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  1. I actually got it from a fellow collector who liquidated his stuff, Its one of these https://www.robdaviscabinets.co.uk/ Highly recommended! Great product.
  2. Awesome coins! Nothing like that, unless you count Athena using a shield on the reverse 🤣 I've always wanted one of those Macedonian Protectorate tets, super cool!
  3. heyo! Thank you so much for the compliments, I would say my favourite is the Perseus as well. Its one of the Davis cabinets, and I do not know the diameter but the Perseus tet is quite difficult to remove LOL and that's a 34mm coin, so around there I would imagine.. sorry not entirely sure
  4. Great ant of Diocletian there @Curtisimo ! He was a big fan of cabbages, did you know 🤣 I think that my Tiberius drachm would fit these criteria decently well! Although its a bit worn on some areas, i think its fairly fresh.. got some good centering and strike power Let me know what you think
  5. ah yes, I always forget to do that... I will take a pic tmrw when the sun is up in the same spot for the reverses! 😄
  6. thanks! I would say its my favourite type, i really love Lysimachos tets, i have 9 of them at this moment but getting rid of two soon 😛
  7. Here's the link to the lot! https://auctions.cngcoins.com/lots/view/4-C0S26G/sicily-entella-punic-issues-circa-32015-300-bc-ar-tetradrachm-28mm-1673-g-10h-good-vf
  8. Are you a fan of natural sunlight for your photos or artificial?
  9. Thank you. Side note, bless the people and Amentia in particular on that website, it looks like they do ALOT of great work on fake finding
  10. Could you message me or post which lot# the alexander gold coin is that is giving you some doubts? I have some targets at Noonans, one of which consists of an alexander stater, wanted to know if its the same one much appreciated!
  11. My current favourites are my Perseus Tetradrachm and Alexander the Great Stater, Love these two but looking forward to getting something even more special one day!
  12. In my humble opinion, Claudius has some of the nicest portraits of the Julio-Claudians, specifically when it comes to sestertii.. Here is mine and hoping to upgrade to something spectacular in the future!
  13. Enjoying the slow season of work and playing a lot of World of Warcraft, lmao Here is a quick shot I took of an Antiochos the Great tetradrachm I picked up around 6 months ago. I really like the detail on it
  14. KINGS of THRACE, Macedonian. Lysimachos. 305-281 BC. AR Tetradrachm (30mm, 17.22 g, 1h). Lampsakos mint. Struck 297/6-282/1 BC Can never have too many of these types, lol
  15. Thank you all very much, appreciate the reviews and recommendations!
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