate head of Trajan right with drapery on left shoulder
ΙΟΥΛΙΕⲰΝ ΤⲰΝ ΚΑΙ ΛΑΟΔΙΚΕⲰΝ ΒΞΡ, Turreted bust of Tyche right, IOY in right field
9.97 gr
Ref : RPC vol III # 3796, Sear #1080



Philippe II (07 ou 08/247-09/249) - Tetrassarion de l'atelier de Samosata (Commagène) - ca 247/249 CE
AYTOK K M IOYΛI ΦIΛIΠΠOC CЄB, Buste lauré, drapé et cuirassé à droite, vu par l'arrière
CAMOCATЄΩN, Tyche, drapée et tourrelée, assise a gauche sur des rochers, tenant un épi de blé dans sa main droite. A ses pieds, Pégase volant à gauche.
28 mm - 14.32 g - 7 h
Ref : BMC # 56, Butcher # 33c, RPC vol VIII # ID 8229


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Tyche on the obverse and on the reverse


Lydia, Hierokaisareia
Pseudo-autonomous issue
Time of the Severans (193-235)
Obv: IЄPOKAICAPЄIA, Turreted and draped bust of Tyche right.
Rev: IЄPOKAICAPЄΩN, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia.
AE, 4.7g, 21mm
Ref.: BMC 21


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Here is one with a Phoenician date:


Phoenicia, Marathos, dated Year 26 (233 BC), AE18 5.98g
Obv: Tyche bust with palm branch
Rev: On right, downwards, 𐤖𐤖𐤖𐤖𐤖𐤖𐤘𐤕𐤔 ('Year 26' in Phoenician; 233/2 BC); on left 𐤔𐤌 upwards; Astarte standing
Ref: Lindgren & Kovacs 2304; BMC p. 297, 1 (plate XXXV #7).
CNG, Triton VI, January 2002, lot 1563 (part) ex David Freedman

When I attempted to decipher the year there were no examples to check on acsearch.info for comparison.

Now there are several:

  • year 103 = 157-156 (?).
  • 107 =152/151 v.Chr.?
  • "73"= 187/186 v.Chr

This makes me think some of us have misread the date.


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I won the coin pictured below at Roma Auction XX, the most important auction of 2020, where the famous EID.MAR gold aureus set the record for the highest price an ancient coin ever achieved at auction ☺️. I lost control while bidding on this coin 🙄, & ended up paying times the estimate 😮, never the less I'm happy I won the coin 😄.


SELEUKIS & PIERIA, Seleukeia AR Tetradrachm: 15.00 gm, 34 mm, 12 h. Dated Year 18 (92/91 BC). Obverse: Turreted head of Tyche. Reverse: Thunderbolt on stool. Roma XX, lot 292.

Pictured below was the star of the auction. To this day I still don't know who won this fabulous coin 🤔.


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Nice Seleukia,  no doubt the Eid Mar is in a investors hands. I hope a hoard of several 100 AU Eid mars is discovered and most rapidly dispersed!  As kapphnwn above the discovery of a hoard of Aigai tets altered things somewhat! Until 1842 William the Conk Paxis pennies were rare until a hoard was discovered of a few 100?

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Tyche is likely the most used theme on 'provincial' coinage. This is from a series of auctions that have been going for the last 3months, dispatching the odds and ends of a southern German collection:


Lydia. Tripolis. Gordian III (238-244)
AE27x25 9.75g copper multiple, minted at Tripolis ca. 238-244.
ΑVΤ ' Κ Μ ΑΝΤ ' ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟ - C, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right seen from back
ΤΡ - ΙΠΟΛ - Є - ΙΤΩΝ, Tyche standing to left, holding rudder and cornucopiae.
RPC VII.1 741, GPRC Lydia 156

Edited by seth77
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These are all not my coins!

We had a private / business meeting today. And the collector colleague also had these four Tych coins in his tablets - which I also photographed and would like to show you here. Since, as I said, they are not my coins, I have no idea about the dates - Philip I and Philip Caesar certainly - but I cannot say offhand which mints, weight, diameter, etc. they are from. But - I still wanted to show his Tyches here in the thread.


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What a fabulous thread!!  (@shanxi: that Lydian obverse Tyche is stunning!)

Here are a few of my favourite Tyches.

Tyche tetradrachm of Demetrios I:



Tyche and Sol merge on this countermarked Tarsus:



And (rather less attractively) Tyche merges with Titus on this one (Antioch AE21 dated 188=79/80):image.jpeg.0bb3715a83d677687887c3bb54e9059f.jpeg


Even worn, the Tyche busts on the bronzes of Laodicea are often lovely:


By the time of Gallienus, though, poor Tyche has appeared on so many coins that she's totally exhausted and not a little irritable (Alexandria in Troas):


Finally, here's one of the very last Tyches, on a pentanummium of Justin I and Justinian (joint reign, 527):



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Roman Cilicia, Aigeai. Time of Domitian, 81-96 AD. Æ 18mm (3.50g,1h). Dated year 135 (88/89 AD). Obv: Veiled, turreted and draped bust of Tyche right. Rev: Head of horse left; LE[R] (date) in reverse legend. Ref: SNG Levante 1705 (this coin); SNG France -. 


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9 hours ago, NewStyleKing said:

Nice Seleukia,  no doubt the Eid Mar is in a investors hands. I hope a hoard of several 100 AU Eid mars is discovered and most rapidly dispersed!  As kapphnwn above the discovery of a hoard of Aigai tets altered things somewhat! Until 1842 William the Conk Paxis pennies were rare until a hoard was discovered of a few 100?

N.S.K., You make a good point, the rarity of an ancient coin can change in an instant if a hoard of the same type is discovered 😏. That's one of the pitfalls of collecting ancient coins we all have to deal with....

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Some lovely Tyches in this thread.  Not to bring down the neighborhood, I'm going to share two of my ugliest.

This one was in my collection for a couple years before I figured out I'd misattributed it to Severus Alexander; it is actually Macrinus, from Macedon: 


Macrinus  Æ 22 Macedonia, Amphipolis (217-218 A. D.) [AV M O(pit over Π)]Є C[ЄV M]AKPIN[OC], laureate and cuirassed bust right /[AMΦIΠ]OΛEITΩN, Tyche-City Goddess enthroned left holding patera. Varbanov 3285; Sear GIC 2910. (5.87 grams / 22 mm ) eBay July 2020 Attribution Notes:  I originally thought this was Severus Alexander; it is Macrinus.  The lack of a fish in the exergue is what tipped me off (all Severus Alexanders have the fish). What looks like an O before the Є in the obverse legend seems to be a pit in the surface of the flan.  

From father to son, this one was issued by Sillyum. It is just awful, part of an unattributed eBay lot (from whence a lot of my Provincials come).  I could only find one other example, the Wildwinds plate coin, said to be unpublished.  This one seems to be a die-match, so now there's two of 'em - I'm willing to consider offers in the low five figures 😇


Diadumenian  Æ 17 Sillyum, Pamphylia (c. 217-218 A.D.) [...ANTΩ]ΔIAΔ[OVM...], bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right / CIΛΛV[Є]ΩN, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia. Unpublished (see notes). (4.65 grams / 17 mm) eBay June 2022        Lot @ $0.99  Attribution Notes:  Appears to be a die match for unpublished specimen on Wildwinds via Gitbud & Naumann Auction 38; Lot 568; 06.12.2015. Auction description: SNG von Aulock -; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC -; Isegrim -; apparently unpublished.

My ugly one compared to the much more appetizing Wildwinds example: 



I have handsomer Tyches, but this gave me an excuse to post a couple of plug-uglies.  




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